King of the Bay Area

Chapter 1344: Inconsistent

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the King of the Bay Area!

"Bambi, Babi! Cam Newton said in an interview that you are just a role player, the right time is in the right position of an opportunist, anyone can do your job, or even more Okay; then, Steve McNair has also won the regular season MVP, and your results and glory are nothing. "

The reporters presented Kam's words in front of Lu Ke in the most concise and direct way.

This is really exciting!

It ’s rare to see that journalists do n’t need to fan the flames or get out of context. They just need to simply and plainly narrate the original words to achieve the effect, just like a repeater. Although this makes the reporters useless, but ... this drama is really too exciting, no one wants to miss it.

Lu Ke could clearly see the excitement and excitement of the people eating melons in front of him. The kind of impatient agitation came directly. He also felt a sense of joy, and then he smiled, "So? "

Huh? What is this response? What is this routine? What is this answer?

Aware of the question marks of the reporters, Lu Ke also kindly explained, "I mean, this is really nothing, and I never thought that these awards would make me superior. The victory of every game-- I know this has been talked about for a long time – but the fact is that this is the result of our team ’s hard work, and it ’s up to me to accept that honor, but I need to thank every teammate of the team. I have reached another level myself. "

Why do you feel ... weird?

Lu Ke's words did not mention Cam, but looking at his expression, his eyes, and his words, he always made him feel that he was insinuating and vomiting Cam:

Even the regular season MVP has remained humble, so what qualification does Camu have to judge Lu Ke's achievements and merits? Whether Lu Ke is a role player or not, it seems that it is not Cam's turn to point fingers, right?

Wait, is this really Lu Ke's real innuendo, or are the reporters' ability to diversify their thinking too developed and their brains made up?

"But ... but he thinks you are a role player, and your personal abilities are not outstanding at all." The reporter continued to question unwillingly.

Lu Ke chuckled, "Why do I always feel that your words seem to be discriminating against role players? I hope this is my personal illusion, because in my opinion, role players are also an integral part of the team, if Without this role, the team is no longer complete, is it? "

Cam's words clearly questioned Lu Ke's personal ability, but Lu Ke gave a counterattack in the name of the collective. Isn't this a bull's eye?

You can think about it carefully and interpret Cam ’s point of view in Lu Ke ’s words, and things are not quite right:

Cam keeps emphasizing personal ability and heroism. Does this imply that the team wins all his credit? Moreover, Cam also discriminates against those role players, thinking that role players are of no importance at all. Even if there are no role players, the team can still function normally? Furthermore, in rugby games, the individual is bigger than the group? Then the other players of the Carolina Panthers ...

Stop and stop.

Now I can't think about it anymore. The more I think about it, the more I feel that Lu Ke is having something in his words. He is digging traps inside and outside the words, and he turns in Cam little by little, and then ... he can't get out anymore.

Regardless of whether Lu Ke's words can cause Cam's fierce reaction, no one can be sure that after the other 52 players of the Carolina Panthers heard it, no one would be cranky. Who in the dressing room can make it clear?

"Kam still uses Steve McNair to metaphor you, don't you think this is an offense?" The reporter still didn't give up.

Lu Ke still did not panic, but laughed more and more happily, "No, of course not. I instead feel that when you compare me with Joe Montana and Payton Manning, this makes me more nervous. Because it means that I need to work harder to reach their standard. "

"I mean, Steve McNair is a very good player, but we are all working hard to become better." Lu Ke then added another sentence, blocking all other provocative words followed by the reporters. Blocked a strict one, and then ... then things became boring.

Yes, boring!

Faced with Cam's attack, Lu Ke didn't actually jump like thunder? Didn't you swear? There is no emotion out of control? How can this drama continue to be sung? Shouldn't Lu Ke launch a frontal counterattack with red ears and splatter, and blame "I'm going to blow up your / dog / head", this is logical!

Why is the result an elderly Tai Chi?

Negative Ratings!

Although Lu Ke's words are full of countless interpretation possibilities, after it is released, it will inevitably lead to a debate among fans and players again; but in the final analysis, the lack of sparks is really disappointing.

All the reporters at the scene looked at Land Ke with a "cold heart" expression: I didn't expect you to be like this!

But there are still reporters who are not reconciled, and finally added a question, "Bambi, so what kind of quarterback do you think Cam Newton is? For this game, are you confident of winning?"

This is one of the world ’s top ten boring issues, and it is basically the standard question template on the pageant. Without any new ideas and creativity, mentioning it means not mentioning it.

Just when all the reporters had given up their struggles, Lu Ke brought unexpected surprises, "In fact, I don't know. I'm a quarterback, not a running back. You know, different positions, I can't make a relative Accurate and objective evaluation. But regarding the game, I will still try my best to win. This is still the only goal of the team and me. "

and many more.

and many more.

Did they just miss a key part: running back? Running back! Running back! Cam Newton is a running back?

Critical blow!

As we all know, Cam ’s pass success rate is always less than 60%, which is a fatal shortcoming. Even if the rookie season passes the 4,000 yard pass data that breaks the rookie record, his pass success rate is only 60.0%-The following 2012 season and this year, the value is below this threshold. The reason why the number of passing yards can set a record is that one is because the number of pass attempts is very, very large, and the other is that the continuous advancement after the receiver and the near end have finished receiving the ball is very successful.

Compared to Kam's passing ability, his physical fitness comparable to Superman has been more played in the ground.

You can compare a set of data.

In the 2011 season, there were 21 passing touchdowns and 17 interceptions; 14 running touchdowns, 706 yards for running and 5.6 yards for running.

In the 2012 season, there were 19 passing touchdowns and 12 interceptions; 9 running touchdowns, 741 yards for running, and 5.8 yards for running.

In addition, the team's top running back DeAngelo-Williams (DeAngelo-Williams).

In the 2011 season, there were 7 running touchdowns, 836 yards, and 5.4 yards.

In the 2012 season, he had 5 running touchdowns, 737 yards and 4.3 yards.

After the horizontal comparison, it is clear at a glance. In addition to the total running yards in 2011, Cam ’s running data is ahead of the team ’s number one running back DeAngelo, from running yards to running touchdowns. The running yard size is too obvious; at the same time, Cam's running data is far stronger than the passing data. At least from the perspective of efficiency and success rate, ground advancement is Cam's strength.

If that ’s just the case, it ’s just a testament to Cam ’s physical talent — he was originally a running quarterback, and that ’s his advantage, winning the game with his own strengths, there ’s nothing blameworthy; but still There is a set of data that is intriguing. In the 2011 season, D'Angelo's running attempts were 155 times, and Cam's was 126; in the 2012 season, D'Angelo's was 173 and Cam's was 127.

Rugby is a sport with a very clear division of labor. The work of guards and interceptors on the offensive line is very different. The linebacker and the linebacker are also different. Naturally, the running back and the quarterback are completely different. Type of work.

The so-called running attempt is the main function of running backs. Even though running backs are popular in the league, the main data and abilities of running backs are still reflected in running attempts. The team ’s offensive and tactical system is also established. In order to maintain the balance of passing and running on the two data of "running attempt" and "passing attempt".

Simply put, running the ball is the job of a running back.

But now, in terms of the number of running attempts, the comparison between D'Angelo and Cam is very intriguing. Who is the quarterback and who is the running back?

So, to return to Lu Ke's words just now, Cam and D'Angelo are both running backs.

This is the most fierce and cruelest!

Lu Ke directly denied Cam ’s efforts in the quarterback position, but simply regarded him as a running back. The facts also support Lu Ke ’s point of view: Cam ’s playing style is completely a running back. It might be a running back with occasional guest passes, just like Marcus Lynch. Coupled with Cam ’s poor performance in passing, the words became more meaningful.

In an understatement, Lu Ke launched the most powerful attack!

All the previous complaints and dissatisfaction have now disappeared. Only Lu Ke ’s sentence is enough to knock Cam into hell!

Sure enough, the **** spot is still the most brutal one! See it all at once! Seal your throat with a sword! Deadly!

"Get off! All he / mother / grounds get out of me!"

He smiled and smiled in the previous second, and looked like the bottom of the pot in the next second. The eyes made up by Kam ’s bloodshots were suddenly overcast and burst out with a terrifying light. The "Waiwei" reporter directly swallowed, and the tight muscles and clenched fists were already on the verge of breaking out.

Damn it! Damn it!

Cam was completely swallowed by anger, and the only thought in his mind was to squeeze the **** guy!

But how can journalists easily let go of Cam?

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