Just as he hesitated, he suddenly felt the void wall in front of him fluctuate slightly.

Before he could react, several figures appeared in front of them.

Lu Yuan, Ding Tianjiao, Long Xianzhou, Lin Xuanzhi, Xu Houwu.

These five people are very familiar with the lord of the kimchi country, because they are all opponents he has encountered in the killing god competition, except for Lin Xuanzhi at that time because the level is too low, the two are difficult to distinguish up and down, the other four kimchi country lords are invincible, did not expect that they actually appear here now, is this to sneak attack? But you know, there are millions of players in the Holy Water Country, and their strength will not expand to this step, right?

"What people?"

The Holy Water Country Lord frowned, and his figure suddenly exploded, although he was bloated, his speed was not slow.

Behind him, a black river shadow suddenly appeared, stretching from behind him to the clouds, like a black cloud hanging in the sky, and the aura was very huge.

Not far away, the players of the Holy Water Country who felt the reflection of the Holy River seemed to realize something, and instantly rushed towards the direction where the Lord of the Holy Water Country was.

The surrounding powerhouses gathered more and more, forming an encirclement of Lu Yuan and them.

"You are Lu Yuan?"

The Lord of the Holy Water Country had already obtained the identity of the five people from the Lord of the Kimchi Country, and at this moment there were three points of scrutiny and three points of contempt in his eyes, but when he felt the mysterious aura on Lu Yuan's body, all his emotions turned into jealousy, even mixed with fear.

Not only Lu Yuan, but even the few people on Lu Yuan's side, he felt a sense of crisis.

If it weren't for the strong confidence given to him by the Holy River Phantom, he would have the idea of escaping at the first time.

But now, with so many of them, are they afraid that they won't be able to deal with a few Dragon Countrymen who are alone and deep into their interior?

"Are you here to surrender and choose to submit?"

Hearing this, Ding Tianjiao and Lin Xuanzhi looked at each other, and both saw a little smile in each other's eyes.

Long Xianzhou smiled even more disdainfully: "Surrender? Don't talk about us, even you, I'm afraid we don't have this opportunity!

"Damn, what do you mean?" A hint of anger appeared on the dark face of the lord of the Holy Water Country, and he glared at the two with angry eyes, and the water flow in the shadow of the holy river behind him became more and more surging, and the water element continued to converge, which actually made the holy river behind him have three signs of solidification.

Not to mention, this person can become the master of the Holy Water Country, and this SSS-level Holy River power is really a bit extraordinary.

Lu Yuan looked at them lightly: "What he means is that all of you people here will die today!" There

was a hint of fear in the eyes of the Lord of the Kimchi Country, and although Lu Yuan controlled his emotions well, he still felt the determination in his words.

Lu Yuan was already strong and unmatched, otherwise he would not have become a god of killing.

Previously, he had also entered the Killing Secret Realm and obtained many of its resources, and now he was afraid that his strength had increased to a level beyond their reach.

He actually wanted to reap the benefits of the fisherman, and I am afraid that it was a luxury to survive today.

After all, the relationship between the Dragon Country and the Kimchi Country and the Holy Water Country has always been bad.

"Lu Yuan, what do you mean by this! Now that the Terrans are conducting the killing trial, our common goal is to help humanity survive this trial, the real crisis has not yet arrived, do you have to fight among yourself? The black pupils of the lord of the kimchi country flashed slightly, the people of the dragon country have always paid attention to unity, and he thought that as long as he pulled in this aspect, he would definitely be able to hold a small life.

Lu Yuan's face was calm and terrifying: "Infighting? I have never regarded you as my own, so what kind of infighting?

"Listen to what you mean, that is, you want to fight?" Can you think clearly, this is within our Holy Water Country region, surrounded by our people, do you think you still have a chance to win?" Rather, if you choose to surrender now, maybe I can still let the lord of the country let you live and make your dragon kingdom submit."

Saying that, the lord of the kimchi country inexplicably became confident, feeling that their situation was good again.

Several people in Long Xianzhou laughed: "It's really fearless for those who don't know!"

Lin Xuanzhi added: "I don't know if I'm dead or alive."

"Let's end early!"

Lu Yuan's eyes raised, the blood-red light suddenly spread, and the moment the killing field spread, the surroundings suddenly turned into Asura Hell, and countless evil spirits, killing breaths, and storms suddenly spread, which was undoubtedly an unprecedented disaster for the players of the Holy Water Country.

Long Xianzhou and Ding Tianjiao said something right, this is in the killing battlefield, and those players who make you afraid and make you worry about the future are really not worthy of being his teammates.

In the case of having to kill them all, or make the opponent choose to submit, in order to end a round of competitive missions.

Lu Yuan's choice was to kill them all.

Long Xianzhou and the others stood beside Lu Yuan, they clearly saw that Lu Yuan's figure was motionless, but the surrounding Holy Water Country players died one after another. Previously, they had been mentally prepared enough, and even some things were proposed by themselves, but when they witnessed this scene and experienced this scene in person, their hearts still beat violently uncontrollably.

Fortunately, the ferocious beasts are okay, even if there are many deaths, it is all other races.

But these are people in front of you after all!

Ding Tianjiao's eyes flickered slightly, and she wanted to close her eyes several times and not look at this cruel scene, but she held on to open her eyes and stay awake.

Even the Holy Water Country Lord and the Kimchi Country Lord were under Lu Yuan's killing realm, it was difficult to hold out for a moment, let alone other players.

Moreover, players who die under the killing realm will not even retain their complete bodies, and the spiritual power and even blood qi of their bodies will automatically integrate into Lu Yuan's killing realm the moment they are engulfed by the killing machine.

As a result, the power of Lu Yuan's killing field is getting bigger and bigger.

In just a few minutes, all the players attracted by the Holy River Phantom died in the killing field.

The huge experience they provided to Lu Yuan actually increased his experience bar by four-fifths at one time.

In fact, it can also be understood that these are the parts of the Holy Water Country that have the highest level and even the highest combat power.

Just waiting for him to solve the other Holy Water Country players, I am afraid that he can smoothly upgrade to level sixty, and by then, Lu Yuan's profession can be advanced, and his comprehensive strength will skyrocket.

It's not that the players of the Holy Water Country came in vain.

The moment the killing field was put away, Long Xianzhou and the others, who saw the sunlight again, found that their faces were a little pale.

Obviously, the scene that Fang Cai experienced in the killing field was very violent to the hearts of all of them.

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