King of the Bay Area

Chapter 1502: No refund

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the King of the Bay Area!

Twenty-two yards in four gears.

Since the red flag challenge by Bruce Arians, the momentum at home has been pushed to a new apex. The Arizona Cardinals have exploded with amazing energy up and down. In the fierce matchup, they took a deep breath. Keep the active advantage of the fourth quarter contest firmly in your palm.

Then, the San Francisco 49ers stood in a retreat position-fifty-five seconds, twenty-two yards in fourth gear, and failed. Then the entire season was officially ended here, there is no other possibility.

Calm and calm.

The whole scene seemed a bit confusing, but Lu Ke ’s brain remained calm. Although the situation had reversed since the red flag challenge, Lu Ke knew that the real gap was still within a few centimeters, just like the 49 people in San Francisco. Leading the majority of the half, the Arizona Cardinals have never lost their confrontation; now it is the same. The victory of the Arizona Cardinals seems to be within reach, but the 49ers in San Francisco may not have a chance.

Until the last moment, there will always be suspense in victory or defeat!

How to do?

This is Lu Ke ’s only thought in his mind right now, but he has n’t had time to think about it yet. Arizona Cardinals coach Arians is going to have a timeout-what does it mean?

This means that on the edge of victory, it seems that they can already touch the hot temperature of victory. They will miraculously enter the playoffs by continuously defeating the Seattle Seahawks and the San Francisco 49ers. Everything is so close. It was so true, but the Arizona Cardinals were nervous, at least Arians was nervous.

The entire studio was quiet, and the analysts couldn't think of a more suitable vocabulary, and hesitantly could not control the tension.

"Now, we have a good chance to see Lu Ke challenging Wanfu Mary again. This is what I said. When Lu Ke is in the position of commander of this offensive team, you should never ignore him in desperation. Among the reversal abilities, he now has the ability to deter any defensive team! "

"God, the referee missed the judgement! A fatal missed judgement!" While analyzing the scene, the studio played a video playback of the offense and defense just now-

Lu Ke tried to find Logan, his most trusted receiving point, with a 60-yard rainbow pass, but Logan was caught in the circumstance of three defensive players and unfortunately missed the catch; and now according to From the video playback, the Arizona Cardinals cornerback Justin Bethel had a very serious pull foul.

According to the rules of the league, when the catching player is trying to catch the ball, the defensive player must not block the opponent's attempt to catch the ball by pulling. Only after the opponent has made contact with the rugby can he pull and grapple Otherwise, they will be sentenced to maliciously destroy the foul.

This is the case this time. Before Logan took off, Bethel hugged Logan from the back, and gathered his hands to confine Logan ’s shoulders. As in a wrestling movement, he clamped Logan ’s arms and body. Completely unable to move, this is an undoubted pull foul, very obvious! It can even be seen that Bethel did not hesitate to complete the defense with fouls and made it clear that he was not converging his defensive moves.

But ... the referee did not throw a yellow flag, as if the collective were blind.

The Hubble standing on the side of the court jumped thunderously, screaming and roaring towards the referee, expressing their protest; unfortunately, the 49 people in San Francisco could not challenge the referee ’s verdict, on the one hand, because they had not suspended and could not throw a red flag; On the one hand, after entering the two-minute official time-out timeout, the head coach cannot challenge the referee with a red flag.

Analysts and commentators in the studio dutifully published their opinions, "This is a very obvious foul, but clearly the referee thinks it is legal physical contact. It is certain that the penalty will be the focus after the game. , Because it is very likely to become the key to the victory of the whole game, which determines the different destinies of the two teams. "

All home fans inside the Phoenix University Stadium are booing and scolding, continuously interfering with all the offensive tactics of the San Francisco 49ers. The deafening sounds completely overwhelmed all the voices, and the protests of Hubble and other coaches all They all disappeared, only to see that they were expressing their dissatisfaction in blushing face, but they could not hear the specific words at all.

Judging from the mouth, it's all swearing.

Even with it, the players on the court can't help getting irritated-if there is no foul, can Lu Ke and Logan succeed in the connection? Especially when Lu Ke massaged his right arm again, the anger became more and more uncontrollable, and his emotions began to agitate.

Then, the sight fell on Lu Ke again.

Lu Ke didn't shout, because he knew that the shouting effect at this moment was definitely not good. He couldn't even pass the voice, how could he encourage morale? Lu Ke has always maintained calmness and composure. Those calm and wise eyes have hidden all emotions in a stable manner. His eyes are staring at his teammates. The confidence that erupted from the inside out is just a little bit A little bit infected teammates-

They have experienced ups and downs together, they have faced difficulties and obstacles together, they have gone through all the difficulties together, they are the defending champions! They are the creators of the perfect season! They are the writers of the history of the league! And all the glory and aura are not easy to get, but they will win step by step through the thorns, and even if they stand on the cliff again, what then?

They are soldiers.

Gradually, the eyes of all the offensive players gathered on Lu Ke. The anger, the irritability, and the tension all condensed into a driving force. Now that there is no retreat, let it go, and now the situation is very, very difficult, and all they need to do is trust Lu Ke.


The first three yard lines in the end zone and the twenty-two yards in the fourth gear. Multi-line attack, shotgun formation.

Lu Ke has directly cleared the backcourt. Anyway, even if he was sacked in the end zone, the result is the same as losing. It is better to throw away his shirt and fight against it. The Arizona Cardinals defensive team chose how to deal with it.

Sure enough, the Arizona Cardinals withdrew from the defensive group-it can be said that the stereotype can also be said to be rigid, but the 32 teams in the league should be like this, knowing that the other party is about to challenge Wanfu Mary, this is Huashan's way, then The defensive group is bound to be pressure on the front, pulling the net in the back, and emptying in the middle. This is the case for 99 times in 100 games, and the only exception may be to hit yourself because of too many tricks.

Another old-fashioned explanation is called classic.

Now the formation of the Arizona Cardinals defensive group has become clear. Three defensive forwards on the front line, two outside backs are three steps away, and the next two steps are two linebackers and two cornerbacks. The positions of the four players showed a horizontal line spread, covering the whole game. The last two security guards have retreated to 25 yards. The whole sense of hierarchy is very clear, and the defensive focus has not been deliberately concealed, because They know that the 49ers in San Francisco are very difficult to have other tricks, so they do not need to play tricks.


Lu Ke just adjusted his breath, without hesitation, then announced the kick-off.

With both hands on the ball, Lu Ke's line of sight swept quickly, and the five catchers showed five running routes, and started straight forward towards the sides.

There is no trick, it is a one-on-one breakthrough, each catcher confronts a defensive player, and then forms a breakthrough with his absolute strength: there is no cross running, no mutual blocking, and no tactical cooperation, it seems It degenerates the offensive tactics to the college age. The hard bridge and hard horse complete the confrontation with physical qualities. Such a retro and simple tactic is the best choice when challenging Wan Fu Mary.

Because long-pass tactics are difficult to play tricks, this is true for the defensive group and the offensive group. A strong breakthrough relying on personal ability is the best way to confront each other.

Without any hesitation, Lu Ke began to retreat quickly and open up the space, but the problem is that he is now standing in the end zone, and there is no place to go back. As if running with shackles, the entire mobile space is restricted.

Pull right, stop urgently, turn around, retreat, move left.

Lu Ke put all of his pocket footwork skills into play, trying to win more time and more space for himself in the pocket; then the Arizona Cardinals tore the pocket of the defensive striker!

Although there are only three defensive lines against the offensive line, the offensive line has a weakness: they dare not let go of the fight, lest they accidentally foul, but Lu Ke completed the Wan Fu Mary connection, but he landed because of his foul. All of Ke's efforts were ruined once, which made them also tied up.

The defensive team grasped this weakness. They were not afraid of fouls at all. They could even be said to be unscrupulously rushing at the front of the end zone. They instantly reversed the number of disadvantages and completed the breakthrough. The center's peak, Dan Williams -Williams) dragged his 330-pound (150 kg) bulky body, broke through his pockets majesticly, and rushed towards the landing.

However, Lu Ke completed the turn two shots in advance, returned to the middle from the right and then went to the left, which made Dan Williams' center of gravity become extremely awkward and could not catch up with Lu Ke. However, his existence is a threat in itself, leaving Lu Ke's pockets under the turbulence of a violent storm.

Lu Ke bypassed a big circle and left Dan Williams behind. He ran out of seven yards and eight yards and stood completely in the left-wing gap zone, looking for a pass target.

He needs to pass the goal! **** it! He needs a pass to the goal!

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