King of the Bay Area

Chapter 323: Looming

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the King of the Bay Area!

"This is really a terrible day for the Tampa Bay Buccaneers. After the first defensive judgment error, they were caught in a whirlpool of consecutive mistakes. The whole momentum was suppressed by the opponent, step by step, step by step. Wrong. The Pirates' offensive team played in less than sixty seconds and ended the attack with one interception. They could only watch the landing again, which was a nightmare. "

In the studio, Kirk and Teddy, as neutral commentators, still have to explain the Tampa Bay pirates' offensive errors.

"In the face of an attack of two yards and six yards, the Pirates quarterback Josh Freeman made a ridiculous mistake, and the 19th wide receiver Mike Williams (Mike-Williams) was running an outbound route, and Freeman's pass clearly deviated from Williams 'running route. In the middle of the air, he was caught in the air by 49ers' fifty-two inside guard Patrick Willis, intercepted halfway, and completed a thrilling action. Intercepted. "

A replay of interception appeared again on the TV screen, and Kirk maintained a dedicated attitude. "The Pirates' attacking front faced a strong raid. Under pressure, Freeman hurriedly shot, but the passing vision did not In the case of problems, his judgment made a fatal mistake, and the communication with the wide receiver also completely failed. Willis made the first interception since this season, easily, without too many difficult challenges. This mistake , Must be counted on Freeman's head. "

"After experiencing a fantastic season last year, Freeman encountered serious mistakes in the new season. Pass selection and shot judgment are unconvincing. Only two touchdowns have been scored in the past four weeks, and Two interceptions, and now Freeman is undergoing a severe test. "Teddy briefly summarized," So, now Lu Ke led the 49-man offensive team again. Facing such a good starting position , Now it's up to Lu Ke's performance. "

"Did you not notice? This one offensive starting position is the position where the San Francisco 49ers completed the pass touchdown a minute ago?" Kirk noticed such details, and after reminding, everyone immediately discovered.

Stealing and creating ball rights conversions are fatal for any team; if the stealing position is still at the front of your own end zone, it will be a nightmare because the opponent will start here attack--

The Tampa Bay pirates must be fortunate. After Willis just completed the interception, he lost his center of gravity and fell directly to the ground. Then the attacking team members rushed to the scene as soon as possible. This did not allow Willis to continue to attack back. Formation. However, now they need to stop the San Francisco 49ers in good shape from attacking the group, which is also a problem.

The opponent is above the 33 yard line in the half.

All the teammates of the entire offensive team gathered around Lu Ke. Lu Ke conveyed the tactical instructions of the coaching staff and then clapped his hands. "Very well, we need to start from the beginning, concentrate, everyone pay attention. Do n’t take it lightly! Come, let ’s get some touchdowns! "

Standing on the defensive line, Michael Bennet breathed out a long breath. After today ’s game, everything happened so fast that they did n’t even have time to think about it, and everything just swarmed and retreated One step back, another step back, and in the blink of an eye, he has reached his present position.

Looking at the opponents in light dress, Bennett stared at the distribution of the 49-attack group, his brows could not help but wrinkled again, it was actually a "two by two" formation, "Damn." Bennett Tenet cursed secretly.

The so-called two by two formation is actually the first offensive formation of the San Francisco 49ers today, the basic pistol formation, two catchers on the left and two catchers on the right; and there are no extra tricks to catch the ball The distance between the players is also basically the same, which is exactly the standard figure in the textbook when explaining the pistol formation.

It is because of the standards that there are many changes. They can pass, they can run, they can pass long, they can pass short, and there are countless running routes; they must also be fortunate that Lu Ke is not a running quarterback, otherwise they need to guard against the quarterback if they read the option to attack. Running ball.

In today ’s first offense, the San Francisco 49ers unexpectedly chose to run the ball and killed the Tampa Bay Pirates by surprise; now the same offensive formation is sacrificed again, but the Pirates have to change their defensive tactics—

Not because of cowardice, but because they are now 33 yards on their side, not 20 yards at half time. The defensive tactics must be changed, otherwise the consequences will be unimaginable.

Bennett raised his head, gestured to his teammates, and then they changed their defensive tactics.

The two corner guards are placed on the outermost side, defending the two outer receivers on the outermost side of the array; the two security guards are placed on a relatively inner position, but the steps back are about six or seven yards, and the two on the inside Catcher. This is a one-on-one matchup defensive formation. All four wide receivers are locked. At the same time, they are defending the relatively mid-range and long-pass areas. What about short passes?

The short pass area was handed over to three linebackers. The three linebackers gave up the raid strategy, all their focus was recovered, and they focused on defending the short pass area to prevent the attack of the touchdown just before. Crabtree-style shallow crossing running routes, they stared correspondingly at the inside The two catchers ran in the short pass area, and after entering the long pass area, slowed down and handed over to the security guard.

In other words, three linebackers and four second-line defenders cover all passing positions layer by layer.

Finally, the four defensive forwards are responsible for defending the running ball and launching raids-at least, they cannot allow the opposing quarterback to pass the ball comfortably, and they must exert pressure; if the running ball defense misses, the three linebackers will also be in The short pass area is intercepted.

Is such a tactic familiar? In the second week of the regular season, the successful defense of the Dallas Cowboys in the first half was the use of such tactics to truly maximize the power of the pass defense; however, the Pirates ’second-line defense is weak and they must cover each other. Support each other, otherwise there will be almost no advantage in counterpoint defense.

This is a classic offensive formation against the classic defensive formation, it can be described as a pinpoint against Maimang.

Bennett ’s attention was highly focused, and the left foot behind him kept kicking the ground fiercely, just like the engine of a motorcycle, and began to gradually accelerate; his eyes were fixed on the fourteenth quarterback standing behind the offensive line. , Did not conceal his intention to prepare for the raid, and then blew a command in his ear:


Bennett came forward obsessively, but unexpectedly, Mike Rupatti, who was playing against him, seemed to anticipate his raid route. A brutal and powerful collision, like a wall, was ruthlessly. I hit it head-on; Bennett's center of gravity was severely shifted, his footsteps staggered suddenly, and then he saw the 14th quarterback raise his hand to make a pass.

not good!

Bennett lowered his center of gravity, his hands crawling on the ground in embarrassment, using his hands and feet together to avoid his own fall, and he had stood up again in only three or four steps, towards Marcus Lynch in sight Rushed past.

Lynch, the 27th of the 49ers in San Francisco, is the running back.

In the two-by-two attacking formation, each catcher has a counter defense, or even a two-man defense; so the running back changes the route, pulling out a short pass, and staying in place The last center linebacker or inside linebacker forms a counterpoint, and running backs are often able to occupy a slight advantage, which has also become the best choice for breaking the deadlock and defensive misalignment.

This is the short pass strategy most commonly used by the New England Patriots. It is undefeated and effective. There are also countless deformation samples.

Now, Bennett has captured Lynch. The Pirates midfielder Mason Foster is a rookie who has just entered the league this year. It is undoubtedly the weakest link in the defensive group. Mistakes have already occurred; so Bennett followed his own sense of the game and threw himself up to defend Foster for the first time.

Lynch's footsteps were light, his body was strong, and a simple inward running route suddenly caused Foster to lose his center of gravity. His footsteps were staggering and he almost couldn't keep up, but Foster was still relentlessly trying to complete the defense; Bennett became more convinced of his judgment, and his pace became faster and faster, rushing up like a moth, trying to stop Lynch.

But in the next second, Bennett ’s afterglow caught the brown-red rugby with an arc in the air, spinning fast in the colorful halo, and even catching it clearly like a shuttle The trajectory of rotation.

"damn it!"

Bennett cursed fiercely again, the passing direction was not Lynch, he missed it! After giving up the pressure from the raid, the San Francisco 49ers' pockets were solid, which gave the opposing quarterback a comfortable passing space; and their own defense also faced more challenges.

This is simply terrible!

"Actually cheated!"

In terms of tactical arrangements and tactical changes, the Pirates once again fell out of favor and did not keep up with the 49ers. In the previous four weeks of game video, they have studied it over and over again and they already know enough about the rookie quarterback; but after the game started today, the quarterback speeded up again and did not give it at the beginning. They leave any breathing room.

What exactly is going on?

But between the electric light and the flint, the brain didn't have time to think. The next second, the breath that held in the chest blew a thousand miles. The whole person fell down clumsily, hit a piece of grass scraps, and completely lost the ability to start again Now I can only hope for second-line defense.

Bennett ’s eyes were still staring at the rugby, and he followed the track, wondering who the passing goal was.

Logan Newman? Or Kyle Williams?

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