This is indeed the case.

The entire process of the trial was almost reported in the Daily Prophet the next day.

The word "almost" was added because the report did not mention the three questions that Dumbledore asked Crouch before leaving.

The entire page was about Crouch's confession of using his position to help his son escape from prison and murdering his wife.

The magic photo with the picture was Crouch's extremely calm face when he confessed.

Even though he was injected with magic potions and should have been able to move in the photo, Crouch was like a wooden man, motionless, and didn't even blink.

After this report came out, the British wizarding world, which was already boiling, was completely blown up this time.

No one would doubt the authenticity of the Wizengamot. There were many people watching the trial yesterday. Everyone could see whether Crouch confessed himself or was tortured.

The direction of public opinion reversed 180 degrees today.

The wizards who scolded Fudge yesterday scolded Crouch ten times more harshly today.

Even if Crouch only admitted his guilt of helping Barty escape from prison in the court or in the Daily Prophet's report, he did not admit that Fudge had used the Ministry's notice to accuse him of colluding with his son, working undercover in the Ministry of Magic, and working for You-Know-Who.

But the wizarding public has naturally imposed these on him.

People have forgotten that he was at the peak of Voldemort's power and all his contributions to the wizarding world, but have used the greatest malice to put all the imagined crimes on him.

In just less than two days, Crouch's reputation was completely ruined.

His previous words in the Daily Prophet about the Death Eaters and You-Know-Who's resurgence were also regarded by others as lies that he wanted to use to overthrow Fudge and take the position of Minister of Magic.

The most clever thing about Fudge is that in such a situation, he was very restrained and only pointed the finger at Crouch. He classified all the supportive speeches made by Dumbledore before as "Dumbledore was deceived by Crouch".

This can prevent those wizards who have great trust in this pillar of the magic world from being divided. Some of them even muttered behind his back that Dumbledore is indeed old and his brain is not working well, and he was deceived by a villain like Crouch.

Even Sherlock, who did not attract much attention before, has a declining reputation in the magic world.

It is understandable that Dumbledore was deceived by Crouch, but Sherlock is so young and he is still speaking for a "Death Eater", which makes people doubt his position.

Some people have even written to the Ministry of Magic to ask for an investigation into Sherlock. Perhaps the reason why Dumbledore was so easily deceived was that Crouch and Sherlock played a play in front of Dumbledore together.

But now Fudge certainly didn't have the mood to offend Dumbledore. Sherlock was a real professor at Hogwarts, so he couldn't reach out too far.

Having completed a beautiful reversal of the situation, Fudge was most concerned about catching Bartlett, who had escaped from prison and was hiding a few years ago, so that Crouch's guilt would be completely confirmed.

But Crouch only had one answer from beginning to end when facing the interrogation.

Bartlett had been killed by Sherlock during the riots on the night of the World Cup.

This answer was simply ridiculous.

Even the Aurors who used to be Crouch's subordinates and wanted to help him in the interrogation felt that Crouch's words were inconsistent.

He had said in the Daily Prophet before that it was Sherlock who saved him from the control of the Death Eaters, and now he said that Sherlock killed his son.

Kill his son and then save him?

Aren't you afraid of being retaliated after rescuing him?

No one with a little bit of brains would do this.

But because Crouch has a special status after all, he is not only the director of the Ministry of Magic, but the Crouch family is also one of the oldest pure-blood families.

Even Fudge did not dare to use any special means on him, even though Crouch himself asked him to drink the truth serum before answering all the questions.

Things can only be deadlocked for the time being.

Because the most critical person, Barty Jr., was not arrested and brought to justice, Crouch has not been sentenced to Azkaban, but has been temporarily detained in the detention room of the Ministry of Magic.

However, Fudge's goal has been completely achieved.

He punctured Crouch's "lie", proved that the mysterious man's imminent return was "nonsense", and most importantly, successfully "protected" his ministerial throne.

Fudge was in a very good mood, feeling that everything was so perfect.

The only thing he was worried about was Dumbledore's response next.

In that trial, he could see the anger of the centenarian.

But in fact, Dumbledore, who had returned to Hogwarts, had no time to care about these things outside.

He certainly didn't mean to give up on Crouch or ignore the Fudge government's inaction or even procrastination, but as the semester was coming to an end, he had more important things to deal with.

In the open space of the Hogwarts Quidditch pitch, a maze with an extremely large area and complex terrain rose up in the past few months during the noisy outside world.

This is obviously the content of the third project, and Bagman had told all the warriors in advance a month before the game.

Although Hogwarts was also affected by outside influences during this period and paid great attention to the Crouch incident, as the last competition event approached, the students' discussion returned to the competition itself.

Everyone wants to know which school warrior can win the final trophy and the grand prize of one thousand galleons.

Just three weeks after the Crouch incident and the third day before the start of the third competition event, Harry had a vague dream in the Divination class.

Just when Trelawney was letting everyone observe the floating nebulae in the crystal ball, the scar on Harry's forehead suddenly started to hurt.

His whole figure seemed to have completely changed perspective, appearing in a dark room.

"The good news comes one after another...very good...really good..."

A hoarse, unpleasant, cold voice sounded from where Harry was, as if the person speaking was him!

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