Seeing the white feather that suddenly appeared in front of his eyes, Kirabi also breathed sharply!

This guy… So fast!

It’s even worse than the big brother who opened the armor of Thunder…?!

Thinking of this, Chirabi also had to retreat at this moment and came ten meters away. Looking at the white feather in front of him, his face was full of solemnity!

Obviously, now this white feather will not let himself support the eldest brother.

Just as Chirabi was thinking, I saw Lei Ying suddenly burst out:

“Than, what are you stunned about?! Come on! As I said earlier, their target is you! ”

The words fell, and the two people who were constantly attacking him in front of him also made him no longer distracted.

There is also a guy or even a puppet!

But soon, Lei Yingai discovered that something was wrong.

He had also fought with the puppeteer, but the puppet in front of him seemed to have his own consciousness.

There is no trace of manipulation at all.

And that red-haired imp is obviously a puppeteer!

However, his hands did not constantly dance Chakra thread to control the puppet like those puppeteers in the past!

What the hell is this… What is the situation?!

Thinking of this, Lei Ying also responded to the puppet’s attack while looking at the green-eyed masked man.

Also discovered his quirkiness.

Through a short exchange, he also discovered that this guy could harden his arm like that white feather.

But as for the hardness, it is not as strong as the white feather!

These two people… It shouldn’t be the same secret technique used!

Thinking of this, the four eyes also stared.

There is no time for him to analyze the situation in front of him carefully, and the two guys in front of him must be solved as soon as possible!

The really tricky thing is still that white feather!


The next moment.

I saw that the thunder shadow on his body rose up into the sky like an explosion, and even his pale yellow hair stood up instantly!

The furious blue thunder and lightning wrapped around it again!

Seeing this scene, Jiaodu and Scorpion also frowned!

Just now, the two of them also saw the battle between Bai Yu and the fourth generation of Thunder Shadow, and the Thunder Shadow who turned on this mode, whether it was speed and strength, could only be described by the word perverted!

And those Yunyin people endured after seeing the battle between the two of the Thunder Shadow and the Shadow Organization.

Everyone’s eyes were also focused on a few people.

Soon, some Yun Ren, who were slightly stronger, also discovered that something was wrong.

But there is no doubt that whether it is the black mask man or the puppeteer, the strength is at least shadow level!

Otherwise, otherwise, with two people, it would be impossible to contain Lei Ying.

Especially that red-haired puppeteer 307 is not the same as ordinary puppeteer at all!

Realizing this, a Yunyin Shangren also spoke to a person next to him:

“Hey, did you find out?! That puppeteer…! ”

“Well, that’s his puppet, but the rest isn’t controlled with Chakra thread!”

“That puppet is completely acting on his own!”

When the words fell, the faces of the two began to become a little solemn.

You don’t need a chakra thread to control a puppet, can you still be counted as a puppeteer?!

“Wait, that puppeteer… Could it be…?! ”

“That S-class rebel of Shayin Village-”

“Red Sand Scorpion?!”

Speaking of this, some Yunyin has also guessed the identity of the scorpion.

“The legendary genius puppeteer?! I didn’t expect to have already joined the shadow! ”

“No wonder I can deal with Lord Lei Ying for so long!”

Just as the clouds were talking, a powerful Chakra aura also instantly struck towards everyone!

Feeling the sudden burst of powerful Chakra, all Yun Shinobi’s faces changed!

I saw Chirabi, who was originally covered with the tailed beast Chakra, and a steady stream of tailed beast Chakra began to pour out from his body!

In an instant, a fierce wind also set off around him, and it spread violently towards the surroundings!

Like an invisible giant hand, turn everything over!

In an instant, the wind carried debris and swept through, enduringly!

“That… Is that?! ”

“No, it can’t be wrong! Lord Chirabi… It’s time to use the power of the tailed beast! ”

Seeing this scene, a look of excitement also appeared in the eyes of Yun Shinobu, and his eyes stared at Kirabi tightly.

And this sudden change also couldn’t help but make several people who were fighting stop their movements one after another, and almost at the same time looked towards Chirabi on the side!

At this moment, Jiaodu’s face also looked a little solemn, and he muttered in a low voice:

“This is … The power of the tailed beast?! This powerful Chakra is really scary! ”

And when the rest of the three shadow organizations saw this scene, their pupils shrank slightly!

This is… The power of Yaoi?!

Although the Chakra of the fourth generation of thunder shadows that broke out just now has reached this level, it is his full strength after all!

And the furious tailed beast Chakra in front of him was still pouring out from that person’s pillar power’s body!

At this moment, Deidara also spoke in a deep voice:

(bcde) “Oh, do you say… Is the Yaoi in that guy’s body going to run away?! ”

As his words fell, the Uchiha weasel on the side also moved slightly, and said indifferently with a waveless face:

“Looking at his appearance, he should have just borrowed the power of the eight tails in his body!”

Listening to the conversation between the two of them, the scorpion’s eyes were fixed on the white feather who was still standing quietly in place.

That guy, in the face of a monster of this level, really… Are you sure?!

This has not completely turned into a full-fledged tailed beast, and Chakra has reached this point, which is far from what the previous Shouhe can compare with!

And at this moment, the fourth generation of thunder shadows also sank, and said to Chirabi:

“There is no other way to do it now, just go on like this! Compare! ”

As soon as the words fell, the eyes of the fourth generation of thunder shadows also looked at Bai Yu in an instant, only to see that he faced this extremely violent tailed beast Chakra, still without any panic, and did not even move his footsteps.

Seeing this scene, Lei Yingai was also shocked in his heart!

Could it be that this guy… Don’t know what fear is?!

At this moment, compared to the different expressions of everyone, Bai Yu’s eyes that exuded a light purple light did not have any mood fluctuations.

Looking at the Kirabi who was constantly wrapped in the berserk tailed beast Chakra in front of him, the corners of his mouth slowly hooked a smile.

Half-tailed animalization?! It seems that I am still underestimated!

Just as he was thinking, only to meet the body of Kirabi in front of him, the violent dark red chakra seemed to have reached a peak, directly soaring into the sky!

And the next moment.

Kirabi’s figure is also completely wrapped in that dark red chakra! It looks like a semicircular chakra hood!

Followed by.


The furious Chakra around it exploded instantly, and in an instant, countless hurricanes were set off again, spreading violently towards the surroundings!

Some cloud ninja who were not strong were also instantly swept away!

Soon, a half-humanoid creature wrapped in the berserk tailed beast Chakra came into everyone’s eyes, and behind it, the eight tails made of Chakra kept waving!

The next moment, I saw that the half-tailed beast Kirabi also spoke in a deep voice:

“Let you see the power of Uncle Kirabi and Xiaoba, you bastard!”

As his words fell, everyone in the shadow organization was also slightly stunned.

Wrapped in this powerful Chakra, haven’t you lost your sanity?!

It seems that this guy has indeed fully mastered the power of the tailed beast as rumored!

Even if Bai Yu’s strength is strong, is he really sure to deal with monsters of this level?!

That can’t be counted as a ninja anymore, can it?!

Just as everyone was thinking, Bai Yu’s faint voice suddenly sounded, interrupting their thoughts.

I saw white feathers’ hair flying, but his face was indifferent.

“I hope that you, who borrowed the power of the tailed beast, can make me… Have a little fun! (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!) )

As soon as these words came out, not only the Chirabi on the opposite side, but even the people watching the battle were slightly stunned.

“Isn’t it, this guy…?!”

“In the face of Lord Chirabi, who has already turned into a half-tailed beast, can he still be so calm?!”

“That white feather must be pretending to be calm!”

“That’s right, no matter how strong he is, he can’t defeat Lord Kirabi in this state!”

Hearing Bai Yu’s words, Zhongyun Ren also began to talk about it again.

Although it was so, when everyone had seen Bai Yu’s terrifying strength, no one underestimated the strength of this young man!

After all, that is the person who can suppress Lord Lei Ying!

This is just to give yourself a little psychological comfort!

Everyone was watching from afar at this moment, they could not intervene in such a battle, and they could only pray in their hearts for Chirabi’s victory!

I saw Kirabi in the state of tailed beasthood, his white eyes narrowed slightly, and he chuckled:

“What an arrogant fellow, feel the enthusiasm from the little eight in me!”

The moment the words fell, I saw that at his elbow, white bones suddenly emerged, and it only took a moment to turn into the appearance of a bull’s head!

Seeing this, Bai Yu’s eyes also moved slightly.

Do you want that trick again?!

Before he could think about it, he saw that Kirabi’s figure also disappeared from the place in an instant!

In just the blink of an eye, he suddenly appeared in front of Bai Yu, and this strange speed was probably not inferior to the thunder shadow just now!

Immediately, I saw that the white bone bull head at the elbow was also directly swung towards the white feather!

Thunder hot knife!

Seeing this picture, the thunder shadow on the side also shrank sharply!

Compared to this guy, do you want to use the power of the tailed beast to strengthen the power of the Thunder Blade?!


The furious tailed beast Chakra kept tumbling around Chirabi, directly slamming towards Bai Yu’s chest!

Seeing this picture, everyone suddenly breathed sluggishly, and their pupils constricted!

The power of Chirabi’s move is no less than the thunder shadow in the full state just now!

Sure enough, the power of the tailed beast is still too terrifying!

The furious attack power contained in this is enough to make people fearful just by staring!

Facing the white bone bull head that was already close at hand, Bai Yu had already felt the power of it, and it was indeed a little stronger than the thunder hot knife of Lei Ying just now.

But also just… That’s all!

In the face of Kirabi’s blow, Bai Yu did not plan to hard connect, after all, although he was hard enough, he still felt it!

The next moment.

I saw Bai Yu’s gaze condense, and on his hand, a strong white light suddenly erupted!

Seeing this scene, the surrounding cloud ninja also all changed their faces!

Again, that trick?!

Just now, their Lord Lei Ying was directly knocked away by this terrifying blow!

And the mess around is also caused by this white feather!

Also seeing the strange white light emerging from Bai Yu’s hand again from the fourth-generation thunder shadow, his pupils also shrank suddenly, and he burst out:

“Than, be careful, his move…”

However, before he finished speaking, he saw that Bai Yu’s fist had already directly aimed at Kirabi, who rushed over, and punched out fiercely!

And in order to resist the strong high temperature of the Kirabi tailed beast’s coat, Bai Yu also covered his entire arm with armed color in advance!

Seeing that Bai Yu did not retreat and retreated, Chirabi also stared at him and chuckled:

“It seems that you are really quite confident! No matter what kind of move you have, there is no chance of victory in the face of my enhanced version of the Thunder Hot Knife! It’s over! ”

Obviously, Chirabi did not take the words that came out of Lei Ying’s mouth just now seriously!

At this moment, even if I want to stop, it is too late.

Hearing Chirabi’s words, he saw that the corners of Bai Yu’s mouth slowly hooked a faint smile.

The next moment, in the horrified gaze of everyone, Bai Yu’s fist covered with a strong white light directly collided with Kirabi’s white bone cow head containing the berserk tailed beast Chakra!

However, the violent impact did not sound.

Then came the eerie glass breaking sound!


Hearing this strange and incomparable sound, Kirabi also had a pale face!

What’s going on?!

This feeling has indeed been hit, but why…?!

Before he could think about it, he saw that where he and Bai Yu’s fist collided, white cracks began to emerge, and they were constantly spreading around!

As this white crack emerged, the entire ground began to shake violently again!

And the ground under Bai Yu, the ground that was already devastated, one after another amazing ravines cracked again!

Although the surrounding Yun Ren had already seen the terrifying power of Bai Yu, his eyes were full of horror at this moment!

And Lei Ying on the side also looked at Kirabi with great worry, and cold sweat continued to drip from his face.

Bai Yu’s strange fist, he had just experienced it himself, so he was also very clear about the power contained in it!

Even if he had the armor of thunder, he could not completely offset the terrifying power contained in this punch!

And at this moment, Kirabi’s face has also become extremely dignified!

Can hard connect the thunder hot knife in the half-tailed beast state, this guy in front of him is the first ever.

Even if the thunder shadow that completely opened the armor of thunder, he couldn’t take this blow from me unharmed!

This guy… Is it still human?!

Just as Chirabi was thinking, Bai Yu’s faint voice suddenly reached his ears, interrupting his thoughts!

“It’s worthy of Yaoi, finally let my hand… I feel a little numb! ”


As soon as these words came out, before Chirabi could react, a powerful concussive force erupted, directly shattering the bull head white bone above his elbow instantly!


Chirabi looked at this strange picture in disbelief, and his eyes were full of horror!

And at this moment, the Yaoi in his body suddenly shouted at Chirabi:

“What’s going on?! How can this guy have such great power?! ”

“Than, be careful! This guy, weird! ”

As soon as the words fell, I saw that Kirabi, who was dressed in the coat of a tailed beast, also flew out upside down in an instant, just like the thunder shadow before!


A storm swept by.

Countless smoke and dust instantly rose up into the sky, shrouding this land!

Seeing that the half-tailed beast Kirabi was also punched by the guy named White Feather, everyone froze.

Just kidding, right?!

How can it be?!

That’s Lord Kirabi with the power of the Eight Tails!

Unexpectedly, Lord Thunder Shadow and Lord Kirabi actually … None of them are his opponents?!

Yunyin Village…

Is it going to be destroyed?!。

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