Just a Defense Against the Dark Arts Professor

Chapter 349 The inside story and the light bulb

"The peeled apples look really nice."

"I had already cut ten of them into pieces before you woke up."

"You can cut it like this after only ten practices! Vera is really a genius!"

"I went to the Hogwarts kitchen this semester and learned some cooking skills from the house elves. During the summer vacation, I will make it for you to try."

"Your cooking skills are already at their peak, do you still need to learn? The elf is still pretty much the same as you. Being able to eat Miss Silk's cooking is a blessing I have acquired in eight lifetimes."


"Forrest, I never tell lies in front of Vera!"

"Is this a guarantee?"

"This is a fact!"

Outside the ward door, Dumbledore, who was coming to check on Sherlock, put his hand on the doorknob. Listening to the conversation between the boys and girls inside, Dumbledore couldn't help but smile.

Then he opened the door.

Sherlock, the hero who is now the pillar of the magic world and is about to receive the Merlin First Class Knight Medal, is currently lying on the hospital bed without any image, gnawing on the apple that Hilke has just peeled in his hand.

Even when Dumbledore walked in, Sherlock had no intention of restraining himself. Instead, he glared at Old Deng, obviously blaming him for not having the consciousness to come in and be a lightbulb now.

Dumbledore turned around and closed the door of the ward again. He obviously had something important to talk to Sherlock about beforehand.

He also didn't care about Silk's presence. Whether it was Sherlock's attitude towards her or the efforts she made to find Sherlock last night, Dumbledore had no intention of treating her as an outsider.

"Ludo Bagman and Igor Karkaroff are both under control successfully."

Dumbledore said solemnly.

"Last night, after we discovered that you disappeared, Karkaroff tried to escape, but fortunately Moody never forgot to keep an eye on him and caught him in front of the Hogwarts school. Bagman was there. He was captured this morning. He must have shown signs of escaping after he realized something was wrong. Fortunately, I had asked Madame Maxime and Minerva to keep an eye on him before and prevented him from leaving successfully. "

Sherlock gnawed on the apple, and the expression on his face gradually became serious.

"So, what happened?"

"Due to the special circumstances and the urgency of the matter, Scrimgeour directly applied to the superiors for the use of Veritaserum. Already entangled in a lot of trouble, Fudge had no reason to refuse the matter. After being fed the Veritaserum, Buggy Mann also revealed the real reason why Voldemort wanted to capture Harry."

"He found an ancient and evil resurrection magic. As long as he finds the bones of his father, the flesh of his slaves, and the blood of his enemies, he can be resurrected. The first two are easy for Voldemort to solve, but the blood of his enemies is the only solution. , the conditions required are the most stringent.”

"At the beginning, his target was Harry, and Crouch was the backup. At the beginning of this semester, he had already sent people to capture and control Crouch, and then made Kaka Love returned to his service, and Bagman had not been wronged when he was tried for more than ten years and had contact with Death Eaters. "

"He had just retired at the time, and he took a fancy to Voldemort's rising popularity, so he chose to get closer to the Death Eaters to find a way out for himself. Unexpectedly, as soon as he made contact, Voldemort was rebounded by his own spell and disappeared. Okay. He didn't have much contact with Death Eaters, so there was no suspicion at that time."

"And last year, Voldemort sent people to find him again, promised him a lot of rights, and finally made him agree to act as an undercover agent in Hogwarts."

"Voldemort made three preparations for his resurrection: Crouch as a backup, Karkaroff on the surface, and Bagman who was always hiding in the dark."

"It's just that during the period when the plan really started, Crouch first failed to assassinate you, and then he got rid of the shackles of the Imperius Curse by his own will, and was finally rescued by us. And Karkaroff was The two competition events were in trouble, but fortunately the giant squid in the black lake helped Harry, so in the end he was left with Bagman, the most hidden back-up man. "

Sherlock threw the clean apple core into the trash can and said with a frown.

"It was this last backhand that allowed him to succeed."

Dumbledore put his left hand on his right arm, crossed his two thumbs, shook his head and said.

"Through the previous memory, we have actually noticed Bagman, but no one thought that he would directly interfere with the Triwizard Cup in the end. This is indeed an oversight on my part."

Sherlock couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth, thinking of the demon cat that bit his arm.

"So Voldemort was lucky in the end. Even if it wasn't Harry who was teleported, I was his life-and-death enemy. Did he use my blood to complete his resurrection?"

Dumbledore nodded.

"He could only have used your blood. After all, you were the only person who met the conditions who was present at that time."

Sherlock hit his head with a headache.

"This gives me a feeling that Voldemort's resurrection is fate."

Dumbledore didn't speak, but Silk said softly next to him.

"I am a fortune teller myself, but I have never believed in any destiny in this world."

Sherlock turned his gaze to her, and she tilted her head slightly, looking at Sherlock with her eyes covered by gauze.

"After all, if there is such a thing as fate, in my previous divination, you would be dead by now, wouldn't you?"

Looking at Silke's face, he laughed, and Dumbledore, who was sitting next to him, also laughed.

"Yes, there is never any fate. Destiny is illusory and illusory. The only one who can truly control the future is ourselves."

As Sherlock spoke, he reached out his hand and gently helped Hilke straighten her untied silver hair.

Hilke's body was a little stiff. For a while, she had not gotten used to such active Sherlock.

Dumbledore coughed lightly, reversing the atmosphere that was gradually changing in another direction, and then spoke to Sherlock about another matter with a solemn expression.

"The Daily Prophet has reported what happened to you last night today, and the Ministry of Magic has decided to promote you as a pillar of the fight against Voldemort. Scrimgeour also applied to the ministry to rehire you back to the Ministry of Magic. , when the time comes, he can even give you the position of Director of the Auror Office."

Regarding this news, Sherlock was stunned for a moment, then looked at Dumbledore and asked.

"So, Professor, what do you think about this matter?"


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