Kendo True Explanation

Chapter 167: Black Demon Sword One

Shi Yinsong, who was sitting on the sofa, looked calm and crossed his fingers.

"It's interesting that someone dared to offend my historian."

There were bursts of gunshots faintly coming from outside the window, occasionally mixed with a few muffled grunts.

Qin Yi hugged the two twins and slowly retreated into the corner of the room. Although she didn't know the purpose of these people who broke in suddenly, and what connection they had with historians, she knew that if she and her daughter stayed here, they would probably be affected.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Shi Qingwen quickly retreated into the half-open rooms one after another, and then a group of guards quickly covered each other, hiding behind various obstacles on the side of the room, blocking the way in.

Immediately afterwards, there was a rapid clicking sound all around, apparently the guards in the hall began to draw their guns to open the safety. To be able to own so many guns under the current control of Huaguo, I have to say that the power of historians is indeed beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

An Caiyuan, who was beside Lin Fei, touched her waist with both hands, and two black pistols appeared in her hands instantly. Bang, bang, the three guards who had drawn their guns fell directly to the ground.

The opponent was not to be outdone, and more than a dozen guns roared at the same time. The whole hall was in chaos. An Caiyuan took a step closer to Lin Fei and hid in his protection range. He counterattacked indifferently, and the sound of muffled groans and the sound of the body falling to the ground came from the surroundings. But all the bullets fired at the two were completely blocked by the invisible barrier.

"Hurry up and retreat, leaving some people to block them, and the rest follow me," a leader in the guard shouted loudly. Five or six people followed him into the room that Shi Qingwen entered earlier.

An Caiyuan ignored them, there were people surrounded outside, and An Dongyong was there, even if he was a defensive supernatural being, he was still a D-level powerhouse far stronger than ordinary people. Naturally, there will be no problem with those gunmen. What really determines success or failure is the outcome in the hall.

Qin Yi hurriedly hid behind the sofa with her daughter in her arms.

"Mom..." The daughter's terrified voice faintly rang in her ears, Qin Yi turned pale, and hugged her daughter tightly. Although she herself is at a loss, the only thing her daughters can rely on now is herself. So no matter what, she must be calm and not panic.

Lin Fei held the sword, and countless bullets hit him within one meter in front of him, and he couldn't get any further. The moment the bullets shot over, a little bit of blue would suddenly appear and block the bullets. The two were like metal colliding. Make a crisp ding. At the same time, blue sparks burst out. It was as beautiful as countless light blue flowers blooming around Lin Fei.

Shi Yinsong who was sitting on the sofa stood up calmly.

"Presumably you should also be an organization? What about my other clansmen?"

"They will be entertained." Lin Fei said lightly. "I'm here to kill you."

"Choosing me was the biggest mistake in your life." Shi Yinsong smiled, and spread his palms, countless black light spots flew out quickly, and instantly gathered into a black long sword in his hand. The long sword is made like a black crystal, as if it were a solid body.

Lin Fei's eyes froze. With such a method, those spots of light were definitely something unknown. He didn't feel the power, nor the power, the real power.

Shi Yinsong brushed the blade of the sword with one hand.

"Surprised? My historian's sword-making method is something outsiders like you can know." He waved the black sword casually, and with a snort, the air was easily cut through the air. A bounced stray bullet was cut in half with a ding, and the two halves of the bullet fell to the ground, leaving the sword intact.

"Tell me the secret of this sword, maybe I can spare you." Without a doubt, Lin Fei was moved.

If you own this kind of technology, you don't have to force yourself to use ordinary long swords, and your dependence on long sword rings will also be greatly reduced. You can gather the weapons you need anytime, anywhere, without affecting the battle.

"You won't die around me?" Shi Yinsong was taken aback for a moment, then burst out laughing. A faint black halo slowly rose from his body. The halo instantly condensed around him into a pitch-black green-eyed leopard.


The leopard let out a low growl, and crouched at Shi Yinsong's feet.

At this time, the guards in the hall were basically wiped out, and about half of them retreated with Shi Qingwen. The gunfire also gradually moved away from the villa. Apparently the combat area is no longer here. An Caiyuan nodded to Lin Fei and ran out. Qin Yi on the other side also wanted to take the two girls away, but as soon as she stood up, her feet felt numb all of a sudden. Because of the long squatting, the blood was not flowing well, so she couldn't get up for a while. But also lost the best time to leave. Had to squat down again. …

Lin Fei noticed the movement here, and smiled slightly at the two girls who were curled up in their mother's arms. They were very stiff, like a half-dead serious patient, but they immediately reminded the twins of him.

"Mom, he's the weird uncle on that plane." Qin Xiaolu, who was more courageous, said softly. The younger sister beside her nodded quickly.

At this moment, Qin Yi also thought of Lin Fei, the weirdo who smiled at her daughter on the airport bus and frightened them. Immediately there was more hope in her heart. Recalling Lin Fei's actions at that time, she was sure that the other party had good intentions. In the current situation, she could only hope that he also had good intentions for the daughters.

Shi Yinsong caressed the half-person-high black panther at his feet. Looking at Lin Fei with a smile.

"As the first sacrifice of the Black Demon Sword, you should feel very honored." He gently raised the long sword. Seemingly casually, he swiped in Lin Fei's direction.

With a snort, a distorted ripple cut towards Lin Fei instantly.

"What is this?" Lin Fei's figure blurred for an instant, and then became clear again. The transparent ripples directly fell into the air, roaring past.


A deep sword mark suddenly appeared on the wall behind him, which could almost cut through the wall.

Shi Yinsong was slightly surprised by Lin Fei's dodge.

"Speed ​​type? Although this level of speed is a bit troublesome, it's okay." He patted the black panther at his feet lightly.

The black panther let out a low growl, and rushed towards Lin Fei like lightning, leaping across the distance of four or five meters between them. Like a gust of black wind.

Numerous dark blue ribbons appeared in front of Lin Fei, intertwined and overlapped rapidly one after another. Through a little gap, a silver sword light flew out in an instant, and it happened to hit the black panther's chest.


The black panther instantly turned into countless black spots of light and flew away. But at the next moment, the light spot condensed into a green-eyed black panther again, and pounced again in the air without any damage.

A silver halo in front of Lin Fei instantly swayed. This is a simplified application of Jianxin Lianlian, forming a single ring, and the release speed is much faster. It was also Lin Fei's most commonly used sword skill.

The silver ring easily sliced ​​through the panther's body, but like an illusion, it passed through the leopard's body without any hindrance, and slashed on the rear-projection TV behind it. With a click, a one-meter-long sword mark was cut on the TV and the wall behind it at the same time.

The pierced part of the panther's body instantly returned to its original shape, and it continued to fly over as it was. At this moment, Lin Fei had no time to make another move, so he could only resist.

With a bang, Lin Fei was slammed into the wall behind him with a dark blue tassel.

Countless finely crushed cement stones splashed, and a large amount of dust was raised. The whole hall was full of smog. Countless cracks appeared on the wall behind Lin Fei.

Qin Yi hugged her two daughters without daring to say a word. Watching Shi Yinsong and Lin Fei fighting was like a dream. Everything seemed so unreal. Qin Yi felt as if she had entered a magical world in an instant. But no matter what, all of this is true, and everything about her and her daughter rests on this middle-aged man she met on the plane. Seeing Lin Fei being thrown into the air in an instant, Qin Yi and her two daughters couldn't help but let out a small exclamation.

"Did you see? A lot of words. This is the black magic sword that my historian really relies on." Shi Yinsong laughed loudly, "Anyone who opposes my historian will die."

"The power is equivalent to the explosion of small-yield explosives." Lin Fei's voice came from the dust. "That black panther is not your ability."

Shi Yinsong was taken aback.

"You're still alive."

The smoke and dust around Lin Fei gradually dissipated, revealing his figure. The blue tassel was directly torn apart, only a little bit remained, but it quickly turned into blue light spots and dissipated.

Light blue smoke slowly ignited from his body.

"As a reward, I will show my true strength." Countless blue smoke roared crazily from Lin Fei like a devil, constantly transforming into twisted human-shaped ghost faces and rushing out, but no matter what, they couldn't leave Lin Fei's side .

The corner of Shi Yinsong's mouth curled up into a smile, and he pointed at Lin Fei. Countless black spots of light flew over at his feet in an instant, turning into a green-eyed black panther in mid-air. At the same time, the black magic sword in his hand chiseled a few times, and a large mass of twisted sword marks frantically overlapped and slashed towards Lin Fei.

Lin Fei's face was indifferent, and the blade of the long sword in his hand suddenly ignited a blue flame.

Take a canopy of blue Mars and head straight to the panther.


In an instant, an identical long sword suddenly appeared in front of Lin Fei, and it slashed fiercely at the black panther. Immediately afterwards, there were four consecutive chi chi chi chi chirps, and a total of six silver long swords cut into the black panther in mid-air almost simultaneously. , the faint blue flame seemed to be burning an entity, making a hissing burning sound.

The black panther's pounce instantly froze, and it froze in mid-air.


The black panther suddenly turned into countless black light spots, but no longer condensed, and flew directly back to the upper blade of the black sword in Shi Yinsong's hand.

The six long swords also instantly condensed into one. In fact, it was one hand from the beginning to the end, and the others were afterimages caused by high-speed movement and instantaneous stop.

Shi Yinsong's expression finally turned serious. The black sword in his hand shook again, countless black light spots flew out, and returned to the sword dimly.

"There is no potential fluctuation, no supernatural reaction, only the distorted energy of the sword in your hand." Lin Fei said softly, "I can believe that the black magic sword in your hand is the source of your strength."

There was a crash.

The ordinary long sword in Lin Fei's hand turned into countless fragments and scattered on the ground. He looked at the bare hilt in his hand, and threw it aside.

"Every time, I can feel the touch of hitting the black panther, which is the interaction between the sword and the sword. In fact, hitting the black panther is equivalent to chopping on the black magic sword."



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