King Who Will Cross

Chapter 787: It was discovered by us on purpose!

"How long has it been there?"

"4 minutes and 32 seconds!"

In the central command hall of the Pentagon, the U.S. military general Geista, who was temporarily in charge of handling the incident, roared, "You mean, it's been there for so long, but we can't do anything about it?"

A colonel officer lowered his head and reported: "Actually, it is not really stationary, but has been keeping horizontal and stationary with our military satellite. At its current speed, we simply cannot send any effective signals to it." Means of attack!"

The satellite is in a state of motion all the time above the geosynchronous earth orbit, and the speed of the unnamed fighter that can keep horizontally stationary with this military satellite can be imagined!

The colonel officer continued: "And our only effective attack method to deal with the space crisis, the X-37B, has been destroyed during the previous launch. Two of the remaining experimental models, even if they can be successfully launched, are impossible. Any effective strike against this unknown type of fighter!"

While speaking, a technician reported loudly: "Its residence time has reached 5 minutes!"

Before Admiral Geista could say anything, there was another commotion in the central hall.

Because in the picture, the fighter plane of an unknown model that seemed to have been standing still suddenly moved!

Like traditional fighters, this fighter also has wings. However, compared with traditional fighters, the wing part of this fighter is shorter than its own volume.

After standing still for five minutes, a panel was suddenly put away on the left wing of the fighter, near what seemed to be the air intake of a traditional fighter!

The dark hole attracted the attention of everyone in the central command hall of the Pentagon. The hole enlarged by the monitoring satellite looked a little blurry.

Because of the relationship between distance and resolution, it looks like a mosaic!

But it was such a picture that made everyone in the central command hall raise their hearts!

It's about to attack?

Before this conjecture settled in his heart, a red light appeared in the dark hole.

Before the people in the command hall could react, the red light had already shot at their military satellite.

Flames splattered and wreckage flew!

In the silent state of space, this scene set off a shocking roar in the hearts of these people!

It was as if something that had persisted for a long time suddenly shattered. It was like a long-awaited picture suddenly blooming in front of their eyes. In other words, a question that had been guessed for a few days suddenly had an answer, and although this answer was within their expectations, it still shocked them infinitely!

Exclaiming the name of God, and the sudden outburst of swear words, coupled with the unbelievable silence of some people...

In the central command hall of the Pentagon, a scene of chaotic scenes was staged

"SFY-73 satellite...lost contact!"

After the technician reported in a low voice, he called up the relevant screen.

In the boundless space, a military satellite exploded suddenly, and the wreckage was soon scattered beyond the monitoring range.

And that unknown fighter jet, or space fighter, slowly flew away from the explosion site as if it hadn't done anything!

Soon, it completely disappeared into the surveillance system of the US military!

Admiral Geista took a deep breath and asked, "Where is it now?"

When he asked this sentence, Admiral Geista himself did not have any hope. Because the sudden appearance of the space fighter just now was obviously intentional. And before, they didn't find any signs at all.

That said, the space fighter has technology that they can't detect at all.

And after completing the task, how could they find its trace?

However, what Jista didn't expect, and what all the other officers in the command hall didn't expect, was that the technician actually answered this question.

In other words, the technician reported the specific location of the unknown fighter plane!

"It is currently orbiting the earth at an altitude of 8,753 kilometers." The technician called up the relevant screen.

Because the speed of the aerospace fighter is too fast, and there is no satellite as a base point, the image information of this unknown fighter cannot be detected at all.

What appeared on the screen was a red dot representing the signal of that unknown fighter plane!

"I don't know why, it didn't activate the full stealth system it had like before. Instead... it directly used the internationally common signal frequency band."

The technician's voice seemed a little ethereal. It didn't mean that he had a talent for singing, but that his thoughts at this moment had already flown into space!

"If it's a technical problem, then it's not perfect. But's intentional..."

After reporting here, the technician raised the volume and said: "I suspect that it is trying to tell us that its purpose is to continue to destroy our satellites. According to its current flight trajectory and our satellite trajectory map, it The target is most likely our TIG-32 military satellite."

After being silent for a while, Admiral Geista roared: "Didn't it destroy one of our satellites every six hours before? Didn't you say that it was because of its own performance problems?"

No one can answer Admiral Geista's words, because all the current situations are beyond their comprehension!

Before, they believed that it was the S-9 of New Tuvalu that attacked their satellite, but the flying altitude of the S-9 obviously could not reach the mid-to-high synchronous orbit. Even, it is impossible to exceed the low-orbit satellite flight altitude of 400 kilometers.

The reason why S-9 was able to attack satellites at a higher position was because it launched some unknown weapons directly at its flight limit height!

But now, looking at the replay on the screen, the appearance of that unknown fighter and its various flight data.

Everyone is silent!

A real space fighter, how is it possible?

Compared with this, the laser or energy weapon used by that unknown space fighter is not so important!

When everyone looked at the red dot representing an unknown fighter jet, the U.S. Secretary of Defense and others who rushed over also learned of everything that had happened before.

And after they entered the central command hall, they saw the real-time picture of the unknown model space fighter!

It once again parked in front of a military satellite belonging to the United States!

The Minister of Defense twitched, and asked in a voice full of anger and fear: "Did it stop for five minutes?"

The subordinate Hui reported: "Yes, it just now maintained a horizontal and static flight for five minutes with our other satellite that has been confirmed to be destroyed!"

To the Secretary of Defense, it doesn't make a lot of difference whether it's level-stationary flight, or really stationary.

Because at this time, he was staring at the screen, the unknown fighter jet that was staying in front of their military satellite!

"Can you, from the appearance and performance of this unknown fighter jet, confirm that it belongs to New Tuvalu?"

Hearing the question from the Minister of Defense, a staff officer said: "No because it doesn't have any signs of New Tuvalu on it. Moreover, the appearance design of the fighter plane must conform to factors such as aerodynamics, so In general, there is hardly much difference. And New Tuvalu has never announced their aerospace fighter!"

The Minister of Defense said angrily: "But, besides New Tuvalu, which country in this world can research this kind of thing?"

This sentence is what the Minister of Defense said in his heart, and it is also what everyone else in the command hall has thought in their hearts.

Yes, besides New Tuvalu, which other country can research this kind of thing quietly?

In the past, when they encountered this kind of problem, the first thing they considered was China and Russia.

But now, apart from New Tuvalu, they don't think of a second country at all

Just as the Minister of Defense finished roaring, the space fighter of an unknown model retracted a flap on the left wing again.

Seeing the red light that appeared ten minutes ago, the Secretary of Defense of the United States collapsed on his seat!

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