King’s Landing in Nottingham

Vol 1100 Chapter 845: Enemy meets, especially jealous

Chapter 0845 the enemy meets, extremely jealous

"There won't be too much stoppage time in this game, because there are no fouls and injuries, and the two sides have been holding the ball and counterattacking..."

"It is truly amazing, Smith, the net game time in the second half is staggering!"

When the fourth official on the sidelines raised the card for stoppage time, the hearts of Notts County fans raised their throats.

"The Notts County people have one minute left, oh no, now there are only fifty-nine seconds left..."

"I think most of Notts County fans have stood up. Will a miracle happen? Let us pray for Notts County!"

Smith silently drew a cross on his chest, not knowing whether Notts County could get God's favor.

Objectively speaking, Notts County is indeed the strongest overall team in the Premier League at present. The Notts County, who can hurt the entire camp, will not necessarily win the highest honor in the Champions League final.

It is obviously more in the interests of the Premier League and the FA to allow Manchester United clubs to advance to the finals.

No one knows what will happen in these last tens of seconds.

The players of the Notts County club may be able to score one more goal, but would it be too difficult to score two goals?

"Beep Beep Beep..."

The Manchester United fans in the visitors stand blew the whistle they hid in private, trying to interfere with the normal progress of the game, but in fact it is completely unnecessary:

When the referee looked down at his watch several times in a row, the players of Down Notts County trembled in their legs.

And when the referee officially blew the whistle, the players of the Notts County Club performed a scene of all beings to the Magpie Stadium fans:

Kneeling on both knees, one-fingered sky, there are also a few with all four feet upside down, and some hiding their faces and crying, and even more reliant on each other, crying in their hands...

The Notts County fans in the stands are no different from this group of Magpies, but they cry so much that they may not be sad.

Hard work, hard work, and finally...

With more than 90 minutes of game time and dozens of minutes, they are extremely happy.

But after that, the hearts of Nottsshire people felt like a knife twisted.


"woo woo woo woo……"


The Notts County fans in the Parvis stands soon fell into tears, but among them, there were a few guys in peaked caps who were crying even more sadly.

"Arjan, blame me, if I couldn't control my own mouth, I wouldn't push you to buy food, and everyone would not eat and drink with us, oooo..."

Who is crying so sad but Frank Ribey?

Although the several parties who were caught that day all agreed that it was Aryang's bad idea, but this does not mean that they have no idea.

At first, this idea was brought up by Frank Ribery, who was greedy.

In the end, everyone was unable to play, and Notts County could only respond to the enemy with a remnant formation.

Crying is useless.

When Frank Ribery, Arjan Robben and others went to the home team's locker room, Coach Klopp was giving an impassioned speech:

"...It's no big deal. You have been good enough this season. This game is not your true strength. If you want revenge, it will be proved to everyone in the FA Cup final a few days later. You are well-deserved of the Premier League. The strongest team!"

"I don't need you to prove it to me. How many championships have you won? How hard you train, you can't get results in competitive sports, everything is just empty talk..."

The Notts County players in the locker room had red eyes and they didn't seem to cry less. When Robelli came in, their emotions were obviously over.

The Manchester United got everything they wanted. Sir Ferguson led his disciples to the visiting team's locker room to wash up. They happily awaited the arrival of the press conference after the game.

The Notts County fans in the Magpie Stadium have been reluctant to leave for a long time. They turned on the flash on their phones and sang the English version of their blessings loudly.

That's right, it was Wei Xun who paid a big price to ask a university professor to compose the music and fill in the lyrics.

If you really want a bunch of English masters to sing Chinese songs with their throats, the effect is just as non-standard as Mandarin, and it sounds like a thief.

Wei Xun doesn't want others to comment on what the Notts County Club is. Others want money to sing, and we sing badly. He can't afford to lose this person.

Someone feels a little unhappy at this time. If Klopp listened to his advice at the beginning, don't make any suspension for this game, even if the next three Premier League games will not let this gang of wrongdoers play, it doesn't matter.

Brother, but this is the Champions League semi-final!

It is related to whether Notts County can reach the UEFA Champions League final this season, get the European Champions Cup, and become a well-deserved giant club!

"Fuck his uncle!"

Wei Xun kicked the door of the third locker room. Zhao Tai and a few others were smoking cigarettes in it. It was really depressed.

Zhao Tai and the others had nowhere to vent their sorrows. As soon as it was Wei Xun who was kicking in, they had no desire.

I lit a cigarette from mouth to mouth, pulled Wei Xun up, and sitting in this smoky environment, some of the elders started crying bitterly.

Is the Champion of the European Cup not fragrant?

Playing in the Champions League final, even if you don't win the championship, isn't it good to gain experience for the coming year?

Have to make this season's glory so heroic?

This season, the Notts County Club could have been even better.

Fortunately now, the team was eliminated, and the ultimate goal of the season was missed, but it was not achieved.

In front of tens of thousands of Notts County fans, the Magpies were beaten back to their original form, and they really had to roll back to their hometown from the UEFA Champions League.

What would this group of players who made mistakes think?

What should the Notts County fans think?

At the post-match press conference, how would Klopp explain all this?

In fact, after returning to the locker room, the German bowed like players, he took all the responsibility on himself.

It is foreseeable that in the press conference after the game, Uncle Zha will also blame all this on his own tactical arrangements.

This is his problem. It has nothing to do with his players. The team has already been eliminated. It will not help to have more criticisms on this group of players. It is better to let him bear more.

The Manchester United players who played well in this game, Ryan Giggs and Rooney, also went to the Notts County locker room, and they wanted to comfort the Magpies.

After all, they are the ultimate winners. There is still a high probability of winning the Champions League in the final. It is good to comfort the loser.

Unexpectedly, I ran into Cristiano Ronaldo dangling over outside the door.

When the enemy meets, they are extremely jealous.

"Fak squid!"

Cristiano Ronaldo dashed off the cane in his hand and rushed in the direction where Rooney and Giggs were...

………………Dividing line………………

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