King of the Bay Area

Chapter 472: Three technologies

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With fifteen basic points in hand, for Lu Ke, who is accustomed to the wind and waves, it is not a big killer, but it is enough to enhance his strength again.

The most important and direct result of the two-game losing streak is that the game may be lost due to one person ’s mistakes, but the defeat is the responsibility of the entire team; similarly, relying on the efforts of one person alone is not enough to win the game. This is a collective sport, but on the road to victory, it is always the best way to continuously improve your strength.

Therefore, before the official addition, Lu Ke did not immediately start, but seriously looked at his property panel, and quickly started to use his brain.

But immediately, Lu Ke noticed a little anomaly: Why does the list of technical attributes seem to be longer?

Is this an illusion?

The line of sight returned to the top of the property panel, and looked again, then Lu Ke confirmed his guess. Three new technical sub-items appeared on the property panel.

All along, the system has been gradually adding subdivision projects, such as predicting, such as luck, such as tactical regional accuracy. Although this means that the sub-item of Ao Ao has increased, but to a certain extent, this is a way to refine and enhance strength. In the long run, it is actually a good thing.

However, before this, each additional sub-item appeared one item at a time; today, three sub-items appeared in one breath, which was too sudden and brutal, so that Lu Ke could n’t help but **** back Take a breath.

Is it because of the two-game losing streak that exposes itself to more shortcomings? So, the system proposes to substantiate the corresponding sub-items?

After a brief shock, Lu Ke calmed down again, and his eyes fell on three new technical sub-items.

The first sub-item is called wrist control.

When I first saw it, the first reaction in my mind was pass control, which was closely related to the accuracy of the pass. Lu Ke was still a little puzzled. There are already enough sub-items about the accuracy of the pass. Why is there another one? After reading the instructions of the technical sub-item, I suddenly realized.

This is indeed related to the pass control, but not about the accuracy of the pass, but about the control of the position of the pass. It is closely related to interception and receiving.

This is a very, very elaborate technique.

During the connection between the quarterback and the wide receiver, the distance, position, and falling line are all items that the quarterback must complete the control. When the quarterback accurately transports the rugby, the catcher must use Out of everything, complete the catch.

For ordinary quarterbacks, they may not even be able to do this. Passes often have large or small deviations, or they may not be able to catch the pass gap, which leads to an unsteady passing offensive. stand up. Therefore, they need a top wide receiver to turn the tide and kill a **** path, or even complete a catch beyond their ability.

For good quarterbacks, they can always accurately transfer rugby to a reasonable range, and find their passing goals in defensive formations and running routes, but the specific position may be slightly different. deviation. Therefore, they need an excellent wide receiver to complete the difficult reception on the accurate pass position.

A simple example, for example, if the pass is too high, the catcher must jump high, before the defensive player intercepts, grab the rugby; for example, if the pass is too low, the catcher must lower the center of gravity. Before touching the ground, complete the catch and control the football. But at least, the passing point is within a reasonable range.

For elite quarterbacks, they can not only accurately tear open the defensive formation, seek a gap, and transport the rugby to a reasonable range; they can also control the specific position precisely, and only need an ordinary wide receiver. You can easily catch the ball.

A simple example, for example, the shadow behind the shoulder passes, and the football falls on the shadow position behind the shoulder of the receiving player, avoiding the possibility of the defensive player taking the pass and creating a more convenient receiving space for the receiver; For example, a chest pass does not require jumping or squatting, just keeping the center of gravity, you can successfully complete the catch, and then wait for the opportunity to continue to advance.

Ordinary quarterbacks need top wide receivers; excellent quarterbacks need excellent wide receivers; elite quarterbacks need ordinary wide receivers. This is the difference. If the top quarterback is paired with the top wide receiver, it is to see the **** to kill the god, encounter the Buddha to kill the Buddha.

Of course, such distinctions are all theoretical knowledge on paper, but the actual play of strength in the actual game is another face.

In the current league, the difference between the four elite quarterbacks and a large number of excellent quarterbacks lies in-

The level of strength of elite quarterbacks is a normal state. Even if they are in poor condition, their lower limit can often reach the "excellent" level; and those excellent quarterbacks can also play the "elite" level of strength at critical moments, but No coherence can be formed, as is Eli Manning, Ben Rosrisberg, Philip Rivers, Joe Flacco, Tony Romo, and so on.

Simply from a technical point of view, the ordinary quarterback ranks among the excellent quarterbacks, and the tactical regional accuracy is the key difference; while from the excellent quarterback ranks into the elite quarterback, wrist control, this is the key technology .

At the moment of passing the ball, the quarterback's judgment of the wide receiver's position and the anticipation of the defensive player will be instantly controlled by the soft and delicate control of the wrist to further control the position of the football's landing point.

First, avoid interception; second, it is convenient for the wide receiver to catch the ball; third, it is convenient for the next move after catching the ball, throwing off the grapple, continuously advancing or rushing out of the boundary to control the time, etc.

It can be said that this is one of the talents of the passing feel.

As mentioned before, this delicate touch is a rare talent for the quarterback, often controlled instantly in the subconscious, but it can determine the height limit of the quarterback. In general, whites have a better feel, while blacks are relatively rough; as for Asian players, Lu Ke currently has no other reference template, but it can be seen that this is also one of his talent skills.

In the actual passing process, it is not just wrist control, but also needs to be combined with timing judgment, defensive reading, defensive pre-judgment and other links to control the entire pass shot to achieve the effect of harmony between man and nature.

Before, the sub-item of tactical regional accuracy had already appeared. At present, the score of Lu Ke ’s item is 75 points; and now, the sub-item of wrist control has also appeared. Lu Ke guessed that he should play against the Cardinals. The three interceptions in the game are related.

At present, Lu Ke's wrist control starting score is 81 points.

As expected, the delicate degree of passing feel is one of Lu Ke's talents.

At the time of the first harvest of the system, Lu Ke's technical sub-items were all red, not to mention that 80 points, even 60 points projects are really not much; but now, when wrist control appears At the beginning, the score was eighty-one points, which was really impressive.

The second sub-item and the third sub-item are actually a pair of technical sub-items, namely left-side perception and right-side perception. At the same time, left-side perception is also called blind side perception.

The functions and techniques of these two sub-items are relatively simple: predictions of slaying.

When standing in the pocket to complete the pass, the quarterback is very busy. You need to judge the position of the catcher and the defensive player. At the same time, you need to pay attention to the situation of the pocket. The crisis of sacking.

For running quarterbacks, when the crisis comes, they use their feet to run out of space; and for pocket quarterbacks, either pass the ball hurriedly, or protect the football from falling, or else It is forced to drop the ball to avoid more losses.

It is conceivable that this is a very difficult thing. In just two or three seconds, with a lot of thoughts and control over the whole situation, a little negligence may make you into a passive situation.

Especially from the blind side. Because this is the blind spot of the quarterback's vision, there is no way to complete the judgment by the aftersight of the sight. This means that they can rely on the beast intuition. Once the intuitive judgment is a little slow, then the sack from the blind side is basically unable to escape. Sometimes, even if you are aware of it, it is very difficult to escape under the instant conditioned reflex.

Obviously, these two sub-items came from nine sacks against the Ravens.

In that game, Lu Ke did all he could to do everything. Two absolute steps and one copper skin were all used. This only avoided injuries, but still failed to take away a victory.

Now, the appearance of left perception and right perception provides a platform for Lu Ke to further improve himself.

Although this is a relatively unpopular talent, but overall, running quarterbacks still have more advantages than pocket quarterbacks, on the one hand because of their technical and tactical level, observing the left and right The side is a necessary condition; on the other hand, it is because their physical fitness is more excellent, so simple and rough.

Therefore, when Lu Ke saw the scores of his two technical sub-items, he was not surprised:

Left perception (blind side perception), forty-five points; right perception, sixty points.

Well, this is not surprising. Every time when a sack appears on the blind side, Lu Ke is basically unable to escape, more often there is no chance; and when a sack appears on the right side, occasionally it can be avoided, but Sometimes it is also blind, standing in a daze and encountering the slaying.

Now, I finally found the reason.

Sure enough, God is fair.

The wrist control is up to eighty-one points; the two data of left perception and right perception are both terrible.

This also proves once again that Lu Ke is a traditional pocket quarterback. If he wants to be a versatile running quarterback, even if he is holding the system, it is estimated that it will take at least three to five years.

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