King of the Bay Area

Chapter 1383: No answer

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the King of the Bay Area!

Suffering from a headache, Ardon finally understood what it was like.

A beep sounded in my mind, "Beep beep beep beep", there was only a monotonous beep, like a straight line, sounded steadily and continuously, sounded for a long time It doesn't fall off, as if a giant is squeezing his head with both hands, working harder and harder, and even hearing the sound of bones crunching.

Just when he thought his head would explode like this, the giant hands stopped, but there was no breathing gap, and then he began to pull out again, as if he was ready to break his head into two with bare hands. Half of that, the pain of the division permeated a minute, and even every cell was trembling slightly.

Don't talk about thinking, at this moment Alton's entire head has become a scum, look at the left, and then look at the right, he would rather choose to die.

As a result, Ardon simply gave up thinking, pulling away the power attached to his legs and torso, and the body slowly dived little by little, returning to the surface of the water, like a submarine, disappearing in In that clear blue, then the world was quiet again.

Did he actually dive like this? Literally!

Logan and Marcus both cast their sights on the landing, and Lu Ke was also stunned and raised his eyebrows, indicating that he did not anticipate the development of the matter.

Wallace's red eyes had been killed, and his anger continued to blow out. Even if Ardon chose to dive, he still snarled relentlessly.

"Alton! Damn it! You know this is a swimming pool, right? I can see you! I can still see your body! I know you can hear it! **** Christ! Give me an answer, black / ... Ghost, I need an answer now! Grass! I know you can hear it! I know! Do n’t play games with me! I do n’t want to play games with you! Answer me! Ah! Answer me! "

Wallace has completely lost his mind and his voice is hoarse, but he still hasn't stopped. The steady flow of energy is continuing to blow out, and he seems to be tireless at all.

Yelling shouted, Al Dong still did not move. If it was Lu Ke, he stood by the swimming pool to see how long Ardon could hold his breath. Ardon would have surfaced sooner or later; but Wallace had no patience, and he started to grab the objects by the pool Throw in the water.

When Wallace lifted a beach chair, things seemed completely out of track.

"Bambi?" Logan Malaysia guarded Lu Ke in front of him, lest Wallace would be indifferently attacked after losing heart.

Looking at Logan's movements, Lu Ke was also helpless: he was not a crystal doll, and it broke when touched. Logan's movements were completely trivial; The situation, that very serious expression made Lu Ke couldn't help but want to support his forehead.

"Let's go." Lu Ke patted Logan and Marcus' shoulders respectively, his feet didn't stop, and turned and strode away.

Both Logan and Marcus did not respond. "This ... just left?" Isn't the matter over yet? Now that the big show is still exciting, why did it suddenly leave?

Because Lu Ke knew that he had done his best.

Everyone has his own life path and needs to finish it by himself; and each path has its own demons and obstacles and needs to be overcome by itself.

After all, bystanders are just bystanders, they can give advice and help, but they can't replace the parties to complete this path. The real breakthrough still needs to be done by myself. If I refuse to admit and refuse to break through, then even my loved ones, even loved ones, and even comrades-in-arms, can only help.

Maybe Wallace is Aldon ’s flayer, of course, maybe not.

But no matter how, only when Al Dong decides to come out, the teammates headed by Lu Ke can really help him; otherwise, all the cry and roar of Lu Ke will not help. As it is today, it ’s a unique situation, because it ’s not just Alton who is experiencing difficulties in the San Francisco 49ers.

Even at the moment of life and death on the battlefield, even at the moment of fighting side by side among comrades in arms, sometimes they must make a decision to give up. Before giving up, they will do their utmost to consume the last drop of blood and fight hard; but when a certain time comes, they still need to learn to choose, otherwise this war is destined to be impossible to win.

The earth does not revolve around Wallace, nor is it Aldon.

Today, the teammates waiting for the tactical meeting are temporarily put down, and they come to find Aldon personally, not for an answer, but to sound the alarm. Now, everything that should be done has been done, and what should not be done has also been done, and the rest will be left to Ardon himself. Lu Ke is not Alton's personal psychologist.

So, if you do n’t leave at this time, do you really stay and watch the show?

Logan watched the footsteps of landing and decided to leave, and quickly exchanged a look with Marcus. Then the two ignored Wallace and quickly chased towards the landing.

"Bambi, Ardon can't hold on for long, he will rise to the surface in a long time, are you sure not to wait?" Logan's thoughts still stayed on the good play behind him, "You sure don't need to know Alton ’s answer? "

"And then?" Lu Ke opened the door and got into the driver's seat.

Logan and Marcus paused, and then they went around the front of the car and got on the other side. "What is it then?"

"I mean, Al Dong made a choice, and then?" Lu Ke asked.

"..." Logan thought he had an answer, but after thinking about it, he found he had no answer.

If Aldon chooses Wallace, does that mean they can officially give up Aldon? Obviously, he was still a member of the defensive team before the team refrigerated Aldon or Aldon's transfer-the second-best defensive player in the league last year, but this year it has become a wallflower? This is not good news for the defending champions full of wounded soldiers.

If Aldon chose the team, does that mean they forced Aldon to cut off contact with his best friends? Although everyone knows that public affairs and private affairs should not be confused; how can the drastic changes in personal life not affect the state of the game? Professional players are also people, not robots.

This is a multiple choice question with no answer. To be precise, the correct answer is not Wallace nor the team, but Aldon himself.

Realizing this, Logan ’s gossip heart quietly ceased, and then he turned his head to look at Marcus, "You know there is a kind of person, when we watch a series, he can always say in advance The ending, or the loophole, is not a spoiler, but he is smart enough to see through everything, especially when we are completely immersed in it, it is really a wife who hates. "

Marcus also nodded his head in agreement, "That is, that kind of high-level, superior-looking face is really annoying. He can be in his heart, there is no need to mock us, is it?" Obviously, Lu Ke saw what they did not What I saw made judgments and decisions in advance. This feeling of being led by the nose is really too similar to being "spoiled."

Lu Ke started the engine, left the courtyard of Ardon, and returned to the road again. "Are you sure that you are not feeling bad because your IQ has been crushed?"

Logan and Marcus exchanged glances, then retracted their gaze at the same time, pretending that nothing had happened and sat back in their place:

No, absolutely not.


On Tuesday afternoon, Ardon did not appear above the tactical meeting.

On Wednesday morning, Al Dong did not appear on the occasion of the official news day-he was warned by the alliance.

On Thursday morning, Al Dong finally appeared in the team's training base and started a joint training with the team.

On that day, no one knew how long Ardon spent in the swimming pool, no one knew what choice Ardon made, and no one knew what happened to Ardon ...

Because when Ardon appeared again, he did n’t mention the conflict between Lu Ke and Wallace in words, as if ... nothing happened, it seemed that Lu Ke and his party happened in the house of Al Dong. The conflict has not been able to create any aftermath, and there is no trace at all.

When Al Dong appeared in the dressing room, Lu Ke still followed his usual practice and ended his first round of practice early. He came back to change his jersey and prepared to join the team's daily training. He caught Al Dong's figure and was thinking in his mind. In the end, how should he say hello to Aldong, but he did not expect Aldong to come by himself.

"Hey, Bambi!"

Al Dong greeted his teammates enthusiastically. When he saw Lu Ke, there was no hesitation, and he walked over without any hesitation, giving Lu Ke a sturdy and strong Hug, the expression is relaxed and happy, it seems that I just experienced a long rest, and now it is ready to go.

Without waiting for Lu Ke ’s response, Al Dong said voluntarily, “Sorry, I was absent from the tactical meeting on Tuesday. I know I know that I promised to attend, but something unexpected happened that day. I was going to send you a text message to tell you Yes, but then I got busy and forgot. You would never believe what happened that day ... oh, hey, Logan, Marcus! "

During the talk, Logan and Marcus approached, and Ardon greeted without any panic. It looked like countless ordinary Thursdays in three years, and then he said with a dazzling expression, "After training If you have time, I must talk to you about those stories, and you will never believe it. But now, let ’s get into training. Training is always the most important thing. This is the original word of Bambi, right? "

Afterwards, Al Dong turned freely towards his locker and was still saying hello to other teammates along the way.

Everything is normal, very very normal, and even some are too normal.

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