Ke Yan People In the World of Ke Xue

Chapter 754: There are only zero and countless times of social death

Time 7:50.

It was 10 minutes before the 8 o'clock announced by Kaitou Kidd.

Dark gray clouds and the helicopter responsible for photography drifted overhead from time to time, blocking the full moon.

The cool wind is blowing constantly, and you can easily smell the moist night air remaining in it.

It looks like it's going to rain... Ye Geng is holding a cup of coffee, standing by the guardrail and looking down and into the distance.

Although the kid from Kuaidou said he was ready.

However, for the so-called phantom thief art, he must be personally involved in disguising as Jirokichi Suzuki to steal the "miracle of the ocean".

In this way, aside from Terai Huangnosuke, who is in charge of flying the helicopter, the only people he can borrow are Miyano Akemi and Shimabukuro Junhui...

What would they do if the plans were the same as I thought?

The opponent has a gun, and it is conservatively estimated that it is at least a rifle... and the marksmanship can almost hit the target's head at a distance of more than 500 meters.

If you don't hit the body, you may be worried that the target is wearing a body armor. If you hit a non-lethal position and lead to the arrest of the thief Kidd, the police will find him or them according to the clues...

From this point, it can be analyzed that although the opponent has shortcomings in hard power, he is a very cautious person in terms of personality.

Therefore, to deal with such a person, Kuaidou will definitely ask the two girls to disguise themselves, so that the most basic identity exposure problem can be alleviated to a certain extent.

But... does Kuaidou really let the two of them risk their lives to catch the gangster who used a rifle to snipe him?

It's not very likely, and Kidd, who will appear in mid-air tonight, is a dummy again. As long as the other party is not an idiot, he can definitely see some clues through a high-powered mirror.

Ye Geng asked and answered his own questions, and quickly came to a conclusion... Thinking about it, they should have been arranged near the two buildings.

Which areas will it be?


At this moment, Maolilan's exclamation interrupted his thoughts.

Looking sideways, a dark deerstalker hat was blown over by the strong wind brought by the helicopter.

Ye Gengyi caught it and handed it to a certain elementary school student who was chasing after him.

"Thank you, Brother Geng."

Conan hurriedly thanked, and suddenly his eyes fell on the two scratches on the wall.


He raised his head, put his hands on the guardrail, and looked into the air between the two buildings.

Sure enough, this is where Kaitou Kidd first appeared last night!

Wait a moment! Brother Geng Yi just stood here and kept looking outside, which means that he also noticed this clue...

Damn, why is it a step slower.

Conan was annoyed, turned his head to look, and saw that someone had returned to the table with coffee.

[Dear viewers, the number of helicopters has increased from 20 yesterday to 50 now! It almost covers the sky of the museum! Coupled with these three-step, one-post guards, it can be said that in order to prevent the phantom thief Kidd from stealing the gem, the Suzuki consortium has gambled on its prestige and assembled the most elite forces! So, can Kaito Kid succeed in the end... No, it should be said, will he show up again? let us wait and see……】

Looking at the synchronous broadcast of the satellite TV, Suzuki Sonoko clenched his fists and cheered excitedly: "Yes, yes, Lord Kidd will definitely come~"

"Where are you from?" Kogoro Mori squinted at a certain eldest lady: "The gem that was targeted by the thief Kidd is the property of your Suzuki family, aren't you worried at all?"

"Because he is the phantom thief Kidd, people have wanted to take off his mask and see the real face since the beginning. To be honest..."

Suzuki Sonoko's face full of longing: "I originally discussed with my uncle, and suggested that I should just sit on the roof of the museum with the golden goddess inlaid with the 'Marvel of the Sea', but unfortunately he refused."

"Yuanzi..." Mao Lilan did not speculate on the lower limit of his friend: "Don't you want to be stolen by the thief Kidd with the gem?"

"Yes, when I heard the news that I was kidnapped, Azhen will definitely come back to save me immediately!" Suzuki Sonoko covered her red cheeks with longing on her face: "Oh, if the two of them fight for me, Then what should I do? Hehe... It's really nerve-racking..."

"I'm afraid that before Kyogoku-kun rushes back, the Suzuki consortium will use all the social relations that can be activated to carry out a big search in order to save your heir... Well, so, there should be a big reward at that time, right? Maori, are you interested in working together?"

... With Kogoro Mouri there, Conan will definitely participate, and the gods of death and plagues are dispatched together, and maybe they can directly kill those mysterious guys who are sniping fast from the dark.

In this way, the trouble is solved, the people are saved, and the money is in hand.

After Ye Gengyi filled himself with a cup of coffee, the first half of the sentence was still judging the situation of "Suppose the thief Kidd kidnapped Suzuki Sonoko", and the second half of the sentence was obviously a little emotional.

"Hehe, people don't want to be kidnapped in such an environment, there's really no romance at all..." Suzuki Sonoko laughed dryly, suddenly feeling the wind blowing from the rooftop a little cold.

The rest of the people also looked at Ye Genyi with strange eyes.

But it will be serious, I am afraid it is only Haibara Ai.

Although these words may sound absurd, she has no doubt that as long as conditions permit, this organizational cadre who can accept certain risks will definitely not mind trying it out with actions.

Phew, fortunately, the phantom thief Kid won't really 'steal' this Miss Suzuki...Ai Haibara thought to herself.

"Prevent problems before they happen."

A professor who lacked money calmly took a sip of his coffee without being affected in the slightest.


Mouri Kogoro coughed a few times and said vaguely, "It's probably not an easy task to catch the phantom thief who can walk in the air."

"That's right," Mao Lilan echoed, "I can't tell that any organ props were used at all."

"I think I should still use an organ..."

Conan leaned back to the table and looked cute, "Because, if humans can easily walk in the sky, Mr. Bird will definitely be startled, so Kidd must have used some kind of mechanism!"

Mr. Little, Little Bird... It was just that Suzuki Sonoko, who was feeling a little cold, felt a chill after hearing this adjective.

" Your description is so cute." Mao Lilan smiled and took back the hat, "Thank you."

"Uh... um..."

Cough cough... It really is a bit over the top. Fortunately, Xiao Lan and the others don't know my true identity. Conan is the one who likes to be cute. What does it have to do with me, Kudo Shinichi.

Um? Wait a moment! Huiyuan, she knows!

Conan thought of this and looked at it subconsciously.

I saw the guy covering his brown hair with a hood, looking at him with a half-smiley look.

Conan: "..." very embarrassing.

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