Kaito Kidd Is Superhero

Chapter 505 The Eye-catching Conan\r

To protect the scene, Mr. Conan left everyone behind and could not get close to the decedent, and the staff of the game hall also came to help.

Ada looked at Conan and said that this kid is very special. Judy also found out.

Then Ada went to see the corpse, it was poisoned, and Ada could confirm it at first glance. It should be a nerve paralysis poison, and then the muscles atrophy so that Roar can't breathe and finally died of hypoxia.

The murderer was probably in the game hall, but Ida found that there were surveillance cameras in four corners of the game hall. When the police came and took a look, he would know who the murderer was. But she obviously overestimated the police in this world.

Mumu Shisan came, but like a blind eye, the police only took notes step by step, and even the camera didn't notice it the first time.

But Ida thought that maybe there were not many shops that installed cameras during this period, and it hasn't been as common as ten years later. However, Conan’s performance surprised her. The child seemed to have been guiding the police to deal with the case and had excellent observation ability. He identified the person who had close contact with Decedent before his death and let the police know that the suspect was inside.

The clerk, Zhishui from the cupholder, and an old man appeared on the camera.

A glance at the video shows that the murderer is the game master Zhishui in Beihu Town, and Ada Xin said this is too obvious. Only Zhishui and decedent have had physical contact, so they can be arrested directly.

But the police here seem to be unable to see it, because they think that decedent died in the game. After the game started, decedent was obviously still fighting fiercely. They felt that decedent was still alive at that time.

But this little trick, Ada can see through it at a glance. Obviously, the murderer and decedent exchanged the role of the game, that is to say, Shisui of Cupto Town chose Caesar, who is good at his opponent, and Decedent who helped Mihuacho chose Lux.

Others are preconceived and think that the fiercely hit Caesar was operated by decedent, but the one who was hit was actually the one who was hit. It's completely reversed.

These policemen are not as good as a child, and Ida doesn't know how to complain.

"Student Lan, who is this Conan kid from you?"

"Teacher Ada, Conan is a relative who lives at my friend's house." Lan said. She knew that Conan's performance was unusual to outsiders, so she explained: "Because my father is a detective, Conan has been there. At crime scenes, I also like reasoning."

Ada said he understands, but continue to observe, this child may be able to guide the police to catch the murderer.

The important thing in this case is to determine the time of decedent's death, then the murder weapon, and direct evidence.

When the time of death is before the game, the murderer is suspected. The murder weapon proves the murderer's tactics, and the evidence is the final proof to arrest the murderer.

Zhi Shui was very cunning. He wrapped the poison needle in the half of the cigarette butt found in the game hall, and then glued the murder weapon to the gum paper with chewing gum. This was not only convenient for hiding and carrying, but also easy to destroy. And also be careful not to leave fingerprints.

But in general there are still too many flaws. Zhi Shui put the gum paper on the ground after committing the crime, trying to use the soles of the audience to take away the murder weapon. But can't you find something stuck on the soles of your feet? If found, the murder weapon still cannot be taken out.

Moreover, after decedent was discovered, Conan immediately asked the employees to close the door, and no one was allowed to leave. The murder weapon was still there. As long as the police search, they will still find it.

Secondly, the toxin he used was tetrodotoxin, and the murderer could be found by investigating the source. I really don't know what the murderer did so many self-deception actions.

But even if the clues were in front of her, Ada discovered that these police officers could only ask questions, and the level of idiots made people speechless. I really don’t know if the murderer is stupid or the police stupid. Ada can't stand it anymore, if her subordinates were so stupid, she would have been expelled long ago.

While Ida was enduring the investigation process where IQ was insulted, she suddenly discovered that Conan kid was aiming at the garden with his watch. She was familiar with this prop, and remembered that her husband also had such a watch transmitter.

Is it? That's right, the familiar anesthesia needle can't be wrong, it's exactly the same as the one used by Ah Dou.

Yuanzi fell asleep, then Conan used the voice changer to reason, and the voice changer did the same. Could it be that Conan is the illegitimate son of Ah Dou? ?

Ada suddenly thought, is it possible that Ah Dou will come back to give birth to a child with a certain girl in the future? Then passed the anesthesia needle and the voice changer to Conan?

How could it happen, Ada laughed herself. Probably the knowledge in Adou's mind happened to be extracted from this world. Ada thought.

Everyone is listening to Conan's exquisite reasoning. Now he is full of energy, completely devoid of the decadence he had before. As long as there is a case, he will change his appearance.

"Ada, what are you laughing at?" Judy didn't care much about the case, but found that Ada was amused by herself. "You look good when you smile."

"Thank you." Ada said, "I just thought of something interesting, so I laughed unconsciously."

"Oh." Continuing to listen to the case analysis, Judy was quite surprised to see Yuanzi pushing the murderer to ruin step by step.

The murderer had a dead end, but still resisted: "Evidence, do you have evidence?"

Conan broke the preconceived notion and let Takagi and Ran fight to prove that the murderer had been killed before the game. Let Xiaolan choose a male character, Takagi choose a female character, and then Takagi didn't fight back in the game. The male character beat the female character violently and let Everyone thought that Takagi was slamming the flowers, but in fact Takagi was the one who was beaten. . Then the murder weapon was found, but there were no fingerprints on the murder weapon, and there was no clue to prove the murderer. That's why the murderer clamored for the evidence and asked Yuanzi to produce the evidence.

The evidence is definitely there. The clerk only received the game coins before the game started, so there should be only two game coins in the game coin storage box now, one was cast by the decedent before the victim was killed, and the other was cast by Gaomu.

"...But now there are three game coins in it!" Conan was sure that the murderer re-inserted the coin when he chose the character for decedent.

"Please open the storage box." Mumu Police Department said.

The clerk did so, and it turned out to be three, and everyone looked shocked.

"The third coin so many is the best proof that you are the murderer, and it definitely has your fingerprints on it." Conan launched the final blow.

The murderer showed a hideous expression for the prisoner, and then began to denounce how the murderer had abused his sister. It turns out that Decedent is so lazy and owed a debt, but he has a good girlfriend, the murderer's sister. In order to pay off Decedent's debt, the murderer's sister was overworked and almost lost her sight due to malnutrition. It's been 2000, and it's still malnourished. The murderer originally had a game showdown with decedent for his sister. When he won, he let Decedent break up with his sister. Unfortunately, he always lost and had to kill the mind.

After all, it turns out that the whole family is strange, and Ada can't laugh or cry: "He doesn't want to break up with your sister, why don't you persuade your sister to break up?" Suffocated: "You don’t correct your sister’s notions, but instead let yourself go on a path that will never be restored. Is this your family’s tutor? Recognize death and stay the same? It’s really not worthy of pity, neither you nor your sister are worthy of pity. ."

The criminal knelt down, tears streaming down his eyes. ..

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