King of the Bay Area

Chapter 1653: One after another

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"How about you? Are you ready?"

Ardon looked up at Willis's eyes, and then saw the burning fighting spirit in those eyes-two months of torture did not kill his will, but let him accumulate enough strength , Waiting for the outbreak, which made Ardon clenched his fists with pride.

"Not yet." Alton said frankly, judging from the performance of last night's game, he really did not, "but I will keep up with the progress of the team. This is also the reason why I came to the court today, I can't Continue to lag behind, don't I? I will let myself finish preparing before the game. "

With such honest words, Willis could not help but chuckled, and gently expressed his appreciation with his jaw, "It seems that you have learned a lot during this time."

Before Willis was injured, it was absolutely impossible for Alton to be so humble and low-key-in a certain way, Alton and Randy Moss are the arrogant of the sky, they both have the arrogance of life, but just show The way is different.

Before joining the San Francisco 49ers, Randy has been in the league for many years, but he has not changed his bad temper until the unexpected conflict broke out, which laid the foundation for the team to win the championship; Alton joined In the league's three seasons, this year, after a series of stumbling trips, it finally completed its transformation in a stumble. Compared with Randy, Alton's growth will come much earlier.

"Then let's get started." Willis couldn't help but try, "I still have a lot of progress to catch up with."

Ardon still hesitated for a moment, and his eyes were cast again on Willis' knee. "Are you sure?"

Willis immediately understood that the ligament injury could not be completely recovered after all, it would accompany Willis's long life, even after retirement, there will still be influence; and now it is only just two months Time, this is not enough to allow Willis to fully restore his combat effectiveness. Even if he stands on the field smoothly, his status and strength are also a big question mark.

"Relax, I'll keep up with it step by step." Willis' career is longer and he has experienced more injuries. He knows he can't be too hasty--although the spirit of excitement is still difficult to suppress, he still Will adjust his pace in a temperate manner to avoid his impatience and desperately destroy all previous efforts.

Willis secretly told himself: two months after suffering a ligament injury, he was able to stand on the field again, which was a victory in itself; now, what he should do is to rediscover the one that was once step by step For yourself, do n’t worry if you miss the final of the League of Nations, and there is the Super Bowl, right?

Without further ado, he patted Alton on the shoulder and Willis walked towards the training ground:

Before the team doctor Walter conducts the second inspection, he cannot train casually, otherwise there will be problems at this moment, and then there will be no chance of recovery this season. Be careful, be careful, be careful ... He warned himself over and over again, forcing the fast beating heart in his chest to calm down.


His feet finally stepped on the training ground again with his own strength, and it felt really good.

Ardon didn't leave immediately, but turned to stare at Willis's back, faintly worried and looking forward, watching Willis walk into the training ground:

Willis did not start regular training or warm-up training, but just walked around the inside of the venue like a walk. The only difference was that instead of going forward, he was going backwards. Afterwards, he slowly walked around in a way of retreating. The body balance was a little clumsy, and it seemed that I was still worried about the knee injury, so that I was too careful. However, his expression was extremely focused, as if it were a very important training.

In Willis and Lu Ke's body, Al Dong can see similar things-that kind of meticulous training, even the simplest and most basic daily training is also fully committed to the completion, before he always felt that It is a useless paranoia, but now he tastes a difference.

This time, Al Dong didn't stay any longer, turned around and walked towards the office building. He also had his own training tasks to complete.


When Lu Ke arrived at Candlestick Park, the afternoon sun had climbed over his head, unscrupulously covering the entire west coastline, sparkling waves on the surface of the deep blue sea, brought in the cold wind A hint of warmth, the harsh winter warm sun is not poisonous and hot, but instead has a lazy atmosphere, people can not help but want to lie on the grass in the park, quietly enjoy an afternoon of leisure time.

Today is a day off. There are no training arrangements, but the final of the National League is close, and Lu Ke is still preparing for the upcoming key competition in his own way.

Throughout the morning, after completing the daily basic warm-up training step by step, Lu Ke stayed at home and began to study the Seattle Seahawks game video:

The entire defensive front and even the technical characteristics and tactical combination of the defensive front.

Everyone knows that the Seattle Seahawks' "Blasting Legion" dominates the second-line defense, and even Drew Brice hasn't been able to grab a bargain in their hands. Lu Ke watched the video of that divisional game twice, and it was obvious that the Seattle Seahawks' overall defense rhythm and intensity have been improved. After entering the playoffs, they released all their energy, like a torrential rain. , Making Drew Brees breathless.

In terms of pass accuracy alone, Lu Ke and Briss are comparable and have their own advantages and disadvantages. In the actual game, the pass accuracy must be considered in conjunction with the entire offensive group and defensive group confrontation, can not be discussed separately This is also one of the most direct manifestations of the collective attributes of football.

The Seattle Seahawks defensive team can force Brice into an embarrassing situation, which also means that they are well prepared to face Lu Ke.

In rugby, the entire offensive system is three-dimensional and interlocking. If a link is deviated, another link needs to be made up. Similarly, a mistake in one link leads to another. The fluency of the offense It will jam.

The two division games of the League of Nations is the best case: the San Francisco 49ers defensive group strangled the pocket protection of the Carolina Panthers, repeatedly torn the pockets to complete the raid, and even sacked. The whole game hardly let Came -Newton stood in the pocket to complete the pass observation; the same is true of the Seattle Seahawks defense team, forcing Drew Brice to dance in the pocket again and again, which affects the choice of pass.

If this is not intuitive enough, then in the 2011 season, the Baltimore Ravens strongly defeated the San Francisco 49ers, and the defensive team completed eight sacks in a single game. They did not give Lu Ke too much observation opportunities and pass space. This is the best example.

In the next National League final, the same is true for the San Francisco 49ers against the Seattle Seahawks.

Although it is said that the huge threat of the bombing legion is the challenge that Lu Ke must face directly, but before the challenge comes, Lu Ke must face the pressure from the defensive front.

Judging from the two home and away matches between the two teams in the regular season, the Seattle Seahawks have the defensive front with the powerful ability to continue to exert pressure throughout the game. They can keep the San Francisco 49's scarred offensive forward tight at all times. Stretched, and may burst directly through the pocket at any time.

At this point, Lu Ke ’s defensive reading becomes crucial. He must be able to read the opponent ’s defensive focus in advance, and then make arrangements for his offensive line in advance to seize the opportunity-or, to smooth out the disadvantages. Because in terms of hard power alone, the ability of the Seattle Seahawks defensive group is indeed above the San Francisco 49ers offensive group. There is no doubt that the only variable of the offensive group is the quarterback.

So, Lu Ke began to repeatedly study the Seattle Seahawks' defensive front tactics. From the regular season to the playoffs, Pete Carroll's overall tactics did not change much. After all, they always played the strength ball. Relying on hard power to complete the rolling, the tactical changes are just icing on the cake; despite this, Carroll made some adjustments, and the player configuration and tactical choices have also changed.

For a whole morning, Lu Ke was studying the ground defense of the opponent ’s defensive front and pressure on the pass. Although all tactical changes can be understood, there are still many questions about the hidden context and rules. In the final analysis, he is The offensive team background, the theory of defense can only be regarded as understanding the fur, about defense issues, you still need to ask a defense expert.

According to the original plan, Lu Ke did not prepare to come to Candlestick Park, but watched the video of the game at home 24/7; however, after encountering problems, he changed his plan and decided to come to the training base and study the video of the game with the defensive team coach. Really eat through Carroll's defensive tactics.

After lunch, Lu Ke drove to the training base.

Under the warm golden sunlight walking towards the office building, before entering the first floor, you can see a figure coming from the direction of the infirmary, which made Lu Ke's footsteps stop and waved his hand to say hello, " Hey, man, how are you, have you successfully passed the inspection? "

The opponent gestured an "OK" gesture and showed a big smile, "Hope this time, I will be able to complete the entire game of the Confederations Finals. How about, are you ready to pass me the ball?"

The person coming is Ted Jean.

After being injured in the life-and-death game against the Arizona Cardinals, after two weeks of rest, Jean has finally announced that he will return to the team list and can officially debut!

Lu Ke gave Jean a big hug, "This sentence should reverse the order of the subject and the object. How are you ready to catch my pass?"

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