King of Industry

Chapter 279: Zhao Guoyang's Promise

After being seated, Zhao Guoyang showed a calm atmosphere, which gradually brought a smile to Marilyn's eyes.

Although it is not an official formal lunch, when the servants serve the food, they still follow the rules. There are all the pre-dinner drinks and fruit salad that should be there.

Originally, Zhao Guoyang wanted to choose lemonade as a pre-dinner drink, but Marilyn waved her hand lightly to the maid, then turned to Zhao Guoyang and said, "Mr. It really lacks some atmosphere, don't you think?"

Hearing what Marilyn said, Zhao Guoyang naturally couldn't refuse, so he could only agree.

Seeing him nodding, Susanna next to him signaled to the maid, "I'm also red wine."

The maid nodded respectfully to Susanna, then turned her gaze to Marilyn, as if asking the hostess which bottle of red wine to open.

"Isn't there still a bottle of Malvicia in the wine cabinet, just open that!" Marilyn said nonchalantly.

As soon as she finished speaking, Suzanne exclaimed, "Wow, Zhao, Mommy takes you very seriously. There is only one bottle of Malvishia left at home. I want to open it on my seventeenth birthday. She didn't even agree."

Suzanne's exaggerated appearance made Zhao Guoyang scratch his head.

Seeing her daughter's surprised look, Marilyn couldn't help complaining: "Okay, okay, what are you talking about, it just makes Mr. Zhao bored..."

"No, no, Suzanne is real, hearty, and not pretentious. I appreciate her very much." Zhao Guoyang waved his hands again and again.

After hearing this, Marilyn smiled gently: "Mr. Zhao and the little girl are heroes. She was on the phone yesterday, but she praised you to the sky."

"If we failed to cooperate with you this time, it would be a big failure for our family business. If not, I wouldn't rush back in such a hurry."

When it comes to business matters, Zhao Guoyang's expression suddenly became serious, and he said solemnly: "Ms. Marilyn, if only one party is successful in this kind of cooperation, it will definitely not last long. The reason why I proposed cooperation to Susanna Suggestion, also thinking that both of us can have a broad and long-term cooperation foundation!"

"Well, well said!"

Marilyn nodded in agreement and said, "Originally, I still had doubts about the accuracy of my little girl's ability to judge people. But after seeing Mr. Zhao with my own eyes, I no longer have such concerns."

Seeing the maid bringing up the red wine and pouring three glasses each, Marilyn stood up with a smile on her face, raised her glass, and said to Zhao Guoyang, "Mr. Can succeed."

Zhao Guoyang didn't dare to be negligent, and quickly stood up, touched Marilyn and Susanna respectively, and said sincerely: "Thank you, Ms. Marilyn, for your hospitality. I also hope that our cooperation will be smooth sailing."

During the meal, Marilyn didn't talk much about business matters, but just chatted with Zhao Guoyang about what they saw and heard in the Samba country and Sao Paulo state in the past two days.

Hearing from Zhao Guoyang that before she had time to go to Gualua Beach in Sao Paulo State, Marilyn looked at her daughter angrily and said, "Susanna, as a friend, you are not very competent as a host."

"How about it, isn't Mr. Zhao leaving in two days? Tomorrow, you can accompany him to Gulua Beach and show him the beautiful seascape of our state of Sao Paulo."

After Marilyn spoke, Susanna glanced at Zhao Guoyang's acquiescing expression, and immediately agreed with a smile.

In fact, she also had the idea of ​​taking Zhao Guoyang to the beach before, but she never implemented it.

Now that my mother made a quick assist, Susanna couldn't help but be overjoyed.

After the three of them had finished their lunch, a maid came over and led the three of them to a nearby teahouse for a conversation.

The teahouse is semi-enclosed, and you can see the situation outside the house from the inside, but you can't see every move of the people inside from the outside.

After taking a sip of the steaming coffee, Marilyn crossed her legs and began to talk about business.

"Mr. Zhao, I heard from Suzanne that you intend to invest in the niobium-tantalum mine owned by our Baptista consortium and want to jointly develop it. Is this the case?"

"That's right!" Zhao Guoyang definitely replied

Marilyn then asked again: "It's just that the mining of niobium and tantalum mines is very difficult and requires a lot of funds. The most important thing is that this relatively unpopular precious metal is not very easy to sell. There is a great possibility that it will be developed. After that, I haven't been able to find a sales market..."

After Marilyn said this, Zhao Guoyang nodded secretly, knowing that this lady must have done her homework before talking to him.

In his view, the reason why Marilyn and her consortium bought the niobium-tantalum mine was probably just as a long-term investment, and they didn't intend to rush to mine it.

After all, investing in mineral deposits may not make a lot of money, but the preservation of value is still safe.

Now when she suddenly heard from herself that she wanted to invest funds to mine this niobium-tantalum mine, Marilyn was surprised, but naturally also a little confused.

In this way, it is reasonable for her to search for information on niobium and tantalum mines in private.

However, what Marilyn didn't know was that the sales problem after the mine was developed was not a problem for Zhao Guoyang at all.

Looking at the questioning eyes of the beautiful woman staring at him, Zhao Guoyang explained calmly: "Mrs. Marilyn, since I dare to boast that I have invested millions of dollars to cooperate with your Baptista consortium, then I Naturally, there are considerations."

"Madam Marilyn, you don't have to worry about the sales of niobium and tantalum ore. I will take care of everything. If you don't believe me, we can make a special note when we sign the contract later!" Zhao Guoyang swore Said with chest.

After Zhao Guoyang finished speaking, Marilyn and Susanna, the mother and daughter, looked at each other in shock.

Obviously, the two of them never expected that Zhao Guoyang would take such a difficult, even critical task, in one go.

In fact, Zhao Guoyang must be quite sure of making such a promise.

In the middle of this century, after the founding of the Republic, for a long period of time, Western developed countries stored rare and rare earth metal minerals such as lithium, beryllium, niobium, and tantalum as strategic materials, and imposed blockades and embargoes on the Republic.

Originally, at the beginning, the Republic could purchase some of these rare metal mines from the former Soviet Union.

But after the relationship between the two countries deteriorated, the Republic's rare metal procurement channels were completely cut off.

Until now, even though it has been several years since the reform and development, the developed countries in the West have still not opened such an opening to the Republic.

Now, if Zhao Guoyang can obtain the right to exploit such rare metal mines overseas in his own name, the state will definitely support him 100%.

After the mine was mined, Zhao Guoyang didn't even need to run sales, and the relevant departments of the Republic would contact him.

After Zhao Guoyang and Mr. Li brought up this matter in private, Li Kejian also gave him a full guarantee, and he was absolutely unmistakable.

It is also based on this point that Zhao Guoyang boasted so much in front of Marilyn.

At this time, after hearing Zhao Guoyang's statement, Marilyn smiled happily and said, "Okay, since Mr. Zhao is so sure about the sales channels, there will be no obstacles to our cooperation."

"However, for me personally, I still have a small request. I don't know if Mr. Zhao can meet one or two."

After Marilyn said this, Zhao Guoyang didn't look surprised.

He said calmly: "Ms. Marilyn, please say something. Let's have an open and honest talk today, just to settle this matter as soon as possible."

"Yes." Marilyn agreed with Zhao Guoyang's statement. She glanced at her daughter and turned to Zhao Guoyang.

"Mr. Zhao, it's like this. If you do this in the name of a consortium, there are many restrictions. So this niobium-tantalum mine, I plan to transfer it to my daughter's trading company for operation. I hope you can understand this point .”

After Marilyn finished speaking, Zhao Guoyang's heart brightened.

Needless to say, this must be Marilyn in the Baptista Consortium, and she has not gained absolute control.

In order to avoid unnecessary trouble, she felt that it would be more appropriate to transfer this investment to her daughter.

Although the transfer price may be higher than the initial purchase price. But in this way, the money earned in the future will naturally belong to Susanna.

Zhao Guoyang fully agrees with Marilyn's proposal.

He said very frankly: "Ms. Marilyn is very considerate, and I have no objections. Besides, Suzanne and I are friends, so we will be able to cooperate more smoothly."

"Yeah, what Zhao said is great." Suzanne said happily.

"Mommy, your decision is too wise. I have long wanted to exercise my ability and make a career. Now with Zhao's investment, coupled with his extraordinary business vision, my trading company will It can be said to be bright!"

Seeing her daughter's heartfelt smile, Marilyn inadvertently revealed a look of love.

In fact, although Zhao Guoyang guessed most of Marilyn's intentions, he ignored one point, that is, Marilyn's concern for her daughter's growth far exceeded her pursuit of interests.

In Marilyn's view, although Suzanne has begun to touch some things in business, she is far from inheriting the family business.

To become the successor of the family, she still needs a lot of training.

Whether it is to let Suzanne start a trading company independently, or let her get in touch with the business of non-ferrous metal mines, Marilyn wants her daughter to speed up the pace of growth in practice.

Now, with great difficulty, a visionary and talented partner like Zhao Guoyang appeared by her daughter's side. Of course, Marilyn wanted to trap him in order to help Susannah grow up.


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