Ke Yan People In the World of Ke Xue

Chapter 264: A figure taller than a human is a sculpture, right?

Seven or eight stones were thrown into the yard, and rustling sounds could be heard faintly from inside.

"Officer Takagi, please go first." Ye Gengyi said.

"Ah? Oh..." Takagi Shibu looked confused, but after all, he had also received formal physical training, and it was no problem to climb over a 2-meter-high wall with his bare hands.

Wait until he enters.

Ye Gengyi picked up Hui Yuanai and was about to jump in.

The latter asked in a low voice, "Are you choosing to go in here, are you worried that people in the house will see it through the window?"

"Well, although the heights of the walls are the same, they are far and near to the building. Unless the people inside are willing to stick their heads out of the window to observe, they will not be able to see here." Ye Gengyi said.

"Why throw stones?" Haibara Ai asked again.

"Blind corners of vision, I'm worried about something like a trap." Ye Gengyi said.

Haibara Ai was shocked: "Then... Officer Takagi, he..."

"He's a professional, so he won't wander around after entering." Ye Gengyi said.

Haibara Ai:"......"

Although Ye Genyi's analysis is reasonable, in fact, Officer Takagi is not as well-behaved as it is logically.

As a police officer, when you come to an unfamiliar environment, you must first observe and judge your surroundings with caution.

Therefore, when Ye Geng came to the yard with Huihara Ai, he saw Takagi Shibu squatting against the wall, about ten paces away from them, thinking.

"Mr. Ye..."

Takagi Shibu didn't turn his head, just lowered his voice, stretched out his arm and turned his back to the two of them, making a swinging look.

This kind of action can be regarded as 'come here' or 'quick walk'. The meaning it wants to express depends entirely on the tone and expression of the user. Of course, to a certain extent, it also requires the understanding ability of the recipient. Too jumpy.

At this time, Takagi Shibu didn't look back, and it was entirely up to Ye Genichi to see his expression.

So, the latter covered Haibara Ai's eyes and asked in a low voice without walking over.

"Are you convenient?"

"No, I found a secret door..."

Takagi Shibu didn't know whether to laugh or cry. He turned slightly to the side. Since the weeds here are much lower than the outside, he could see the wall made of bricks and stones at a glance. Meter-by-meter channel.

Si reduce Si. "Have you found anything?" Ye Geng asked.

"No," Takagi Shibu shook his head, "it seems that the thief who broke into the house didn't leave from this side."

"Is that so..." Ye Gengyi glanced at Shibu Takagi strangely.

I really don’t know whether to call this person smart or stupid. Obviously, you can judge whether someone has passed by by observing the traces of weeds around, but she was listening to the grandmother and told that the house has not been in 5 years. After moving in, do you automatically ignore the fact that the planks are new?

Combined with the wild dog that was eaten with only bones, it can be judged that there must be someone living in the house, and the old wooden boards that have not been replaced should open and close in both directions.

After learning about this clue, the three people and one cat came directly to the side door.

The door was hidden, and the thief must have left in a panic before he came.

Sacrifice such as Sacrifice such as. Takagi Shibu took the lead and opened the door in front of him.

The creaking sound from the hinges broke the silence of the night.

The cold wind blew through, and through the beam of light shot by the flashlight, you could see a piece of dust that was raised up.

The three covered their mouths and noses with their sleeves and began to look at the haunted house.

The area of ​​the main hall is very large, but the whole space is occupied by those hideous-looking ghost statues, among which the bloodiest one is the one near the stairs.

There are still gills on both sides of Bare-Eyed Fang's cheeks, and there is a broken goblet on the ground next to it, and there is a pool of red paint that has already solidified scattered under the goblet.

In short, the feeling here is only two words, depression.

Suddenly, there was a sound from upstairs, which seemed to be the door being pushed open.

Shibu Takagi was about to raise his arm subconsciously, but Ye Gengyi directly blocked the light of the flashlight one step ahead of him.

It wasn't until the three of them were hiding behind the statue that Takagi Shibuya realized that, and lowered his voice and asked, "There's no real ghost, right?

Ye Gengyi didn't respond, but after listening silently for a few seconds, he took the lead and walked up.

Unconsciously, the people were still the three of them, but the decision maker had completely become Ye Genyi.

In this regard, the other two did not find the slightest sense of disobedience at all.

Climb up the stairs,

In the dark corridor, there was a solitary door open to the outside, and it was the one that made the sound before coming.

Without the slightest hesitation, Ye Gengyi took the flashlight from Takagi Shibu's hand, hurried forward and traversed, leaning forward in one go.

Only, there was no one in the room.

Afterwards, Shibu Takagi and Ai Haibara came to the door and looked at the open window with him.

"It's the wind..." Shibu Takagi breathed a sigh of relief.

However, Hai Yuanai noticed that Ye Gengyi was looking at the floor under the window at this time.

I see...

A certain loli had a flash of inspiration and quickly realized that something was wrong.

In this rainy Tokyo, if the windows are not closed, the surrounding floor should not be so clean, obviously...

There is someone in the house.

She thinks more, Ye Geng sees more.

Due to height restrictions, in fact, it can be seen from this angle that the car by Takagi Shibuya outside the main entrance of the villa, if he is thinking a step further, the window is open, does it mean that the person in the previous room once stuck his head out Have you looked outside?

After ruling out the possibility that the other party just opened the window for ventilation, there is a high probability that they were discovered by others...

It's not surprising that Ye Gengyi finished with emotion. Originally, it's fine if you parked the car outside the door, but the three of them still stood there and discussed for about ten minutes.

As someone who has just been visited by a thief...

If I don't call the police at this I almost write my problems on my face.

According to the available information, it is inferred that there are not many people living in this house, and it is very likely that there is only one person. From the brand-new secret passage and the unclosed side door, it can be seen that the person's personality is relatively calm but his work is not meticulous. Lack of effective response to emergencies...

Such a guy who is willing to live in a 'haunted house' must at least commit murder, right?

how should I do it?

Although there are no animal traps installed in the yard, it cannot be ruled out that there are no arrangements at home.

As soon as Ye Geng finished his analysis, he glanced at Takagi Shibu and Haibara Ai calmly. Suddenly, he turned and walked out of the room, raising his voice and shouting, "Run! There are police! The police are here!"

Haibara Ai:"???"

What is this guy doing?

Takagi Shibu: "???"

police? Where are the police from? Wait, I am!

"Mr. Ye, you are..."

" quiet."

Ye Geng made a silent gesture and did not leave the room, but just stood quietly by the door without moving.

Influenced by his emotions, Takagi Shibu and Haibara Ai didn't make the slightest sound.

Mi He Mi. The silence lasted about a few minutes.

The time that usually feels like a blink of an eye seems particularly long in this atmosphere.

Suddenly, a slight footstep sounded, from far to near and finally stopped outside the door where they were.

The hinges on the door panel made an unpleasant creaking sound again.

A guy with long hair covered his face, holding a candle in one hand and a kitchen knife in the other, appeared in front of them like this.

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