King’s Landing in Nottingham

Vol 1100 Chapter 854: The people love to hear

Item 0854

My friends, the Notts County Club did not give gifts at all. The old detective was completely self-righteous, and felt that there was money in the envelope.

Are you kidding me?

Once or twice, it’s okay. If you’re a boss, don’t you worry about going out of business for a long time. If you knew it wasn’t money, why didn’t you say it in the first place!

Why didn't you tell me so early? ? ? ! ! !

"Everyone, it's hard to do business now. Anyway, he can bring more than a dozen people at a time. It seems that there are too many people..."

"What's more, he is still a detective, and my shop has to be covered by him..."

In one sentence, business is difficult, and it is said that after all the hardships and pains of the owners of entertainment venues, in an industrial city, no one comes to open high-end venues.

It's not easy for a bunch of vulgar fans to encourage maintenance. Okay~_~.

"Hey, I'm too difficult..."

To be honest, the owner of this entertainment venue is also daring not to say anything, only when the envelope is filled with colorful banknotes.

If you don't mention it, the old inspector naturally thinks that it's all money, and if a dozen people come to consume it, they can eat it.

"Yes, Notts County is good."

The retreats again and again made the old detective feel that the Notts County Club was on the road. As long as he could take care of it in the future, he would be happy to open one eye and close one eye.

I never thought I would have planted so soon...

Speaking of one thousand, to ten thousand, there seems to be nothing about the Notts County Club here.

So, is there any suspicion of inducing such behavior by the Notts County Club?

Looks like there is...


The man who put this thing that entices others to make mistakes into the old detective's **** pocket is Esayas, the head of Huaxin Security Company!

Although the Dutch bears the name of a former Notts County club player, he is now an out-and-out social man.

This kind of routine of being in the world is normal for those who wander on the edge of the rules.

If this layer of inference is added, Esayas's behavior is understandable.

The wind has reversed once again, but reporters in the English media circle still enjoy it. As long as the fans like to watch it, they are happy to report.

Everyone, what is the culture that the people like to hear and see?

Maybe this is it?

The old Sir Alex gave up the tossing, after all, the navy men he hired had all turned away. Who would let Notts County give more money!

In this round of the game, Manchester United really lost, but the Manchester United people did not lose injustice.

Manchester United will have the Champions League final and the FA Cup final to play next, and won the Champions League trophy. Even if the FA Cup is handed over to Notts County, there will be no big storms.

But Manchester United will not let go, they have to fight for this tone!

But the old Sir Alex would not put too much energy into a war of words because of a small loss, which is obviously not conducive to stabilizing the military's spirit.

"Fak! You return me Wayne Rooney!"

It's a rare swear word, the old Sir, what makes him most uncomfortable in the whole thing, is it, his love will Rooney injured, especially internal injury.

As for UEFA’s suspension notice, it will be issued to the club soon. I hope that Manchester United will not lose too much of the main force.

"These Notts County people who killed a thousand knives!"

Sir Alex couldn't help but cursed again, and then he called his number one thug, Karl, and whispered a few words.

"Understood! Sir! Don't worry, I will do my best to do this well!"

Carl then took his orders. This guy looked proud and excited when he went out. He didn't forget to bring the door to him. It seemed that he was too happy.

Don’t you have to look like this to be valued by your own boss?

According to the police report, apart from the fingerprints of the old detective, Isaias and the owner of the entertainment venue, there are no other fingerprints on the envelope involved.

The dazzling fire lacquer mark on the top also shows that this thing has indeed not been opened.

Entertainment venues are monitored, and the Notts County Club is also full of cameras.

The video can be used as evidence, not to mention the fact that the facts are clear and the quality of the video is clear.

Cristiano Ronaldo and Wayne Rooney fight each other is a certainty. In view of the extremely bad influence, the two have been banned by UEFA for three games.

Therefore, in the Champions League final this season, Lu Xiaopang is determined to be unable to play, and Manchester United has suffered a lot.

At that time, the Manchester United club surrounded Cristiano Ronaldo, and the Notts County club also surrounded the Manchester United players. Both sides were suspected of committing crimes.


Cristiano Ronaldo and Frank Ribery’s injuries are much heavier than Rooney. They really went to the court, and the judges will try them at their discretion, and they may end up on the Notts County side.

After all, all the video evidence seems to benefit the Notts County Club.

Therefore, Sir Alex’s choice was very wise, and Carl did a good job. Manchester United withdrew the lawsuit as soon as possible. At the same time, he also cancelled the labor contract with the navy team.

When checking out the money, the cash flow is also deducted from the third-party account. No one knows the relationship between these people and the Manchester United club.





Unknowingly, after losing to Manchester United in the semi-finals of the European Champions Cup, the Magpies first team trained for a long time.

Before the people of Notts County start training every day, Harvey Alonso has to lead the big guy and shout three times of shame. This is their compulsory course!

Today’s leader is Rivaldo. The Brazilian has decided to retire. Edgar Davis and Edwin Van der Sar are still considering.

World Cup, Champions League, Europa League, League, Cup, Community Shield, European Super Cup...

The Brazilian has had a very successful career. The seasons he has played for Notts County have also been good. The captain's armband has also been worn, and he has scored goals, assists, lore, and ties.

The heavyweight champions also won a lot, but it was almost a European Champions Cup title for the Magpies. Unfortunately, this was the result. After all, the Brazilian's Notts County career will never be in the future.

Rivaldo only announced the decision this morning. Last night, he tossed and turned and stayed up all night.

Early in the morning, the players of the Notts County Club saw the news from the social software, and everyone was feeling a little heavy.

Coach Klopp also cried silently, and more players hid in the back row, hiding their faces and weeping.

Frank Ribery is the most disappointed, this guy has rushed to Rivaldo's side, holding the Brazilian and weeping bitterly.

"Brother, what do you mean by this, why did you all leave one by one? We haven't won the Champions League together yet!"

As soon as this statement came out, dozens of Magpie players who could hold back tears couldn't help it instantly.


Aryan Robben squatted on the ground, Peter Pan had a hunch that with Rivaldo's retirement, his elder brothers Edgar Davis and Van der Sar, there are not many days before this step...

………………Dividing line………………

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