King of the Bay Area

Chapter 302: Hidden task

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the King of the Bay Area!

Departing from Philadelphia on the east coast of the North American mainland to San Francisco on the west side of the mainland, this is a long and distant journey with a full six-hour flight time; at the same time, there is a three-hour time difference, as if from one The world returns to another world.

When leaving Philadelphia, the night has come, the Wanjia lights support the navy blue sky, and there is a hazy halo at the junction of the horizon, slowly sketching out the warmth of the city; but they are chasing the sun and the sky. The orange sunset fell down lazily, soft and gorgeous, just like a brush, only a few strokes depict the vastness and magnificence of the universe, and people can't help wandering among them.

After a day of ups and downs, most of the 49 players in San Francisco felt tired, and they brought up earplugs and blindfolds, and fell into a sleepy dream; only the reading lights of the coaching staff members were still on. Busyly summarized today's game.

All the noise, all the excitement, all the regrets, and all the thoughts stirred up in the mind for a whole day, until this time it gradually settled and calmed down, and the calm was slowly restored.

Before massage and ice bath in the locker room, Lu Ke did not turn on the system for the first time to check the completion of the task, because he knew that today's game task failed.

This is the first real task failure since the rugby superstar system was obtained-the interruption of the daily training task was just a small accident, it cannot be considered a failure, but today's failure has no excuse. Although it was expected that this day would arrive late, Lu Ke still needs a little time to digest it after the real arrival.

Now, after the surroundings were completely quiet, Lu Ke turned on the system and summed up today's gains and losses.

"Ding, Ding Ding", the familiar news sounded in my mind, but I don't know if it was Lu Ke's own illusion, and I always felt that today's news reminder is not as lively and cheerful as the previous three weeks.

Before officially reading the unread news, Lu Ke had a doubt. He needed to verify with Xiaoqi, "Xiaoqi, there are no special tasks in this week's game. Does this mean that, according to the system, I have fully played Out of my current strength, there is no need for special attention or improvement, and the absolute strength is the absolute victory, and the result is the reflection of my current level? "

A free kick was lost, and a little bit of luck was missing at the crucial moment.

"According to today's game progress, the performance of the players on both sides is within the normal range, there are no special missions, no special instructions." Xiao Qi did not answer Lu Ke's question positively, but he could read it as a small taste Ke's cognition is basically correct.

The appearance of special tasks has certain rules, but they are not absolute. Sometimes, Richard Sherman's provocation, he also created a special task; but sometimes, today's game progress is ups and downs, but there is no special task.

But to put it another way, today's game missions have corresponding upgrade adjustments, does it mean that future special missions are also making corresponding upgrade adjustments? Maybe, it is more difficult to complete; maybe, the directivity is more clear; maybe, the triggering conditions are more demanding, which is all possible.

Obviously, there are many unknown areas in the system waiting for Lu Ke to explore slowly; but in the final analysis, Lu Ke still needs to constantly enrich his own strength, this is the most important magic weapon to win.

This time, Lu Ke directly opened the inbox without any hesitation and hesitation, and began reading unread messages.

Today's game task completion has changed for the first time.

Complete touchdowns, three, base points plus three; pass success rate of at least 60%, complete, base points plus one; control errors, steals and dropped **** less than or equal to two times, complete, base points Add one; control the rhythm of the game, complete, and add one base point. Winning the game was unfinished.

Before and after, a total of six basic points were harvested. Although the game was lost, the other tasks of the game were actually completed; Lu Ke was originally worried that the task of winning was not completed. Is it true that all other tasks are also followed, and fortunately, this did not happen.

There is no special task, which means that after the acceptance of the game task, the inbox should be empty; but Lu Ke noticed that there is still a red dot on the inbox, indicating that there are unread messages. , Indicating that the system was pulled down, and sure enough I saw several unread messages.

"Congratulations on completing the hidden mission: rectifying the dressing room series."

Hidden task? In addition to daily tasks, competition tasks and special tasks, there are now hidden tasks?

Now, Lu Ke's head is full of question marks; however, after more than a year of having the system, Lu Ke did not make any fuss. After a little surprise, he calmed down and began to read the task description.

"Hidden task: rectify the dressing room, level one.

Task description: Joining the team as a rookie, still like an outsider, can not be integrated into it, just as a transition player position, become one of the team ’s tools, unable to control the game, but also unable to integrate into the game.

Task requirements: integrate into the locker room and get real recognition from teammates.

Task reward: primary hook-up to watch video function, regular summary.

Failure penalty: None. This is a passively triggered task. "

All the content is clearly explained, there is no doubt, there is only one, "Xiaoqi, here said that the hidden task is passively triggered, that is to say, if there is no trigger, it will not appear? But , If it does n’t appear, how can I finish it? "

"Then, the task completion degree will be affected. The hidden task is passively triggered according to the host's game status and task completion status. Before completion, it is impossible to know any information about the hidden task." Xiaoqi explained with due diligence.

Lu Ke opened his mouth slightly, "So, you mean, just blindly?"

"There are no fixed rules for hidden tasks." In a short sentence, just leaving a tail, Xiao Qi's commentary was cut off.

Lu Ke closed his mouth, smiled dumbly, and nodded gently, "I understand. I can't find it, that's stupid, that's what it means, right?"

It's not unusual to think about it seriously. In the game, hidden tasks are not discoverable casually and require skill; but the hidden tasks in the game can be completed according to the instructions after the trigger, but the hidden tasks in the system are directly based on Lu Ke The timing of the task gives the status of task completion.

Just like the original special mission, after the over-fulfillment, additional rewards burst out. But that kind of situation only happened once, and it never happened again.

Therefore, as Lu Ke said, it takes wisdom to discover and complete. In fact, Lu Ke was a little curious. In the past year, did he miss the hidden task or did he miss a lot of hidden tasks; but Lu Ke decided not to ask, otherwise he found that he was a second-hand, and he did not know How should be digested.

Looking at the entire hidden task again, it is actually not complicated, it is the atmosphere of the dressing room. After a failure, they condensed together. Is this a blessing in disguise?

"Primary seven, through four games to complete the hidden task, is this faster?" Lu Ke's reporter's instinct was launched again, his curiosity was extremely strong, and his ability to diverge thinking was also outstanding.

Xiao Qi didn't answer immediately, but paused for a moment, and seemed to be retrieving historical records, and seemed to be thinking about the way of answering, "Task reward is the most advanced reward." After that, it was initially integrated into the dressing room, which is definitely super speed and super standard.

So, Lu Ke looked at the task reward with satisfaction, and then read some instructions. Even though he witnessed such incredible skills as bullet time, Lu Ke could not help opening his mouth slightly at this time.

The so-called on-hook video recording function means literally, just like computer games, through the on-hook degree, when the game player is offline, the character can still play the game. This is the case with this feature. By hooking up, Lu Ke can watch the game video while offline.

For any team, any player, watching the game video is a very important but extremely boring process. Not only to prepare for the game, but also to summarize the game, but also to learn the game. The worst part is that there are no shortcuts, one hour of game recording time and one hundred hours of game recording time, the result is 100% different.

For coaches, in order to prepare for a game, they often need to watch the game for fifty hours, or even more. Fifty hours, literally fifty hours, without discounts.

Lu Ke is the same. To be more precise, for a rookie player who still has not enough experience, watching the game video is the best way to learn tactics, adapt to the game, and accumulate experience. In the past four weeks, on average, Lu Ke spent at least twenty hours watching the game--

Twenty hours. In addition to this, Lu Ke also needs to insist on daily training, read the tactical manual, and also need to participate in team meetings. Almost all of his spare time is watching game videos; while there are only six days of game preparation time a week.

In fact, watching the video of the game is extremely boring, and even watching it will start to lethargy and sore eyes; a distracted person may miss important content of the game and have to rewind and watch it again. However, this is Lu Ke's most valuable learning time; not only him, but also for all rookies such as Colin Kapnick, Scott Torsin.

If he can, he is even willing to give up sleep time and continue to watch the game video.

Now, Lu Ke can really do it-watch the game video while sleeping. No wonder Xiao Qi replied just now that this is the highest level of reward. Lu Ke is convinced of this.

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