Kaito Kidd Is Superhero

Chapter One Hundred Forty Nine\r

The sound of the helicopter was already Roar Roar, and Wolverine smelled a dangerous smell. Other teachers also woke up. Except Cyclops and Professor X were missing, Storm and Qin were all there.

No one knows why a helicopter visits late at night, but it is definitely not a good thing: "Wake everyone up."

This decision is absolutely correct, because everyone hasn't fully awakened from sleep before the enemy's attack has arrived.

The missile hit the college manor directly, and immediately injured several children.

The continuous missiles do not care about the life and death of the people inside. All Stryker needs is a brain wave booster.

"Quickly walk the secret road and take the children out." Qin shouted, and the children screamed and followed the teacher.

"Storm, come cover."

Storm looked out the window, his eyes glowing, and the dark clouds gathered to spur the gale, causing the helicopter to lose its balance and fall to the ground. The air force was temporarily unable to move, and it was the turn of the ground force to charge.

The Mutant annihilation forces that had been lurking around the school for a long time attacked, da da...

As long as it is Mutant, kill them all without any mercy. The bullet opened the way and the grenade was cleaned. Mutant's blood flowed on the floor.

"No!" Wolverine couldn't believe that there would be such a frenzied person, even the child would not let go, stretched out six sharp claws, braving the bullets to kill the enemy.

Storm was also hit by a stray bullet in the abdomen and fell into the chaotic crowd.

Qin didn't even have a chance to use Ability, so he could only flee with Storm. God, those are children, but now there are a lot of wounds and weeping, how can the enemy use live ammunition? ?

"Protect the students!" Qin used Ability to form a shield to resist the bullets, allowing the children to quickly enter the secret path: "Quick, quick, don't look back and keep running forward."

The injured Storm endured the pain and led the students to the opposite side of the secret path, leaving a spot of blood.

"Logan, come back soon." Qin saw that the students had already left, but Wolverine was still in love and hurriedly shouted.

But Logan was already surrounded by soldiers. There were too many opponents, and they were all heavy firepower. Wolverine's jacket has become tattered, and his body is also suffering from huge amounts of pain. There are too many bullets. Even if he won't die, he is about to faint.

Suddenly a loud roar rang out from the manor inside, "Roar--", and everyone saw the tall snowman roaring from the corridor, his white body almost filled the corridor. The snowman rushed into the enemy group and swung his icy ridged arms to knock the enemy away.

"Aisha?" Qin turned his head and saw that it was Aisha who had returned from the secret road. The snowman must be controlled by Aisha.

"Teacher, get Wolverine back!" Aisha said.

Jin launched Ability to pull Logan back, who was almost in a coma. He was covered in blood. He had enemies and his own, but obviously he had a lot of them, because his jacket was shot into a hornet's nest. Although the exposed skin was intact, it was only It just recovered.

Everyone has already left. Fortunately, I woke up the children in advance, otherwise there will be death this time. It's just luck that someone is injured now.


Jin closed the gate of the secret passage, and assisted Wolverine with Aisha to quickly leave the secret passage. As Aisha left, she also iced the secret passage to prevent anyone from tracking it.

In just two minutes, Xavier's School was captured. The teachers did not choose to fight. Instead, they chose to protect the students and organize to protect the students from retreating as quickly as possible, so no students died and no one was arrested.

The secret road leads to the outside of the manor. It is temporarily safe here, but no one knows where to go.

When Stryker and the deadly goddess entered the manor, the suppression was over: "I found the basement, I can't wait to open the present." Wearing glasses will only make Stryker feel cold and evil, and can't match Sven at all. This kind of person becomes the Minister of Defense, and even if there is no Mutant, he will try his best to provoke a war.

The soldiers quickly learned about the elevator entering the base, and in the deepest part of the base is the professor's brain wave enhancement machine. Stryker looked at the closed door and finally showed a smile. It was really the best gift. It would immediately purify the world.

"Professor X and Cyclops must have been in an accident." Jin said, "Now we need treatment." But they can't go to the hospital because the group of people are obviously regular soldiers. It seems that someone from the military wants to do something to Mutant. The hospital is not safe. .


There was a faint explosion in the distance, and those people should use explosives to blow up X-Men's underground headquarters.

"Who are they?" Logan asked, recovering some strength.

No one knows. Aisha saw that everyone was tired but it was not safe here, so she offered to say: "Everyone, come with me, go to my house first."

"Sister Aisha." After filming the movie, Shadowcat directly regarded Aisha as her sister: "Is it okay to go to your house?"

"It's okay." Aisha can still call the shots: "Let's go."

"Yes, hurry up." Qin said to everyone, "Storm, are you okay?"

"It's okay, you can hold on."

Wolverine picked up Storm. They had to walk to the side of the road and find a car. There are more than 30 people here. The only ones who can drive are Wolverine and Qin. The others are underage, so you have to find a big car.

It was embarrassing, but everyone was still alive. Storm was the most injured, bleeding from his abdomen, and now his lips were white.

Fortunately, the car was found, a school bus. All the way to Liu Adou's house.

Aisha opened the door familiarly, only to find that there was no one in the house. But it doesn't matter, now is not the time to investigate where Liu Adou has gone, maybe he has gone out to pretend to be a strange thief again, so it is not surprising that he is not at home.

"Take everything on the coffee table, we need a platform." Wolverine found that Storm's situation was not optimistic.

"Everyone, go to other places first, don't go into the living room." Jin and Wolverine looked at Storm worriedly. She had passed out in a coma, and all her belly shirts were stained red with blood.

Wolverine pressed the wound and thought about how to take out the bullet: "Jin, will surgery be done?"

Qin nodded and shook his head: "We lack equipment, and Storm needs a blood transfusion. I am not confident that I can complete this operation. It is very likely that Storm will lose too much blood halfway through the operation and die."

"Then send it to the hospital, I'll go, they will catch me at best," Wolverine said.

Qin is still thinking of a way.

Aisha asked the children to go to the room upstairs to rest and bandage the wounds. The children had skin traumas, although bleeding only needed two stitches. Warm the milk in the kitchen again to comfort the students. It hasn't been long since she entered modern society, and she doesn't have a few skills at all, so she can't help Storm. All she could do was take care of the students and then called Liu Adou, but it was a pity that Liu Adou's cell phone was turned off. It was turned off because it had not been charged for two days. Aisha also only hoped that Liu Adou had not traveled far, and hoped that he would come back soon. Aisha knew that Liu Adou's ripples should be able to heal Storm. ..

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