King of the Bay Area

Chapter 1539: Dilemma

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49 people in San Francisco, or Green Bay Packers?

Elizabeth chose Green Bay.

Spencer chose San Francisco.

Neither of them jumped out of their comfort zone and gave similar reasons, but Elizabeth ’s standard of judgment was the opponent of the two teams ’last game-in Spencer ’s opinion, such judgment was too much. Subjective, because every game is different, and the nature and attributes will be different. A team that can beat the Seattle Seahawks does not mean that it can beat the San Francisco 49ers.

Although the reasons are similar, Spencer has his own ideas, "Return to the topic we just talked about: Lu Ke is a quarterback with excellent game intelligence and on-the-spot ability. His ability to interpret the game can change the whole situation……"

Seeing the commotion around him would be overwhelming, especially Elizabeth, who was about to move, Spencer said immediately, "I do n’t deny Rogers’ ability, we all agree that Rogers is also a very good quarterback, Rogers and Lu Ke has the same ability to win and lose, and we have reached a consensus on this point. "

Despite Spencer's explanation, Elizabeth still couldn't hold back, "So, what you said just now emphasizes that Lu Ke is better than Rogers? So can San Francisco win?"

"First of all, this is not what I mean." Spencer said without hesitation. "Rugby is a collective sport. We must pay attention to the way the quarterback cooperates with the entire team. In Green Bay, we really have the right to arrange tactics. It ’s Mike McCarthy. Even Rogers, McCarthy ’s tactics at the critical moment must be decided by McCarthy. This also means that Rogers ’judgment and understanding can only be transformed into field tactics after McCarthy ’s second interpretation.”

In fact, the same is true of the New England Patriots and New Orleans Saints. This is the authority of the head coach. There are very few situations in the league where the offensive or defensive coaches call tactics.

Of course, there are subtle differences between each team. In New Orleans, all offensive tactics are arranged around Drew Brice. Some people even ridiculed that coach Sean Payton was intentionally letting Brice brush the data, which also gave Brice more initiative; In New England, Bill Billick has no special treatment, everything can be compromised for victory, and Brady is no exception.

"In San Francisco, Jim Hubble also has the tactical layout rights, but the difference is that he is willing to believe Lu Ke ’s hunter ’s sense of smell. In many cases, he dares to give Lu Ke the tactical initiative, and Lu Ke will complete the layout and execution. It also maximizes Lu Ke's game wisdom. At the most critical moment, such details can often become a turning point in determining the game. "

Spencer made a very interesting point, even Elizabeth couldn't help thinking seriously, and Spencer also put forward more evidence to prove his point, "In the past two seasons, the two teams have fought It ’s the slightest difference, and it ’s the San Francisco 49ers who laugh to the end. I ’m not saying that the past record can determine the result of the game, but the side also shows that when the two teams and the two quarterbacks are very close , Young San Francisco is the one who dares to let go. "

After all opinions were published, Spencer added, "Second, I really think Lu Ke is a better quarterback than Rogers."


This sentence ignited the gunpowder barrel immediately, and everyone scrambled to refute.

"How is it possible? Rogers is definitely better!"

"Lu Ke's stability is still not comparable to Rogers."

"Rogers' overall ability is still better."

"The two are at most close in strength. How can one say that Lu Ke is better than Rogers?"

"This is really ridiculous! Lu Ke has entered the league for several seasons? Rogers has entered the league for several seasons? There is no way to compare the sustained output capabilities of the two!"

"Lu Ke is indeed excellent! But better than Rogers? I doubt it!"

There was a lot of arguing and protests in the ears, almost all of them were oppositions, even cursing sounds, and in the splashes of blushing red lips, the entire studio was like a volcanic eruption, and the hot and surging air rolled on the surface of the skin. Almost scalding my arm.

In such a scene, Spencer had already expected that, in terms of Lu Ke ’s current qualifications, it was still not enough to shake the position of the four elite quarterbacks. Even the youngest Rogers, he only entered the league five years later. Having received such recognition, he threw out such decisive remarks, which will inevitably provoke strong protest and opposition. Because of this, Spencer did not answer Elizabeth ’s question at the very beginning of the topic, but placed it after expressing all his views.

As far as Spencer is concerned, he believes that Lu Ke's performance is indeed enough to be among the elite quarterbacks. The only thing lacking is time.

The debate was intensifying, and Edward had to come forward, "Return to the topic, hey! Guys, let's focus on the outcome of this game again! Elizabeth supports Green Bay, Spencer supports San Francisco, what about the others? If you have an idea, you can say it now! "

In an instant, all the noise stopped, and the studio fell into an awkward silence, looking at each other, no one seemed willing to speak rashly.

Edward shrugged. "It can make everyone dumb. Wow, the power of Lu Ke and Rogers is indeed quite extraordinary."

The staff standing outside the camera range laughed collectively.

Analysts and commentators here exchanged their gazes with each other, and couldn't help but fall into a dilemma of crying and laughing. Finally, Henry waved his hand and said simply, "Even Manning won't be so difficult to choose against Brady. How, in the end, there will always be a winner, and there is only one winner! I think Green Bay can win the final victory! "

Henry rate first set an example, and then explained, "Of course, injury is a problem that both teams must face, but for now, Green Bay ’s lineup is more neat, and the core players are in the last week of the regular season. The successful return to the team also makes them more competitive. "

"This season, Green Bay ’s record has always been in a bumpy state. The biggest reason is that Rogers and a series of main players are missing due to injury. Do n’t forget that before Rogers was injured, their record was five wins and two losses, absolutely. One of the most competitive teams in the league; now, that familiar team is back! "Henry concluded," they have every reason to be a Super Bowl hot team again. "

But Henry ’s voice had n’t come down, and the opposition came out, “I choose San Francisco! Before the playoffs began, San Francisco ’s injuries have also eased, especially the offensive team, including Vernon Davis. All the players in the team will return to the team, and they will be able to play after activation. Hubble and Lu Ke can always find a solution. I believe San Francisco is the winning side. "

Between the different viewpoints, another perspective emerged. "Just mentioned a detail. Young San Francisco is a team that dares to let go. But what we are talking about now is the playoffs. It is absolutely impossible to break the stalemate in the stock market. Why does the Cincinnati Tigers always struggle to win in the playoffs? The psychological factor is on the one hand, and the shackles caused by lack of experience are on the other hand. "

Such an opinion was immediately recognized by Elizabeth, "The previous two games between Green Bay and San Francisco happened in the regular season, and they were all in the first week of the regular season? The young and vigorous San Francisco gritted their teeth and won the game. Status has indeed become the key to the left and right games; but this is the first playoff confrontation between the two sides, the situation is bound to be different ... "

"Are you going to say that in the playoffs, the experience of Green Bay will be the key to the direction of the game?" Spencer immediately understood the meaning of Elizabeth. "First of all, in the playoff experience, San Francisco is definitely not It will be weak, do n’t forget, San Francisco is the defending champion, and has completed five playoff games in the past two seasons, Lu Ke and Rogers are on the same level; second, the strength of the two sides, the impact of experience Very little. Neither team is a team that is so handicapped because of the playoffs. This is not the focus we need to consider. "

"No, we have to realize that the playoffs and heads-up playoffs are very different. Even the" old guys "like Tom Brady and Payton Manning who have been in the league for more than a decade have played in the playoffs. It also needs to be treated with caution, and now Rogers and Lu Ke are no exception ... "

The nagging controversy hasn't had time to start yet, and then a diagonally opposite perspective created a fresh perspective.

"Now all opinions are centered around injuries and conditions. On-the-spot play will be the key to left and right games, and even the experience of the playoffs has been discussed, but my personal views are slightly different. All of these are auxiliary factors. Real It is still the team ’s strength that determines the game. In terms of hard power, San Francisco prevails, and the defending champion shows enough strength. Outside Seattle, New Orleans and Carolina, they are the most threatening team of the National League. It is a matter of course for Green Bay to advance to the next round. "

After this sentence came out, I immediately stabbed Ma Honeycomb, just as I just emphasized that "Lu Ke is better than Rogers". Now that "San Francisco is stronger than Green Bay" is also full of controversy-

All the previous arguments were based on "the strength and status of the two teams are almost the same", which seems to have become a consensus; but now some people have broken the "gentleman agreement" and directly win with strength negative? Is this surely a noisy place? All analysis commentators collective fryer!

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