Just a Defense Against the Dark Arts Professor

Chapter 324 Dumbledore’s response

News spreads fast in Hogwarts.

On the day when the news about Crouch was reported in the Daily Prophet, a student asked Sherlock about the authenticity of the news and received a positive answer.

After Fudge's speech was published the next day, some wizard parents of some students had received letters from the school, which mentioned that Sherlock admitted that Crouch was kidnapped by Death Eaters sent by Voldemort. sex.

But because of Fudge's speech and the Daily Prophet's own pacing on that day, such news only spread among a small number of students' parents. Even if it spread to the outside world, the news would not be very big.

Although many people are wondering, according to Crouch, why Voldemort instructed him to kill Sherlock after seizing his soul instead of getting rid of Harry Potter, Sherlock's reputation is not that great after all.

It only appeared in the newspapers for a few days in the year when the basilisk threatened Hogwarts.

The only person who played an important role in this incident was Dumbledore.

On the third day after Crouch delivered his speech on Voldemort's return through the Daily Prophet, only a few people knew that Fudge from the Ministry of Magic privately used Floo powder to have a conversation with Dumbledore at Hogwarts. .

But the result of this conversation was not very satisfactory to the minister. It is said that he even broke his favorite tea cup in the office that afternoon.

That is to say, in the evening of the same day, the Daily Prophet urgently issued the second newspaper of the day.

The big thing didn't even wait until the next morning.

The content of this temporary briefing is also very simple. It has only one page with a bold title printed in oversized black fonts.

[Albus Dumbledore acknowledged the authenticity of Crouch's statement. He said: "The dark forces have never been far away from us.\

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