Ke Yan People In the World of Ke Xue

Chapter 449: The investigation starts with basic information

"There is definitely a mermaid on the island! Don't you all see that bone fragment with a very strange shape..."

Once faith turns into fanaticism, it will make people do many unexpected things.

This kind of expression... seems to have appeared on Gin's face vaguely.

As soon as Ye Geng looked at the woman named Shoumei who interrupted his train of thought, he wondered if the other party's surname was Kurosawa.

A young man with dark skin, but two degrees whiter than Heiji, stopped the other party: "Don't say it, Eihara! What's there to explain to these people who are not from our island! And..."

He looked over and said, "You are the detectives from Tokyo, if you want to investigate Saori, then go to her house! Of course, the premise is that her drunk dad is willing to welcome you... .."

Wait... Maybe Gin's wife's surname is Eirahara? After all, in such a dangerous job, letting your daughter follow her maiden name is also a protective measure...

Thinking about it, Ye Gengyi used a kind of focus on discovering secrets, looked over there for a moment, and then denied the guess, "No...the age is not right."

"Eh? Brother Gengyi, have you found any clues?" One black and one small two detectives asked quickly.

"No, I was just thinking about gossip." Ye Genyi was very honest.

Hearing this, Heiji and Conan had half-moon eyes, and they didn't believe his words at all.

Gengyi brother can also gossip, is it possible?

Must have found some clue...

"Inexplicable... Eirahara, let's go!"

The black and strong young man did not know why, after glancing at a few people, he turned and left.

"It seems that this person also knows Miss Saori, but the attitude is really cold enough." Hattori Heiji muttered: "It's really strange, obviously there is a person missing, but no one is worried about her safety."

"You misunderstood," Shimabukuro Junhui quickly explained: "Actually, it's because Saori runs away from home every time after arguing with her father, so everyone is more or less used to it."

"Does she have no other family?" Hattori asked.

"No, Saori's mother passed away, as well as grandparents and grandparents..." Shimabukuro Junhui sighed, "This is all because of the mermaid incident three years ago, and everyone went out fishing regardless of the weather. , if mermaids really exist, then this may be the so-called retribution..."

"Uh..." Mouri Kogoro scratched his cheek with his index finger and said, "Can you please take us to Miss Saori's house?"


Shimabukuro Junhui nodded, "However, we have to wait until after the celebration, everyone can rest assured that it will not be delayed for too long. Although it is said to be a celebration, it is actually just a lottery. As long as the number plates purchased by the guests are displayed at the ceremony with grandma If the numbers are the same, you can get the dugong arrow. By the way... do you want to try your luck too?"

Saying that, she took out two wooden cards and handed them to the two girls: "It happened that an old couple temporarily canceled the event this morning, so I still have two number cards here. As people say, it is unknown if you can get a face that is forever young."

young face...

Mao Lilan, Yuan Shan and Ye Daoxie took it and looked back at the few people who were in the same group.

Conan was decisively ignored because of his age.

Hattori Heiji and Mouri Kogoro also looked completely indifferent.

On the other hand, the younger brother seems to be very interested in mermaids or longevity...

Thinking of this, Mao Lilan came over with a smile, "Brother Geng, do you want to try it?"

"Well," Ye Geng just wanted to reach out to pick it up, but he seemed to think of something again and shook his head: "No need."

It is still up to the koi girl to fight for luck.

As for myself...

"Miss Shimabukuro, since the number plate can be increased, what about the arrow of the dugong?" Ye Geng asked.

"Eh? doesn't seem to work." Shimabukuro Junhui hesitated for a moment, "After all, I haven't heard of anyone giving arrows to people after the dugong festival has been held for so many years, because everyone regards it as a kind of auspiciousness. take things with you.”


After getting the clue, leave the shrine.

Mao Lilan and two girls, Yuan Shan and Ye, went shopping.

Ye Genichi, Hattori Heiji, Conan and Mouri Kogoro returned to the hotel where they stayed.

Three rooms for six people.

A certain elementary school student was also very dishonest. After leaving his tool man in the room, he ran directly to Ye Genichi and Hattori Heiji's double suite.

The room was quiet.

Only the 'click' sound of fingers hitting the keyboard.

Watching someone without communication the whole time, just on a laptop, after typing some code they don't understand at all.

One black and one small two detectives began to whisper again.

"By the way... Why don't you put Brother Gengyi and Uncle in the same room when you go through the accommodation registration?"

Conan's opinion is great.

The room of the two girls was directly ignored, and Ye Genyi was here, and Maori Kogoro was there. They just wanted to discuss the clues, and they had to suppress their voices. This is really weird...

You can't go to the bathroom, can you?

uh... even weirder.

"I also thought about it, but if I directly proposed to live in the same room with you as a brat, Gengichi will think I'm naive," Hattori Heiji said with plausibility: "At least this kind of thing should be brought up by you. "

Conan: "..."

You were not like this before, Hattori you have changed...

The two were still whispering, and no one noticed that the intensive sound of the keyboard tapping in the room stopped.

Here, Ye Gengyi had already invaded the household registration system on the island, and after a few simple operations, the home address of the door association Saori appeared on the screen, as well as the basic information of the only existing relative of the other party, the door association Benzo. .

In fact, Ye Genyi's idea is not complicated.

It was 4:30 pm after taking a cruise for half a day and looking for clues of the Menxie Saori before adding it.

Before they left the shrine, the number of tourists there had also increased significantly.

So, instead of sneaking into the crowded place to find out, it's better to wait until the 6 o'clock celebration starts.

As for now.

If you want to find out the secrets of Mermaid and whether it has anything to do with the fish bones in the black box in his backpack, go to the Shawes of the Men's Association who lost the dugong arrow, at least you can Find part of the answer.

He quickly went through the floor plan of Mermaid Island in his mind, and Ye Gengyi was about to get up and go out.

"Brother Geng, where are you going?"

Hattori Heiji and Conan looked at him inexplicably.

"Oh... go out and have a look." Ye Gengyi said.

"Whatever? But it's almost time for dinner."

Conan didn't believe it at all, and was about to ask the question, but was interrupted by Hattori Heiji, "Go, go, Gengichi, be careful on the road."

When Conan heard the words, he was stunned for a moment, but he didn't say anything.

I watched Ye Genyi leave.

The two lying by the window looked at each other and said in unison, "Follow up and have a look!"

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