King of the Bay Area

Chapter 507: Collective skills

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All the ten special points were superimposed on the pre-judgment points, and then Lu Ke ’s brain ushered in a brainstorm. Numerous illusions of Luli flocked to him, and he even “see” him standing on the stage The picture of the Super Bowl trophy was lifted high, but there was no time to enjoy the ecstasy, a big bang storm swept through, then ... there was no more.

Lu Ke was sober.

The line of sight became clear again, the consciousness became clear again, and the mind became calm again. For a moment, Lu Ke only felt that every detail in the line of sight became unprecedentedly clear, as if placed under a microscope, but This feeling was fleeting, Lu Ke didn't even have time to savor, and everything returned to normal.

Faintly, Lu Ke could feel the change, but he still couldn't tell the truth. However, what is certain is that his strength actually mentioned a huge improvement.

After all the basic points and special points are superimposed, Lu Ke's sight falls on the skill pack.

Although this week's basic points were not as big as the imagination, Lu Ke still looked forward to a hidden mission-after all, the San Francisco 49ers entered the playoffs again after an interval of eight years, how can this be regarded as a goal achieved But, unfortunately, the system did not respond at all. It was like the first game of the regular season. He broke the rookie quarterback's single-game touchdown record. The system was also silent.

However, four unknown special skill packages, a team collective training skill package, which still makes Lu Ke look forward to.

Special skills are not as solid and long-term as the basic points, but when the state of the game is unsatisfactory, and you cannot fully display your own strength, the special skills can continue in time, and even exert unimaginable effects. In this regard, in the past two weeks without special skills to accompany, Lu Ke felt particularly profound.

In the previous two-game losing streak, Lu Ke squandered all his skills, leaving only an "increased aura", but the state of the entire team at that time was terrible. Only a five-minute increase in the aura could not start. Due to the reverse effect, Lu Ke is not used. It seems that it may be used at a critical moment in the playoffs.

Today, I finally saw the special skills again. Lu Ke couldn't wait to open the four unknown special skill packs, and began to browse through them in a series of pleasant and sounding announcements.

The first special skill is Absolute Pace, which lasts three seconds and uses 2/2 times.

The second special skill is the bullet time, which lasts five seconds and uses 1/1 times.

The third special skill is copper skin iron bones, used 3/3 times.

The above three skills are all old faces that have appeared before, and the content and usage of the skills need not be repeated.

Absolute pace and copper skin are extremely practical skills in the game. The results at the critical moment are immediate, often creating unimaginable opportunities to reverse the situation.

The bullet time appears for the second time. After the first use, it never appeared again. It is undoubtedly this anti-sky skill. There are bound to be more possibilities for the use method and the effect of the appeal, waiting for the landing to slowly tap.

The real surprise comes from the fourth special skill, Eye of the Falcon, which is a brand new skill that has not appeared before.

"Ding, congratulations on the special skill" Eagle Eye ", used 3/3 times."

Lu Ke skillfully started reading the detailed description of special skills.

The so-called Falcon Eye is actually a skill specifically used in the passing process.

After the official kick-off, the quarterback stood in the pocket of the offensive line and observed while moving. During the duel between the defensive player and the offensive player, he found a pass line and a pass target, and then shot to complete the pass. The Falcon Eye will become the most important weapon in this process.

Through the Falcon Eye, Lu Ke can complete the selection of passing goals more quickly and effectively. On the one hand, he can speed up the shot time, because the Falcon Eye will complete the judgment of the entire field, including the pass. The choice also includes the position change of the defensive player who assaulted the quarterback; on the other hand, he can pick a perfect choice to avoid interception to the greatest extent possible.

To put it simply, what was originally done by the brain is now done by a computer. Even if it is not a 100% success rate, it is at least 99%, and the effect is naturally different.

In addition, the skill effect of the Falcon Eye is closer to the copper skin iron bone, there is no time limit, but the number of times is limited. After use, the skill effect can continue until the pass is shot.

In comparison, several other special skills are to make up for Lu Ke's shortcomings and play a more important role at critical moments; while the Falcon Eye is more to enhance Lu Ke's strengths, further exerting his strengths and advantages .

The course of the game changes rapidly. In some attacks, the solid defense really makes the quarterback helpless, it seems that all the pass targets are locked, or there is a blind spot in the observation field, the pass can not be completed slowly , Which in turn leads to potential sacks, drops and interceptions, because the longer the quarterback holds the ball, the greater the pressure on the offensive line and the tighter the crisis.

At this time, the Falcon Eye can see the pass line that Lu Ke cannot see.

Imagine that with Lu Ke ’s current strength, he was unable to find a suitable target during the offense, and even fell into an embarrassing dilemma. This may mean that the opponent ’s defensive performance is indeed excellent, or it may mean that Lu Ke ’s state is real Bad, may also mean a crisis in the game situation.

But no matter what the possibility is, the Falcon Eye can become the key to reversal, once again leading the team to continue to advance.

It is expected that this is a special skill beyond imagination.

Four special skills will play a vital role in the upcoming playoffs.

Finally, Lu Ke opened the team's collective training skills package.

After confirming the completion of the task, this is a reward option that Lu Ke is most curious about and most looking forward to, not only because this is a new thing that has never appeared before, but also because this is a collective training skill. Act on the skills of the entire team.

Although Lu Ke's personal strength has been constantly improved and has achieved good results; but he is only one of the team's links, but also only one of the team's links to victory. After all, rugby is a collective sport.

"Ding, congratulations on obtaining a partial functional training skill package. Through relevant training, you can improve the team's local cooperation and improve your performance on the field."

Lu Ke also carefully read the detailed description of the training skill package. Similar to the quarterback training skill package, this is also used for daily training. After using this training package, the team can get some local The corresponding improvement; but the difference is that this is a training package that cannot be quantified nor can it detect the effect.

If you read the reward information again, you will find that in just one sentence, it is worth pondering:

The improvement is the degree of cooperation, not the direct strength of other players; the improvement is partial cooperation, not the cooperation between Lu Ke and the players.

In other words, the system can directly affect Lu Ke's personal strength improvement, but it can't change the strength of other players. It can only unite individual strength through cooperation with the degree of tacit understanding, showing a more powerful collective strength.

Because of this, this is a training package that can be applied to the entire team. Last time, Lu Ke speculatively used the quarterback personal training package to improve the tactical understanding and tactical use of the entire team; this time, without the need for speculation and skill, the skill itself can act on teammates.

To some extent, it is similar to the aura of amplification. Through Lu Ke's personal effects, promote the cooperation between teammates and improve the overall strength, but the increase in the aura is applied to the game for a duration of only five minutes; the local functional training skill package is used for training, once successful , The lasting effect can be continuous throughout the season, or even longer.

Although the training effect of the latter cannot be concrete, substantive, or even speculative; Lu Ke still glanced at the eyes after carefully browsing the details, because the effects of the local function training package are very extensive.

Offensive forwards, catching groups, running the ball open, blocking and pushing forward, trick attacks, this is only part of the offensive group; defensive forwards, running defense, linebacker raid, pass defense, cornerback counterpoint, these are defensive groups The part of kick-off cooperation, backcourt cooperation, kick kick control, free kick and additional points kick-off, these are the part of the secret team.

In other words, all parts and links of the entire team have become training targets, but only one can be chosen.

Lu Ke could n’t help but start to greet him. This partial functional training skill package can act on any weak link of the team, and enhance the team ’s strength by improving the cooperation with the tacit understanding; this is simply a dream for the team training.

It is a pity that the system is still balanced, and Lu Ke is only allowed to choose one item at a time, and the training effect is estimated to be limited, which still requires long-term running-in and cooperation.

After careful consideration, Lu Ke decided to choose an offensive line. Undoubtedly, this is the part that is most closely related to Lu Ke, and it is also the most important part, not only because of the game against the Ravens, nine sacks are too ridiculous; but also because the performance of the offensive front is always not very good Stability, cooperation between players is indeed more important than personal strength.

In the upcoming playoffs, the improvement of related strength has solved the urgent need. For the 49ers in San Francisco, it can't be better.

Now Lu Ke can't wait to go back to the training ground again, and accept the effects of the training package.

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