If Harry and the others knew that Silk had given Sherlock a "vaccination" early in the morning, the three of them would be so grateful that they would burst into tears.

Ever since they discovered Sherlock's talent as a crow's beak, they have developed a common habit.

Never spend too much time with Sherlock at Christmas!

So early in the morning, Harry and the others tried to avoid Sherlock's route of action.

Fortunately, Sherlock didn't run around the castle that day. After breakfast, he stayed in the auditorium and helped Flitwick set up the scenes and decorations needed for tonight's dance.

Silke naturally had nothing to do today. She had been sitting on the professor's table on the high platform, holding her face with one hand, and just quietly watching Sherlock and Flitwick setting up the scene together.

"We need a little sparkle."

Flitwick stood on a high stool and waved his wand at the wreath hanging on the wall.

The next moment, countless shining glitters appeared around the garland, adding a different color.

Sherlock also tapped his wand, and silver light was used to embellish the golden surroundings.

"By the way, Professor Flitwick, will you attend the dance tonight?"

As a student who graduated from Ravenclaw, even though he has now become a professor, Sherlock's name for Flitwick has never changed. He has always paid attention to such small details.

Flitwick, who was climbing down from the high stool with Sherlock's help, said with a smile on his face.

"Of course I will participate! This is a rare event. My old arms and legs must be stretched."

As he said that, Flitwick glanced at Silk from the corner of his eye, who had been focusing on their side, or on Sherlock to be precise, and teased in a low voice.

"Are you really not going to dance at today's ball? Weren't those words you said that day an excuse to reject that little girl?"

Sherlock looked helpless.

"You are so old, why do you still like gossip so much? I really can't dance."

Flitwick laughed heartily.

"Stop making excuses for yourself Sherlock, not being able to dance is not a problem that is holding you back. Always using this as a cover up will only make people think you are pretentious."

Sherlock grimaced.

"Why do you even say that?"

"If anyone else has said this to you, it proves that she has seen you very clearly." Flitwick smiled and winked.

Sherlock was noncommittal and helped float the high stool to the position of another garland to make it easier for Flitwick to cast spells.

It is now free time in the morning. Most of the students have gone to play in the snow outside the castle or go skating on the Black Lake. In the entire auditorium, except for the two of them and Hilke, there are only a few people left leaning against the warm fireplace. Sinistra, the former chatty astronomy professor, and Bubbaji, the muggle studies professor.

They seemed to have talked about something interesting. They looked at Hilke and laughed, then waved to her from a distance and invited her to sit over with them.

Silke hesitated for a moment, but finally left the long table and sat next to the two female teachers, chatting with them as they asked and answered questions.

Sherlock also saw this scene, with an expression of relief on his face. He had always hoped that Hilke could communicate more with other people and change her withdrawn personality.

At this time, Hagrid walked in from outside carrying a fir tree.

As soon as he entered, he shouted to Flitwick.

"This is the largest and most suitable fir tree I can find. No matter how big the others are, it won't fit in the auditorium."

The fir tree he was carrying on his shoulders was indeed very large. Even Hagrid, who was more than three meters tall, looked particularly "delicate" holding it.

It was obvious that Hagrid had cast a reducing spell on such a thick tree, otherwise even he wouldn't have been able to carry it up so easily.

Flitwick was very satisfied with this year's Christmas tree. He directed Hagrid to place the tree in a suitable location, and then stood in front of the tree, planning how to decorate it.

Sherlock clapped his hands and sat at a long table in the auditorium. A cup of steaming black tea appeared in front of him at the right moment.

The educated elves in the castle are familiar with his preferences and know what to prepare for him when he rests.

Sherlock picked up the cup of black tea and just took a sip when a hunched figure came to his side.

After Moody sat down, a glass of cider appeared in front of him.

"Oh, thank you."

He picked up the glass of cider, murmured his thanks, took a big sip, and then said to Sherlock.

"Karkaroff has always been honest since he came to Hogwarts. Except for deliberately favoring students from his own school when scoring the first competition, he has not done anything extraordinary."

Sherlock held the cup of warm black tea in both hands and said calmly.

"His resume cannot be hidden at all. With such a conspicuous situation, I don't think he will do anything extraordinary. Especially this year, Dumbledore specially invited you here. This actually shows an attitude. "

Moody didn't say anything more about this. He was actually more suspicious of Karkaroff at first, but judging from the current situation, Sherlock's view is more accurate.

"After Kingsley and Tonks received the letter I wrote, they have been paying more attention to Crouch who returned to the Ministry of Magic. They did find something not quite right."

Moody said solemnly.

"Kingsley specifically contacted me yesterday using Floo fan, looking for Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan.com. He said that Crouch's working status is obviously different from before. He now stays at the Ministry of Magic for a very short time and is often at home. , and even when he was at the Ministry of Magic, he seemed very depressed."

"According to Crouch's assistant, Percy Weasley, Crouch was ill, so he was often absent from his duties."

After listening to Moody's story, Sherlock narrowed his eyes.

"Based on your experience as an Auror for so many years, do you think he is really sick in this state?"

Moody fell into a brief silence.

He was a veteran among Aurors, and Crouch had been Voldemort's most reliable boss when he was at his most rampant. Now he didn't want to make a decision in this situation.

But Moody has never been the kind of person who is indecisive and obsessed with old relationships.

His voice was hoarse and his tone was cold.

"It's not like he's sick, it's more like he's been cast by someone's Imperius Curse!"

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