Just a Defense Against the Dark Arts Professor

Chapter 337 Tom Riddle, Voldemort, You-Know-Who

"I won?" Cedric looked at Harry with a confused face, "What do you mean?"

Harry seemed to have finally given up on trying to find something similar to an "ambush" in this clearing. He shrugged and said to Cedric.

"It literally means, okay, go pick up that trophy, Diggory, your last battle was brilliant and you are fully qualified to receive this honor."

After hearing what Harry said, there was no joy on Cedric's face. Instead, his expression turned ugly.

"Are you giving me alms? You are clearly the one who is more capable of winning the championship now! Why should you give it to me!"

Harry had a headache. He didn't know how to explain to Cedric. After all, the Triwizard Tournament was not over before anyone got the trophy. The magical contract made at the beginning was still in effect, so he couldn't Speak more clearly.

"It's not charity, nor is it contempt, it's just that you are more suitable. After you pick up the trophy, I will make it clear to you..."

Cedric stared at him, unmoved.

"I can accept us lifting the trophy together, but I can never accept a championship that comes as a charity! If you really agree with me, Harry, then we will lift this trophy together!"

He looked very insistent, and Harry had no other choice but to compromise first, do as he said, and then solve the subsequent problems after picking up the trophy.

Cedric limped to the front of the Triwizard Cup with Harry, his face full of excitement.

Just like what Harry said, he really deserved to win the championship in this game. The same is true for Harry under normal circumstances, but now the situation is special.

Compared to Cedric, Harry was obviously a little distracted. His eyes were not even focused on the golden trophy, but were thinking about other issues worth pondering.

"I'll count to three, two, one, and we'll lift it up together." Cedric said solemnly.

Harry nodded, and Cedric began counting down.

"Three, two, one!"

The two reached out and touched the trophy together.

However, before they could use any force to lift the trophy from the stone pier, their whole bodies seemed to have been hooked by their navels, and were pulled away in one direction by a huge pulling force!

The surrounding scenery changed countless times in an instant. When Harry and Cedric stopped again, they had arrived at a location that definitely did not belong in Hogwarts!

These were like a hillside, and Harry and Cedric were standing on a cemetery.

Cedric looked around nervously.

"Where are we?"

Harry did not answer him immediately, but stared at the Triwizard Cup, which had temporarily lost the effect of the portkey, with a look of surprise on his face.

"I see, no wonder, no wonder he cares so much about Harry's grades!"

Cedric swallowed, he felt that everything around him was so wrong!

There was something wrong with this cemetery, this strange night wind was wrong, and even Harry, who was brought here with him, was telling that something was wrong!

"You, you are not Harry!"

Harry did not answer his question aloud, but stared at a short figure slowly walking out of the night not far away.

That's a wizard in black robes, holding a baby in his belly? Or a bag of clothes?

Seeing the person coming, Harry silently put his hands into his sleeves, and his eyes were fixed on the figure standing still six feet away from them.

There was a pain in his left arm, like a hot iron!

The burning sensation was so intense that I had never experienced it before!

"Let go of what you're holding on to... Nagini! Grab the other boy!"

A sharp and cold voice seemed to have discovered something, and suddenly sounded from the swaddle in the arms of the black-robed wizard!

"Harry", whose body shape was gradually changing, suddenly felt that a huge creature had entered his area, and it was right behind him!

Dumbledore's high-end transformation spell failed. At this time, Sherlock, who had returned to his original appearance, did not bother with the feather he was holding in his right hand. Instead, he suddenly stretched out his left hand and wanted to grab Cedry, who was one step behind him. Gram catches his own side!

However, he grabbed Cedric's sleeve, and the huge python Nagini suddenly rushed from behind and completely entangled Cedric!

Sherlock pulled hard and only tore off a section of his cuff!

"It turns out it's you...Sherlock Forrest! Let go of what you're holding! Otherwise, this boy will die!"

The cold voice sounded again, and Cedric, who was controlled by Nagini, could not move at all. Only his head was exposed from his whole body and he looked at Sherlock in shock.

"Professor Forrester!"

"do not be afraid."

Sherlock said softly, his eyes staring at the swaddle in the arms of the black-robed wizard. The thing he had been holding in his right hand was no longer hidden, but was exposed from the cuff.

It was a golden-red feather, as if it had been plucked from a tool bird in the principal's office.

At this time, a whooshing sound came from the sky.

Countless wizards wearing black robes and wearing the iron masks that had spread fear throughout the magical world for more than ten years were riding broomsticks and floating above the men in black robes.

Everyone raised their wands and pointed them condescendingly at Sherlock and Cedric, who was entangled with Nagini!

"Put down what you are holding, Sherlock! Do you want to watch your students die in front of you!"

The cold and sharp voice sounded again, and as he spoke, Nagini's wrapped body visibly tightened.

Cedric's breathing became more rapid, but he still insisted on keeping silent, and did not ask Sherlock to save him.

Sherlock was not moved at all, he said coldly.

"Let go? I'm letting go now. Both of us will die here. You let your pet let go of my student first, and I promise to throw away the things in my hands."

"How dare you make terms with me! You know who I am!"

"Tom Riddle, Voldemort, You-Know-Who, do you have any other names?"

When Sherlock said the name of the person who was so fragile that he could only curl up in swaddling clothes, the air on the entire hillside seemed to fall into silence.

The Death Eaters riding on their broomsticks and pointing their wands at Sherlock all held their breath until Voldemort's cold voice slowly sounded.

"You know everything? So, what did you see?"

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