King’s Landing in Nottingham

Vol 1100 Chapter 1020: The professional quality of the old man can be

Chapter 1020

The Notts County Club and the Magpie Group do not pay much attention to the demands of public opinion from the old-school English figures. They have reached several deals with West Asia Petroleum.

Ever since, someone jumped out to scold them at the Notts County Club and the Magpie Group—you are a mother if you have milk.

In fact, what's the matter with this, the **** is really used to double labeling.

What is the relationship between Huawei and the Uyghurs?

How did Griezmann become French Özil?

Özil can't play at all, it's all Arsenal to take care of the Chinese market?

I bought a watch last year!

Under the enthusiasm of the crowd, the actions of the Notts County Club and the Magpie Group were not encumbered by them.

"You, you, the Notts County Club, dare to disobey our meaning!"

They began to feel sore. When they said this, their fingers and lips were still shaking very irregularly.

Then, they started a painless counterattack.

Before the start of the eighteenth round of the Premier League, Crystal Palace coach O'Neal also had a fight with Notts County club coach Jurgen Klopp.

The old man is also very innocent. Although the game style is rougher, he has not yet taken the initiative to fight with people.

This was all forced out by the people behind him.

The Notts County Club Data Analysis Center, but there is such data, no one can do it.

The old man has participated in news events less than 20 times in a year, and many news conferences have been replaced by his assistants.

Now this week, have actually accepted five interviews with media reporters? ? ?

If something goes wrong, there must be a demon. This is the truth that our sages told us!

Coach O'Neal first aimed at the tactical style of the Notts County club, saying that this is a "free and unsophisticated" style of play, which seriously violates the law of football development in the world of football.

However, turning around to take a look, it seems that the frequency of using this tactic is not low, but on the contrary, they have fallen behind.

The Scottish coach changed his tune quite quickly, and he quickly attracted his fellow Scottish compatriot, Sir Ferguson, to flatter him.

But he seems to have overlooked a problem. Manchester United has been in a very bad situation recently, and they have been crushed by the Notts County club too badly.

Coach O'Neal, is your home just connected to the Internet?

Although the people behind them are veterans of manipulating public opinion, the reaction of the common people is really a little cold.

It can be seen that their topics are not able to attract the attention of the English people.

"The Notts County club is the representative of English football in the intercontinental. In the first team, there are not many English players, even if the British Isles are counted, there are very few players!"

"I can't help asking, is this the Premier League, is this England? Is this still the British Isles under the rule of His Majesty Victoria?"

"If they are allowed to develop, they will inevitably subvert the English football system and seriously hinder the development of the level of English football!"

Ordinary people can see from the camera that when Coach O'Neal said these few words, Tengde stood up. The expression on his face and the state of slapped his hands on the table can definitely highlight his distress. .

Good guys!

It is the group of behind-the-scenes manipulators, and now they are not screamed at the scene!

Coach O’Neal’s performance this time, I am afraid that the old man’s true feelings are revealed, right?

The acting is really great!

Among other things, just three consecutive questions with O'Neal's combat effectiveness are enough to make the colleagues of the Notts County Club scream for him.

"The old man can be professional!"

Hehe, no matter how provocative the opponent, Jurgen Klopp and Wei Xun ignored them.

The Germans don’t matter what you are here, I always have a soft word, but when I bounce back, I just won’t pick up your words.

Wei Xun’s head is even more terrifying. If it is a media that has a good relationship with the Magpie Group and the Notts County Club, they will evade that Mr. Chairman is unwell.

But if it is some reporters sent by the enemy, Wei Xun accepts all invitations. However, during the telephone interviews between the two sides, he has always been um, ah, oh, eh...

The end result is often that the reporter friend on the other end of the phone viciously hangs up the phone.

Jurgen Klopp has always disliked lip service. He prefers to go to the court and let's do it with real swords. For example, the previous game between the Notts County Club and Norwich.

Crystal Palace's results are good, this is not bad, but compared to his previous seasons, there is still a big gap compared with the Notts County club.

About thirty points...

As for the main lineup, Klopp has already thought about it. He maintains a certain attack power in the frontcourt, with veterans in the backcourt, and most positions have begun to rotate and train.

"We are fighting on the fourth line. Just relying on such a few people in the first team is not enough!"

Jurgen Klopp said in the pre-match press conference.

"When there are still not enough people in the Notts County club's lineup? Coach Klopp, are you planning to let other teams live?"


I don't know which newspaper reporter it was. At this moment, he made a joke. Afterwards, the press conference burst into laughter.

It seems that the Notts County Club has resolutely carried out the big rotation to the end so that they can maintain a strong impact on multiple fronts.

In fact, the media reporters present also had a lot of questions about Crystal Palace coach O'Neill, but the old Scottish man once again became a deserter.

The assistant coach of the Crystal Palace Club said that in this game, Crystal Palace will uphold their tenacious style of the game and strive to gnaw points from the mouth of the Notts County Club.

Domineering, but also very uplifting!

Crystal Palace's game was really fierce. Kaka and Frank Ribery were both injured in less than 20 minutes in the first half.

Zhang Qingsong had seen it at that time, and it was all flawed.

If the action can be closed for a while, there will be absolutely nothing wrong with the two of them.

The players of the Notts County club are used to being civilized when they play football. How can they know that Crystal Palace will come to this hand? This is not a kick at all, but is directed at people.

The referee in this game also seemed to be a little bit biased. The captain of the Notts County club, veteran goalkeeper Edwin Van der Sar, went up to complain and received a yellow card.

Dissatisfaction quickly spread in the hearts of the players of the Notts County club.

The Magpies have played a lot of young people in this game. They are all fearless masters. Can they persuade you about this kind of thing?

The veteran English team, spewing trash, can't be more good at it. How can the lads of the Notts County club stand this!

What did the instructors say at that time?


Who of us is not raised by father and mother? It's all two shoulders and one head!

………………Dividing line………………

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