Kendo True Explanation

Chapter 410 Meeting One

No one in the world knows the exact location of the Wisdom Tower. (Fiction Network! Baidu Search. Win Call Fee)

But many people know that the headquarters of one of the super powers will never display any coordinate position in the world. It is more likely to exist in another space-time plane.

Lin Fei directly submitted the meeting letter to the person in charge of the external personnel of the Wisdom Tower, as a golden councilor.

Immediately received the other party's extremely high attention.

After all, although the reputation of gold is not obvious to the ears of other world powerhouses, it is relatively famous in the ears of their mages. After all, to be able to gain control of the newly emerged Eliza Gate from the hands of the Holy See and the Orthodox Church, such a strength will naturally not be a small force. And even without the name of gold, Lin Fei's A-level power should not be underestimated by the Tower of Wisdom.

Any A-level powerhouse is a top existence capable of destroying pools and cities.

Tower of Wisdom, Time and Space of Truth

The dark sky, no light, no stars, no moonlight, just pitch black.

The earth is full of brown spikes that bend upwards, like a sickle piercing the sky. These huge spikes are made of rocks. Each one is tens of meters high.

Between the spikes is a passable road.

There are no green plants on the road, just a taupe stone ground.

Accompanied by a group of black-robed mages, Lin Fei walked slowly on the road between the spikes. From time to time, look around the surrounding environment.

In the sky above their team, a small white light ball slowly followed and floated, existing as a light source.

"Your Excellency, this is the time and space of truth in my Wisdom Tower." Beside Lin Fei, an old mage in black robe with gold trim smiled and said.

"I've heard about it all the time, but I didn't expect it to be like this. It's so desolate..." Lin Fei sighed.

The old mage nodded. "Indeed, this space-time plane was discovered not long ago by us, and it is still undergoing continuous transformation, so the environment is relatively harsh. Fortunately, there is no danger here, and there are no living creatures, so it is safe and peaceful."

Lin Fei nodded slowly.

He could feel that there was indeed no trace of any living beings here. It's like a post-apocalyptic Earth, with solid rock everywhere.

A group of people walked among the spikes, like walking between the ribs of some kind of creature, which looked a little weird.

Not long after, in the far sky, four huge black mountains slowly emerged in the night sky.

Four mountains are quietly suspended in the air directly in front of the team. Compared with them, the huge spikes are even more dwarfed, and they are not at the same level at all.

The four black mountains are like floating castles, black and oppressive, with little white fluorescence glowing in the darkness.

This immediately reminded Lin Fei of the castle in the sky in a certain animation. (Baidu search .. update is the fastest and most stable,

But compared to the city of the sky. In the distant sky, the four extremely huge floating castles are more like huge spaceships in science fiction movies.

A very faint whining sound reached Lin Fei's ears.

He remembered the voice.

When teleporting to the Temple of the Goddess area, the main city of the Temple of the Gods, the sound of the teleportation array is this. exactly the same.

"This should be the empty city in the rumors of the Tower of Wisdom?" Lin Fei stopped and looked up from a distance.

The black-robed old mage beside him nodded and said, "Yes, this is the headquarters of our Wisdom Tower in the watch world."

Lin Fei stared at the empty city in the distance for a while, marveling at the majestic power of these mages. This level of power would be impossible to achieve without an extremely delicate design structure and the crystallization of countless wisdom and strength.

He could feel that these four empty cities carried an extremely long history. Seems to have been around for many, many years.

And there is no trace of the existence of any current energy. Obviously, these four empty cities are not powered by electric current. This is simply a miracle in this information age with potential as the core energy source! !

Move on for a while.

On the road ahead, three black figures slowly appeared. The three shadows seemed to have been waiting in the middle of the road.

As the distance approached, the black shadow gradually became clear, but it was three mages in black robes.

The three of them were all haggard and extremely old, and each of them had a cane in their hand. Among them, an old man standing in the front had a swirling silver galaxy in his eyes. It looks very magnificent and mysterious. …

Lin Fei was facing the old man, and suddenly felt that there seemed to be some kind of mysterious power in the other's line of sight. The moment he touched him, he felt like wanting to spy on him.

"Please forgive me, Mr. Councilor." Before he approached, the old man bowed his head slightly to apologize. "My eyes are permanently solidified with the Eye of Truth, and any creature will automatically generate a detection mechanism when I see it. This is a spell that cannot be turned off."

"It's okay." Lin Fei smiled. "However, I'm also very interested in the constant spell in the arcane. I don't know if I have a level like mine, can Guita give me a constant spell?"

"I'm afraid this won't work." The old man said calmly, "Magic Perseverance has been unable to produce much effect on your level as an adult, and any kind of power will be rejected in your body. Unlike us, we mages use Wisdom leverages the law, so the body is weak, but you represent a part of the law, and the body is strong, which is fundamentally different."

"I see."

"Then, please come with me, Your Excellency, because the distance just now is the wilderness area of ​​this demiplane, and the power of the magic circle cannot be used, but this is already the place where the magic of the empty city shines, and the magic teleportation circle can already be used directly."

The old man turned around, took Lin Fei and the others a few steps to the side, and came to a spike.

Then whispered an inexplicable mantra. A circular hole automatically appeared on the surface of the spikes. A gleam of light was projected from within.

The inside was actually hollowed out.

The entrance of the cave was brightly lit, and a circular and complex circle on the ground appeared in Lin Fei's vision.

The magic circle occupies almost all the ground in the cave. And there is also a complex seven-color halo slowly glowing, above the formation pattern, there are a large number of light spots that are transpiring like water vapor, these light spots are like fireflies, slowly flying up from the magic circle, rising, and then disappearing into the air .

It gives people the illusion that the magic circle is evaporating light spots.

The old man walked into the circle first.

"This is the teleportation array leading to the empty city, please come in." He whispered.

"Okay." Lin Fei stepped forward and walked to the magic circle. The rest of the people stayed behind, and these black-robed mages did not follow.

Only the old sorcerer on crutches and Lin Fei entered the circle.

On the stone wall inside the spike, oval-shaped white gemstones are inlaid on all sides for lighting, emitting a soft white light.

Between the oval gemstone and the magic circle, some subtle magic lines are connected like vines.

With the old mage singing in a low voice.

Lin Fei felt a gentle force slowly surrounding him.

A large amount of white light suddenly floated around, and the white light rose from the feet, gradually flooding all vision.

Then it was all white.

After blinking, the white light dissipated.

In front of Lin Fei had turned into a huge black steel gate. He looked behind him, and behind him was a floating ladder with no side to see. These stone ladders were suspended in the air and meandering downward, which was the only way to connect the empty city with the ground.

The gate is several stories high, and it is full of ancient and heavy runes and patterns. There are also two bat-like black gargoyles on the side. The gargoyle's scarlet eyes were fixed on Lin Fei and the old man. There seems to be a sense of tension that may fly away and attack at any time.

"Open the door!" The old man stomped his cane.

Suddenly, the door slowly opened with a bang. Mixed with the rattling of countless gears and chains.

Inside the door, a group of mages rushed out with their staffs. The leader was an old man in white robe.

The old man was leaning on a wooden staff that was higher than his head, and a huge round gemstone the size of a skull was suspended on the top of the staff. The gems were suspended up and down, emitting a faint white light continuously.

The old man himself was wearing a white robe with gold trim, which looked a little ridiculous with his short stature. There are a few sparse white hairs on the top of his head. If he didn't have these clothes on his body, he would be an ordinary bald old man walking on the street.

"I, the guide Esses, welcome the golden councilor Yan Fei." The bald little old man said loudly. The voice is loud and full of air.

However, Lin Fei noticed that there seemed to be a slight energy flow in his chin. Apparently some kind of amplification spell may have been used to help increase the volume of the voice.

But the other party also belongs to the existence of the same level as him. …

Lin Fei didn't dare to neglect. Bow slightly to show respect.

"Nice to meet you, Master Aises. I have heard that the Tower of Wisdom has been passed down for countless years, and it has many knowledge books and ancient rumors. I am here to find information." He directly stated his purpose.

Although the relationship between Gold and the Tower of Wisdom is not friendly, it is not bad either.

After all, no one knew that Jin Jin killed the incoming person of the Wisdom Tower in the imprint space.

People from the Holy See, people from the Orthodox Church, and people from heretics are not in harmony. This matter itself is not worth pursuing. After all, those who were sent in by the Wisdom Tower were all abandoned. Dead or alive, it doesn't matter to them.

After some pleasantries.

The old man Esses led Lin Fei into the gate.

Lin Fei walked slowly, looking around.

Behind the gate, there is a large group of low stone buildings, among which there are four tall towers, standing tall among them, and the tops of the towers are shining with soft white light.

The buildings are grouped in dark brown, and the streets between them are very deserted. There are hardly a few people to be seen. Occasionally, one or two mages appear, but they are all in a hurry, without the leisurely feeling of shopping.

"Unfortunately, due to research reasons, most of the time we travel directly through the teleportation array, and few mages have time to hang out outside. A lot of research and study take up most of our time in our lives." White Robe Essex explained.

"I can understand." Lin Fei nodded.

Esses took a few steps forward. Walk out of the team, and lightly tap the staff.

hum! ! !

Numerous magic lines stretched out like vines on the ground, centering on his feet, a large amount of white light began to spread along these magic lines.

Esses stood in the light, and a handful of black fine sand-like things spilled from his hand.

Suddenly, a small white magic circle appeared under everyone's feet.

"Teleport!" Esses growled.

Lin Fei only felt a blur in front of his eyes, and his surroundings changed instantly.

In front of him was a spacious hall, and he was standing at the entrance right now. No one else followed, and there were only two people in the entire hall. Him and Essex.

Esses was just ahead, smiling.

"This is the VIP reception room of my empty city. At your level, this is the highest standard reception."

"It's an honor." Lin Fei smiled.


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