Ke Yan People In the World of Ke Xue

Chapter 728: 3 o'clock 1 line rhythm

With the unpronounced expression on Mu Mu Shisan's face, several people borrowed the living room of the villa and simply completed the transcript.

Returning to the city from the suburbs, the time also came to 9 o'clock.

To express her gratitude, Feiyingri decided to invite everyone to dinner.

That's right, thanks.

She wouldn't naively take Ye Genyi's behavior of selling her favor as an adult family who couldn't ask for the 5 million remuneration.

"In order to obtain part of her husband's inheritance, Mrs. Suhua will not give up the commission fee paid to us."

At the dining table, Fei Yingri said, "Zengichi, Heiji, tomorrow morning, I will go to the Fujieda family's villa again to deal with the mess left by my husband. Later, I will send your entrusted Jin to Dr. Akasa's house. Bar?"

Ye Gengyi didn't answer immediately, but took advantage of the coffee break and thought quickly.

According to common sense, unnecessary time to go out can be saved, and he has no reason to refuse.

But now there is another issue that needs to be taken into account, that is Hattori Heiji, the high school detective in Kansai, but he has never been a stable master...

Ye Gengyi didn't forget that the child said that after he had resolved Fujieda Suhua's entrustment, he would stay in Tokyo for a few days by the way.

Let him live in his 4-chome apartment?

(?_?)...If there is a murder case, it would be bad to attract the attention of the FBI.

And think about it carefully, although it is not 100%, but the area that can avoid the halo of death to the maximum extent, it seems that only Dr. A Li's house is left...

By the way, the second place is the Maori Detective Agency.

Yes, this is so far within the scope of Death God's regular activities, there has been no direct death area.

It's like a shelter for taboos... Ye Gengyi sighed silently, put down the cup, and said:

"Then I'll trouble you. If you run into trouble at Fujieda's house, you can call me directly."

"Okay." Fei Yingli nodded politely even though she thought this would not happen.


Had dinner.

Ye Genichi carried Hattori Heiji to No. 22, 2-chome, Beikacho.

Dr. Akasa is using the computer in the living room to check the information, and Ai Haibara is researching the antidote for APTX-4869 in the bedroom.

After Ye Gengichi asked Hattori Heiji to sleep in his guest room tonight, he also turned his head and got into the basement.

A certain black skin: "..."

Just, suddenly I feel like I'm quite idle...

After watching TV for a while in boredom, flipping through magazines for a while in boredom, sending emails to Kudo in boredom, and spitting out a boring slot, the bored Hattori Heiji returned to the bedroom and went to sleep early.

...Damn it, if Brother Gengyi doesn't plan to go out tomorrow, I'll go to Kudo to play by myself!

Silent all night.

The next day, it was just dawn.

As soon as Ye Geng yawned and walked out of the basement, he saw Hattori Heiji, who was sitting on the sofa early in the morning, teasing Sydney.

The two made eye contact.

The latter said:

"Brother Geng, I found that your cat doesn't seem to be very smart."

Being heard by Xiao Ai, carefully drug you... Ye Geng glanced in the direction of the bedroom of a certain inventor and a traitor of a certain organization, and turned to ask:

"What's wrong?"

Hattori Heiji was about to speak with facts. He took out the cat-friendly stick on the coffee table, shook it back and forth in front of Sydney, and said:

"You see it doesn't catch at all..."

"Oh, is there anything you want to eat for breakfast?" Ye Geng asked.

"It's nothing special... Hey, Brother Geng, are you really listening to me!"

Hattori Heiji's black line, although the black is not so obvious.


Ye Geng didn't bother to explain, so he walked directly to the sofa, took the cat-friendly stick from the other party, and shook it a few times in front of Sydney casually.


I saw that the raccoon cat, who was still lazy just now, suddenly became energetic.

Then, under Hattori Heiji's stunned gaze, he stood on his hind legs and played a half-minute self-created Wing Chun with Ye Gengyi's cat-fighting stick.

Finally, when Ye Geng found the right time, he threw the cat-friendly stick into the empty space of the living room, and Sydney jumped over again, and after a while, the cat-friendly stick was brought back.

"That's it……"

Ye Gengyi had no plans to play with Sydney again, and instead asked, "What do you want for breakfast?"


After learning that Sydney was not stupid, but simply did not want to play with him, Hattori Heiji was silent for a moment and said, "Whatever..."

Had breakfast.

Seeing that the doctor and Xiao Ai still didn't get up, and Ye Gengyi didn't want to call them.

In order to prevent the three of them from continuing to re-enact last night's behavior, Hattori Heiji left himself here alone, and directly suggested whether to go out for a walk.

After putting the food into the insulation box, I roughly estimated the efficiency of Fei Yingli's work.

At the strong request of a certain black skin, the two walked to the Maori Detective Agency.

Knock on the door and enter the house.

The attitudes of Mao Lilan and Conan are also enthusiastic, that is, a certain tool person is lying on the desk uncharacteristically, and only replying with "um, ah, oh" in the face of the two's greetings, seems to be very depressed.

"What happened?" Hattori Heiji was concerned.

"It's not that he has to blame himself..."

Maolilan brought a cup of hot tea and a cup of hot coffee, and then took out two thick leather and explained what happened in the office before.

"So... due to Uncle Maori's repeated horizontal jumps, the selection of Miss Didan was not able to determine the winner in the end?" Hattori Heiji concluded.

"Yeah," Mao Lilan Banyueyan: "The previous atmosphere was obviously super good, it's all my father's fault for saying that, and then my mother took Xinyi's mother out for shopping, sigh, let's not talk about this, this is It's the commission fee that my mother asked me to hand over to you..."

"So fast?" Ye Genichi and Hattori Heiji were a little strange.

"It seems that Mrs. Suhua is particularly afraid of her property being frozen, so she transferred the commission fee overnight," explained Conan on the side, "Originally, Aunt Yingri and me...cough, brother Shinichi's mother plans to wait until lunch. I went to the doctor's house, I didn't expect you two to come so early."

"It can't be a book by coincidence."

After Ye Gengyi and a certain black skin calmly confirmed the amount, they accepted the commission fee.

After the chores were finished, Hattori Heiji went straight to the topic: "Has the office received any entrustment?"

"That's not true, but..."

Mao Lilan took the initiative to invite: "I'll go shopping with Yuanzi and Teacher Judy later, Gengyi, do you three want to come together?"

"No need." Ye Gengyi refused.

"I want to go to the Doctor's house to play," Conan said.

"Ah? Are you going back now?" Hattori Heiji looked reluctant.

It's been a whole night, and he just came out not long ago...

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