King of the Bay Area

Chapter 1596: Sadness destiny

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In the 2013 NFL playoffs, the first round of wild card games came to an end, and four teams were finally selected for the next round of the regional games. Although this is only a wild card game, the ups and downs and exciting games still make the fans big. Calling addiction once again proved the fact that there are no weak teams in the NFL.

Unfortunately, the reality that there is only one winner is also doomed: Some people are happy and others are worried.

The first is Midland.

The first wild card game, "Indianapolis Colts VS Kansas Chiefs".

After running in and growing up last season, the Indianapolis Colts, led by second-year quarterback Andrew Lack, climbed to the top of the Midland South for the second year in a row. Beyond Robert Griffin III and Russell Wilson of the same grade, and surpassing Andy Dalton and Cam Newton who entered the league one year earlier, and Lu Ke are called twins of the younger generation. star.

The Kansas Chiefs, who have been ups and downs for several years, have picked up strongly under the leadership of Alex Smith and coach Andy-Reid. They led the league in the first half of the season. Unfortunately, the second half was weak. In the end, they fell to the fifth seed seat, but they are still the best performing team in the United. In the fan vote, 49 people in San Francisco led the League of Nations, and the Kansas Chiefs led the League. The popularity value can be seen.

This wild card game is also a head-to-head confrontation between the old and new top picks, "Andrew Rake VS Alex Smith", and this game did not fail to deliver a perfect answer, creating a lot of history.

In the first half, Alix led the Kansas Chiefs with full firepower and achieved a "31:10" lead with an absolutely strong attitude to enter the halftime break, while the second half only took 75 seconds to complete the touchdown. He further pulled the score and got a full 28-point lead; and the Indianapolis ponies of Lak seemed to be completely unable to play. Lak threw three interceptions in the first half and appeared. Once the ball was dropped, the catastrophic performance put the team into a desperate situation.

According to the conventional route, the Kansas Chiefs will win the regional tournament tickets, but it is precisely this game that has achieved the prestige of Lak "digging pit king": the first two thirds of the game is responsible for digging the pit, and the last three One-half of the game is responsible for filling the pit, and the outcome depends on the state of the pit filling day-his digging ability is even stronger than that of New York Giants Eli Manning, but the pit filling ability seems to be slightly inferior.

After the start of the third quarter, Rack sounded the counter-attack horn, completed five touchdowns only in the second half, and completed a wave of reversing winning touchdown attacks with 75 seconds left in the game , Completely wiped out the 28-point difference, and completed the overtaking. Finally, with a score of "45:44", it created the second highest score reversal miracle in the history of playoff history and reproduced the Super Bowl decisive battle last year. Thrilling moments.

Eleven months ago, before the Super Bowl blackout in the "San Francisco 49ers vs Baltimore Ravens", the San Francisco 49ers were 29 points behind, and eventually reversed the summit with a "42:41" score; this time, Lak also The Indianapolis Colts led to replicate the same feat of miracle.

This game created a series of historical records:

The second game in history that led by more than 28 points but encountered a turnover. In the first game in history, both sides exceeded 44 points and the difference between winning and losing points was only one point. The second game in history was decided by one point. In the playoffs, the most playoff games against the two teams in history have the most passes.

In addition, the Kansas Chiefs have lost eight consecutive playoffs, with the most history-previously, they shared the embarrassing record of "losing seven consecutive playoffs" with the Detroit Lions. Now, the Kansas Chiefs have thrown away the Detroit Males Lion, enjoy such a historical record. However, this does not seem to be a good thing.

This result is undoubtedly surprising, and coincides with the Kansas Chiefs' regular season development trajectory:

After leading the league in a nine-game winning streak this season, he lost five of the remaining seven games, only defeating the two weak teams of the Washington Redskins and Oakland Raiders. All the games facing the strong opponents fell. defeat. It also contains an embarrassing record. In addition to the home and away wins over the Oakland Raiders, in the face of rivals Denver Broncos and San Diego Lightning in the same district, all the home and away division civil wars have all been defeated.

Therefore, the Kansas Chiefs are also hailed as the "most weak" playoff team-not the weakest, but the strong confrontation still does not prove their emptiness, in the end, the team is also a kind of almost The terrible way ended this year's season.

The victory of the Indianapolis Colts has once again ushered in the entire league to "blow up" Lak, and even many professional analysts began to exclaim early, "the birth of another elite quarterback."

This is the difference between top picks and unsuccessful rookies. Lu Ke spent three seasons constantly proving himself, including a Super Bowl summit, but the league still has some reservations about his praise, because he was a rookie, his foundation was unstable, and he needed more time to prove Self; but Luck is the arrogant of heaven and has been optimistic since college. After entering the league as the top pick, every excellent performance now further proves the "correctness of vision" of scouts and analysis commentators. You can win a lot of pursuit and affirmation.

Now, early on, some people began to guess: "Is this year's Super Bowl against" Lack VS Lu Ke "?" Just a bit of brain repairing, I can't help but be excited.

But whether it is Lack or Lu Ke, there are still two hard battles to be completed. It is too early to look forward to the Super Bowl. It is too early to wait at least after the divisional game. It can also be seen from the side, how people in the industry are looking forward to the rise of Lak-because Lu Ke is always proving their mistakes, and Lak is always proving their correctness.

The second wild card game, "Cincinnati Tigers VS San Diego Lightning".

Andy Dalton still performed well after joining the Cincinnati Tigers. He entered the playoffs for the third consecutive season. His 11-5 record was consistent with the Indianapolis Colts and the Kansas Chiefs. Defeated the Pittsburgh Steelers, Green Bay Packers, New England Patriots, Baltimore Ravens, Indianapolis Colts and other strong teams. It also included the thirteenth week of the regular season that defeated the wild card opponent San Diego Lightning. The victory also made the league generally optimistic about the team's playoff prospects.

San Diego Lightning is also not a soft persimmon. Philip Rivers has always been regarded as one of the league ’s most underrated quarterbacks. His ability is even better than that of Ben Rothsberg, Joe Fraco and others. This year The regular season faced a five wins and seven losses situation, but ended in a wave of four consecutive seasons, the final moment thrilled into the playoffs-these four wins include defeating the Denver Broncos, New York Giants and Kansas Chiefs. In the wild card game, many analysts believe that this is a team full of unknowns.

Facts have proved this.

In the first half, the two teams were equally divided and unmatched. At halftime, the Cincinnati Tigers took a small lead with a "10: 7" score.

But in the second half, the situation changed suddenly. Andy Dalton instantly fell into the quagmire of mistakes. The poor performance of two interceptions and one drop made the Cincinnati Tigers badly blocked; and the state did not reach the best Philip Rivers. Relying on the experienced experience, the situation was stabilized, and the ground was gradually mastered with the pressure of the ground attack and defensive group, and he scored 20 points steadily and won the victory easily.

The final score is "10:27", which is also the only game in the four wild card games that has a score difference of more than three points in the regular game time.

The Cincinnati Tigers lost neatly without any chance, which also made them the first team in league history to lose the first three games of the playoffs; worse, since 1991, the Cincinnati Tigers It has not been possible to win the playoffs in twenty-three years-in comparison, in these twenty-three years, the other thirty-one teams in the league have won at least one playoff victory. In other words, they are the only team in the league that has not been able to win any playoff wins in the past 23 years.

The Cincinnati Tigers are more tragic than the Kansas Chiefs. This seems to have become a kind of demons for the entire team and the entire city. Even they themselves began to doubt: can we win the playoffs?

Andy Dalton, who joined the league in the same year as Lu Ke, has successfully proved his ability. Whether it is to reach the playoffs for three consecutive years or to beat the strong teams in the regular season, these performances are worthy of recognition. Of course; but repeatedly lost the chain in the playoffs, but let him fall into a desperate situation.

So, when will the Cincinnati Tigers win a playoff victory?

At the end of the Allied Wild Card game, fourth seed Indianapolis and sixth seed San Diego Lightning successfully won and entered the next round, which also confirmed the divisional situation.

Top seed Denver Broncos against sixth seed San Diego Lightning.

The second-seeded New England Patriots played against the fourth-seeded Indianapolis Colts.

This also means that the anticipated "Old Master Showdown" failed to be staged as scheduled, and the playoff matchup between Peyton Manning and the Indianapolis Colts was still missed, and the staggered fate is stunned; and Denver The Broncos and San Diego Lightning will start a divisional civil war in the Western Conference of the United States, which can be regarded as a wonderful scene after the NFL special format.

At the same time, the new and old duel of "Tom Brady VS Andrew Lak" also successfully attracted more attention. This is bound to be a confrontation battle. Neutral fans can now get excited early.

Midland's divisional games have unique expectations!

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