King of the Bay Area

Chapter 1377: Wish to rest

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No one is indispensable.

This is the constant theorem of the entire natural law. Without any one person, the earth is still rotating, the sun is still rising, and the tide is still rising and falling. The world is still that world, and nothing will change dramatically. This is true of life, as is professional sports.

In the professional sports league headed by the NFL, no one is irreplaceable.

The fall or departure of a player is always accompanied by a choice of younger, more energetic and more powerful. The Yangtze River back wave pushes the front wave, the front wave dies on the beach, and sometimes the wave wave has disappeared without even pushing the back wave In that vast ocean.

Even top stars such as Payton Manning and Tom Brady are not the only ones that cannot be replaced. If they slack off training, if they have an injury, if they lose their state, there are still countless new generation quarterbacks behind them waiting to be replaced; even if they go all out to maintain the state, the professional league The wolves in the circle are looking for opportunities to defeat them.

Alton-Smith is no exception.

Indeed, Ardon is a defensive genius, but is such a genius once in a decade or once in a century? The difference is objective; even if a genius who meets once in a century does not know how to cherish his talents and spends time constantly, it is only a matter of time before he is abandoned.

The team will not care, the teammates will not care, and the fans will not care. An Alton has disappeared, and there are tens of millions of Smiths waiting for the opportunity to show their strength; a talented player may change the game, but the football game requires the united efforts of 53 players to win, " 1:53 ", how to choose in the end, this is not a mathematical problem.

In other words, no one cares about his career except the player himself.

For the team and the agent, the player is just a commodity, after carefully packaged and painstakingly managed, they are eager to be a profitable commodity.

For fans, players are the objects they chase and pursue, but in the final analysis, before the team and the player, they always choose the former.

For the player's family, they wholeheartedly support the player's pursuit of their career, but they are ultimately just a group of bystanders who can't feel the same.

Only the player himself, his career has always been in his own hands. Known as the most talented Randy Moss of all time, wandering in the league for fifteen years, it was only in San Francisco that the 49ers won their first Super Bowl championship ring, and the only one that could change the fate of Moss It is only him.

The same is true of Aldon Smith now.

According to American cultural habits, Lu Ke should let Alton leave. He needs to choose the teammates in front of him, not the willful "arrogant man."

Lu Ke has done his best, he tried his best to help Ardon; but if even Ardon himself does not care, he is helpless, he should not interfere too much in Ardon's life-he is not Ardon's agent, he Not even the coach of the San Francisco 49ers, Alton is not his responsibility, nor should he be his responsibility.

But the reason why Lu Ke is Lu Ke, and the San Francisco 49ers are the San Francisco 49ers, is because in this team, they are not mercenaries gathered for victory in the game, they are soldiers and comrades fighting side by side.

Moss said at the beginning that in the New England Patriots, all people gathered for victory, they could enjoy the joy of victory, taste the bitterness of failure, but could not share the bits and pieces of life. Of course, this can also be regarded as a professional spirit of professional sports, public and private.

However, this is not the style of the San Francisco 49ers.

When comrades face difficulties and crises, they must help, "Do not abandon, do not give up." This slogan sounds extremely hypocritical, but it is the truth summed up after a **** battle on the battlefield. Because only in this way can they survive side by side in this brutal and **** war.

Alton is not just his teammate. They are friends, they are comrades in arms.

Reason tells Lu Ke that he has fulfilled his responsibilities, and the rest should be left to Alton himself; but emotions tell Lu Ke that Aldong needs him.

"You start first." Lu Ke left a sentence, turned and strode away.

Logan and Marcus exchanged a line of sight with each other, and then chased past.

Upon seeing this, Justin quickly raised his voice and said, "Pay attention to Bambi, don't let Bambi hurt!" After the call, Justin clenched his fists, thumped the desktop heavily, and then took out his phone and dialed Al Dong's phone was hung up just twice, "Damn it!"

Justin is also the eldest brother in the defensive group. After moving to San Francisco in 2008, he spent five seasons here. His glory and achievements were all created by this city ’s team. Yes, although he had spent seven seasons with the Tigers in Cincinnati before, his inner belonging always belonged to San Francisco.

Now that Alton is having problems again, Justin is no less worried than Willis.

Lu Ke left them at the forefoot, and Justin immediately started to make calls from the back foot, from Willis to Alton agent, to Trent-Balke ... Now the only hope is that Aldon will not reappear. Who could have imagined that the MVP within the team last season has become an untimely bomb among the team this season?

The sound of Justin's continuous phone calls rang in the room, while everyone else became quiet, forming an abnormal silence and silence.

Jon waited and waited, but after all he still couldn't hold back, and said with a confused face, "So? Why is everyone looking like a sky falling down? Al Dong is an adult, he has already been eighteen Years old, isn't he? He should be responsible for his actions and choices. Why do a group of people follow his fart / share? Even without him, the team will not collapse, will it? "

Jon's words are correct.

Put on most teams, in most contexts, his words are not wrong. Jon still looks at the entire incident from the perspective of professional sports, and he naturally cannot understand Lu Ke's choice and Justin's concerns.

Jon ’s attitude is not much different from when Moss first entered the team last year. But the problem is that Moss has talent and ability. He relied on his performance to occupy a place, but he encountered obstacles in integrating into the team. Then there was a conflict between Moss and Lu Ke. I know it all; but Jon has nothing, so now Jon still hasn't been able to gain a foothold and is even more unable to integrate into the team.

Justin glanced back at Jon, his eyes full of lingering indulgences, but after all he said nothing, he lowered his head to get busy again.

Yeah, for most people, the fanatical atmosphere in the San Francisco 49ers' locker room is incomprehensible, and they never understand why the term "fighter" has a special meaning for the entire team; if Jon After staying in San Francisco for half a season, but still refusing to understand this team, then maybe they are not all the way.

Jon felt Justin ’s look, and it became more and more inexplicable, “What ’s going on? What am I saying wrong? Who he / mother / cares about an Aldon-Smith? Lu Ke is our quarterback, is n’t he?”


"Bambi, calm down."

Sitting in the co-pilot seat, Logan repeated the same words one hundred and one times; and Marcus, who was sitting in the back seat, did not become moldy. He simply sat on his knees, from the two seats Between the gaps, the body protruded, and the parrot repeated, "Babi, must be calm. This is not a big deal. Perhaps, maybe something unexpected happened that we didn't anticipate? We shouldn't presume pessimism in advance, Isn't it? "

If it were n’t for Lu Ke now holding the steering wheel in his hands, he really wanted to beat the two noisy guys next to him. He was regretting why he had to stop and let the two people sit up instead of stepping on the accelerator. Just go straight ahead?

"I'm calm now, but if the two of you continue to make noise, I can't guarantee it." Lu Ke almost squeezed out his words.

Logan and Marcus exchanged a line of sight, they could both feel the tightness of Lu Ke's teeth collision, hesitating whether they should shut up, and finally Logan asked hesitantly, "Are you ... are you sure? "

"Yes." Lu Ke didn't want to talk more, and before Logan spoke again, he said in advance, "Hush! Shut up, if there is any more sound, I will stop and throw both of you down. "

"Hey, it's not fair! You can't punish me with Logan!" Marcus immediately complained.

"Voice! I said, any voice!" Lu Ke finally understood what it was like for Tang Seng to read the sutra, "Hush! Hush!" Seeing that they had to argue, Lu Ke stopped it again and again.

The world is finally quiet.

Logan and Marcus secretly exchanged a gaze, exhaling lightly-they had just deliberately, deliberately relaxed Lu Ke in a nonsense manner, at least the tight smell of gunpowder had now dissipated; They can only hope that Aldon asks for happiness, unless Aldon can find a strong reason to explain his absence today-or late, otherwise today's scene will be very bloody.

There were rumors among the 49 people in San Francisco: angering Hubble, it was a disaster, but at most it was a torrential shower; do n’t anger Lu Ke, because this is the Pandora ’s Box, and you absolutely I don't want to find out what is hidden in the box.

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