King of the Bay Area

Chapter 1670: Off-site

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From insiders in the league to Las Vegas bookmakers, inside and outside the league are optimistic about the Seattle Seahawks winning. Strictly speaking, this is not news, but the expected result.

A small anecdote: "The 49ers in San Francisco led by three touchdowns" also opened the market, not three touchdowns but three lead touchdowns, Las Vegas opened " The odds of 1: 159, which was joked by netizens as an opportunity to get rich overnight in the League of Nations finals, was also regarded as "deeply malicious against the Carolina Panthers", and became a hot topic after the industry's after-meal talk Attracted attention.

But why?

The San Francisco 49ers were able to beat the Carolina Panthers. Why not beat the Seattle Seahawks? Although the strength of the Seattle Seahawks is indeed higher on the strength level, the possibility of the San Francisco 49ers leading by three touchdowns is not so ridiculous.

"1: 159"? This has even reached the level of spoofing. Even if you bet one hundred dollars, the income is also fifteen thousand nine hundred dollars. Then, if someone intentionally bets $ 1,000 or even $ 10,000, the Las Vegas side Don't you worry about triggering uproars?

The reason is not complicated, on the contrary, very straightforward:

The Seattle Seahawks have only lost three games in the regular season, six points to the Indianapolis Colts, seven points to the Arizona Cardinals, and fourteen points to the San Francisco 49ers.

In other words, even the San Francisco 49ers who had the absolute upper hand in the previous two seasons have not been able to widen the points difference, so it is even more impossible to enter the playoffs, and it is absolutely impossible for the Seattle Seahawks defensive team to commit so Stupid mistakes, Carolina Panthers crashes are very, very rare-even after the game, people still can't figure out what happened, how did the defensive team ranked second in the regular season league completely defeated What? Is it really because the opponents in the regular season are too weak and cause the defensive group to rank falsely high? So it's so vulnerable?

One can imagine that it is impossible for the Seattle Seahawks to overturn in the same gutter.

Up and down, inside and out, everyone was unanimously optimistic about the Seattle Seahawks. Strictly speaking, such a one-sided situation is more or less a surprise, but in fact, it is known by looking at the US Finals. The Denver Broncos led by Peyton Manning are also generally favored. "Within the league" also achieved a 7 to 3 voting result. The Denver Broncos are expected to be able to turn over and defeat the New England Patriots into the Super Bowl.

The confrontation between the United and the League of Nations is actually somewhat similar. The historical record is that Big Manning is behind; the regular season matchup, the Denver Broncos lost the game; the playoff seed seats, the Denver Broncos lead ... In the end, the Denver Broncos are also more optimistic On the other side, historical data is clearly not the case. Are professionals collectively frustrated?

In fact, the reason is not as complicated and profound as imagined.

The first is the home field advantage. The homes of the Denver Broncos and Seattle Seahawks are the league's top devil homes. The former is located on the plateau and is the league's highest altitude stadium. It is always necessary to prepare an oxygen cylinder to keep the players in the gap between offense and defense. Oxygen can be absorbed; the latter is a decibel noise hell, which repeatedly sets the Guinness world record, so that the visiting team has no way to expand the tactical layout. In the playoffs, the home advantage will be further amplified, it is definitely not so easy to overcome, This will also be the key to the direction of the game.

The second is the season status data. The Denver Broncos is the first offensive, and the Seattle Seahawks is the first of the defense. Moreover, both teams can rank among the top five in history, which is definitely a strong performance in the history. The theme throughout the season is that when the team encounters difficulties, its strongest point is always able to solve the problem with a sword. The strong performance is undoubtedly the most reliable and strong backing.

There are no weakers in the playoffs. Although luck is also a part that can not be ignored, the state is also, but any slight variable may make the winning and losing balance severely tilted, and then change the result. Home is one, and the superpower of a single weapon is second, which also makes the Denver Broncos and Seattle Seahawks a more promising side-even if they both lose the regular season confrontation with the decisive opponents, even if they All fell in the historical clash.

Thus, the situation is formed in this way.

Now, the entire league is looking forward to inside and outside, the "offensive first" Denver Broncos and the "defense first" Seattle Seahawks can meet the Super Bowl. Although other matchups may also be very exciting, especially the suspense of whether the San Francisco 49ers can defend the title has also aroused countless concerns; but in the end, the conflict of conflicts has caused the most curiosity:

Whether the spear is more sharp in the world, or the indestructible shield is more solid. This is undoubtedly the core theme that runs through the 2013 season. It started to be discussed from the middle of the season, and gradually warmed up as the season progressed. The hotter, the crazier and the more looking forward, if you can witness this peak matchup on the Super Bowl stage, it will also draw a perfect stop for the entire season.

Naturally, the Denver Broncos and the Seattle Seahawks are more optimistic. Even the “within the league” discussion is equally overwhelmingly supporting the two teams; more importantly, neutral fans are also standing behind these two teams, looking forward to watching in the Super Bowl To the peak of the "contradictory confrontation", this also made the New England Patriots and the San Francisco 49 people stood in the opposite of "public opinion" and had to carry the burden.

This situation is no stranger to the San Francisco 49ers. Since the 2011 season, they have been the side that is not optimistic. They have always been fighting against negative thoughts, but those sights have not prevented them from reaching the Super Bowl. This time It is no exception, they are still dedicated to preparing for the game at their own pace, and orderly began to prepare for their third consecutive national league final, which is also the first away national league final.

Day by day, the days of the NFL Federation's decisive battle are getting closer and closer, and the expectations are gradually rising. The debate on the social network is like a gunpowder barrel, which is erupting all the time; then, the two visiting teams Both reached the city where the two top seeds of the federation, which also sounded the horn of battle.

"Bambi, Babi!" A group of people were waiting for the luggage next to the luggage track at Seattle International Airport, and then Logan bluffed over and continually jumped over Lu Ke's side, looking like a circus. Monkey, the expression of excitement is like discovering the New World.

At this time Lu Ke was chatting with Al Dong.

Throughout the journey from San Francisco International Airport, Alton was communicating with Lu Ke all the way-Seattle Seahawks' defensive front tactical changes. Obviously, now the entire team, speaking of game videos and tactical research, except Outside Hubble, no one can compete with Lu Ke; and Al Dong has also completed a lot of research. He needs to engage in positive communication with Lu Ke, especially borrowing from Lu Ke's quarterback perspective.

Although Lu Ke did not talk face-to-face with Aldong, he could clearly feel that in the few days after the end of the divisional game, Aldong ’s entire preparation state reached a new peak, whether it was technical training, strength training, tactical meetings, or video recording. He did n’t miss all of the research—and not only did he appear in that position, but he was also fully committed to it, which was really rare.

Whatever the reason, this is a good thing.

During the short flight, the discussion between Aldong and Lu Ke was particularly lively. At the beginning, Aldong was able to keep up with Lu Ke's thinking speed and rhythm, but gradually began to fall downwind, which also forced Alton to take Willie. The linebackers such as Sri Lanka, Navolo, Ahmed and so on were pulled over one after another, and they collectively encircled and suppressed Lu Ke. Unfortunately ... even so, they still failed to grab the bargain. At least in terms of eloquence.

After the successful landing, the discussion was still intermittently. Ahmed stood behind Lu Ke and Al Dong. At this time, seeing Logan ’s expression, the discussion was interrupted by force, and they all could n’t help casting. Looking away, only Lu Ke was the most calm and asked with a smile, "Why, see the miracle?"

"No, but it's almost the same." Logan nodded and admitted, but he could only believe six points in his words, and Lu Ke still reserved it.

Seeing that Lu Ke has not been excited with himself, Logan did not hold back after all, and could not wait to say, "Pick up, there was a pick-up team outside! And not one or two, at least two hundred people, bustling and taking the whole exit They are all enclosed, the scene is very spectacular. "

"Pick up? Logan, wouldn't you not wake up yet?" Ardon couldn't help but spit out:

This is the home base of the Seattle Seahawks. How could fans come to pick up the flight? Even if nine people made a special trip to cheer for them, it is difficult to make a high-profile welcome ceremony at the airport. A little carelessness may cause riots, which sounds like an unreliable night. Tan.

Logan gave Alton a punch directly on his shoulder, "Go! I'm serious, I can't be more serious." Then he explained the landing in a huff, "However, we just ran over and peeked, it seems like Nine people but twelve people, the scene looks a little scary. What should we do now? "

Looking at Logan's inquiring eyes, Lu Ke couldn't help but feel amused, but found that Aldong and Ahmed were also puzzled, Lu Ke laughed directly, "We can't just do it now. Returning to San Francisco, of course, I can only go out from here, what can I do? "

Isn't this the right answer?

"I know, of course I know, I mean ... how should we face those twelve people?" Logan then raised another question.

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