After feeling the four souls that appeared behind him, Ulquiorra directly threw Uchiha out with his tail.

Then with a wave of both hands, a thunder spear emitting green light appeared in his hand!

This is his strongest move in the second stage of the Returning Blade form!

After condensing the Thunder Spear, Ulquiorra directly aimed at the four invisible souls and smashed them out.

The four shadows of Uchiha are ready to escape, but the speed of the Thunder Gun is too fast!

Almost at the moment Ulquiorra threw it out, the Thunder Spear slammed directly on the ground.

The terrifying destructive power directly blew down countless trees, forests and houses!

And Uchiha’s face became very ugly, and he found that his wheel 307 Tombside Hell could not be used!

The other party was just a little, and actually directly abolished his very powerful ability!

This made Uchiha a little unacceptable, but did not wait for Uchiha to react.

Ulquiorra appeared in front of him again, and then once again hoisted Uchiha in the air with his tail.

Seeing this, Uchiha wanted to use the power of the eye of reincarnation to absorb the other party’s Chakra, but soon Uchiha was surprised to find out.

There is no Chakra in the other party’s body, but another very peculiar and terrifying energy in the other party’s body!

(BCCB) This energy his reincarnation eye could not absorb at all, which made Uchiha very painful.

It is clear that he is already a six-way immortal-like existence, why is he suppressed by this inexplicable guy in front of him!

I don’t even have the ability to fight back at all!

“Let’s end it.”

After Ulquiorra finished speaking, his right hand directly condensed the Thunder Spear, aimed at Uchiha’s heart, and stabbed it fiercely!

Suddenly, Uchiha exploded!

But Ulquiorra didn’t let his guard down, and at the last second he sensed something was wrong.

“I really didn’t expect that I would actually use this kind of ninjutsu!”

Uchiha appeared behind Ulquiora and slowly spoke.

It turns out that at the last second, Uchiha used the stand-in technique he learned when he was young!

And it was this avatar technique that saved his life! (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Seeing this, Ulquiorra rushed towards Uchiha again without saying a word.

A tail whip directly exploded Uchiha Spot, who would have thought that the Uchiha Spot in front of him was actually a doppelganger!

“Interesting, did Uchiha actually start using these tricks?

Is this knowing that your hard power can’t fight and use strategy instead? ”

Bai Yu looked ahead playfully, just now he used the Shock Fruit to cause the air to shake and found the hiding place of Uchiha!

Unexpectedly, this guy actually hid so deeply!

Suddenly, a giant rises from the ground!

It’s Susano!

Seeing this, Ulquiorra directly stretched out his right hand, and then the black virtual flash wiped out the Uchiha spot inside Susanoo and it!

But Ulquiora’s face became ugly, he obviously had the strength to crush the other party.

As a result, every time you hit out, the target is fake, which makes you look like a fool!

So, a somewhat angry Ulquiorra flew directly into the sky.

“You can’t hide!”

After Ulquiorra finished speaking, he waved his hands, and the spiritual power in his body fluctuated wildly, and then a series of thunder spears appeared in midair! .

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