Journey To the Heavens Starting From the Night

Chapter 97: Conversation by the Moat

Remember in a second【】

The wind and snow were blowing on the banks of the moat of the Tang Palace. The weather was very bad. The servants who followed the Emperor Tang were already shivering from the cold. The palace guards ignored the wind and snow and guarded the surroundings.

After Li Zhongyi coughed heavily, he said: "Will such a world really appear? The practitioners of the Tang Kingdom are also the citizens of the Tang Kingdom. There is no distinction between countries in practice, but there are practitioners. I will choose it at any time." The people of the Tang Kingdom believe that the practitioners of the Tang Kingdom are the same!"

The Tang Dynasty has been established for thousands of years, and has experienced many crises of subjugation, but the Tang Kingdom still exists in the world today, and it is getting stronger and stronger, which is enough to prove that the choices of the previous emperors of the Tang Kingdom were not wrong, and his choice is naturally not wrong.

Su Xuan stood in the snow, and none of the snowflakes falling from the sky could fall on him. He looked at the snowflakes all over the sky and said, "Maybe, maybe not, if there are no practitioners, like the world Some small countries will never last for thousands of years, because the power of ordinary people is unstoppable when gathered together.

But there are practitioners in the world, extraordinary and refined practitioners, one person holding a sword can block thousands of practitioners, so the dynasties in the world rarely change, of course, if there are powerful practitioners to help, it is an exception, so Your Majesty thinks Is the existence of practitioners good or bad for the world? "

Ordinary people belong to ordinary people, practitioners belong to practitioners, this is already his second hometown, so he does not want to see the practice of this world decline and go to the end of the law, but once the practitioners are separated from the world, then some People will forget to hang over their heads and say: "Practitioners in the world have advantages and disadvantages, but in general, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. There are many practitioners in the Tang Dynasty who joined the army and defended against the enemy on the border for ten years. , and there are many practitioners serving the Tang State, chasing down criminals and killing crimes, so it would be very bad if there were no practitioners in the world."

He is the emperor of the Tang country, and he cannot deny the achievements of the practitioners of the Tang country, so he sincerely believes that if the world cannot practice, it will be very bad.

The wind and snow were still there, Su Xuan looked at the ox cart not far away, and said: "If you lose morality, then you will be virtuous; if you lose virtue, you will be benevolent; , but I hope Tang’s road will not go astray.”

The Tang character in Tang Guozhong is quite deep in his memory in his previous life. He has been to many places and seen many different scenery over the years, but people like Tang Guozhong, the people of other countries in the world rarely seen in.

Hearing this, Li Zhongyi couldn't bear his secret illness anymore, and continued to cough violently. He said, "I, cough cough, believe in the Tang country, cough cough, cough cough, and trust the people of the Tang country even more."

The ear-piercing cough resounded on the bank of the moat, Xu Chongshan hurried over, took out a white porcelain bottle, poured out a pill for Li Zhongyi to take, maybe it had been standing in this icy and snowy place for a long time, but the pill didn't rise to how much effect.

Hearing Li Zhongyi's cough, he turned towards the direction where the ox cart was staying and shouted: "Master, please take down the peach blossom wine on the table. I'm really afraid that the master will cause trouble for me."

Mo Shanshan, who had waited in the bullock cart for a long time but did not see Su Xuan coming, frowned a little, picked up the bottle of peach blossom wine on the table and got out of the bullock cart.

As soon as he came to the riverside, Mo Shanshan handed the peach blossom wine in his hand to Queen Su Xuan, and said: "The emperor of the Tang Kingdom has a serious hidden disease. It looks like the way of the Demon Sect. He is just a member of the Demon Sect. How did he do it?" .”

Then Mo Shanshan stared at Su Xuan, and said: "Can your wine really cure the hidden diseases left by the methods of the devil?"

Although the emperor of the Tang Kingdom did not practice, he stood at the pinnacle of power in the world. As long as this majesty thinks, the iron cavalry of the Tang Kingdom can sweep the countries at any time, and Su Xuandaomen knows the identity of the disciple of the Guanshanmen, and sends wine to treat the emperor of the Tang Kingdom The unmentionable illness, no matter how you look at it, is a bit unbelievable.

Su Xuan smiled slightly and said: "Of course it can be cured, but it needs to be taken for a long time. If it can be taken for three or two years, it will definitely eliminate the hidden disease. This is thanks to the person from the Demon Sect who made the move. If the attack is more ruthless, I am afraid that His Majesty Dead early."

The current situation of His Majesty is probably the half-successful layout of Lian Sheng. As the former saint of the Demon Sect, Xia Tian successfully lurks into the Tang Kingdom, but falls in love, falls in love with the Emperor of the Tang Kingdom, and even marries The emperor of the Tang Dynasty.

Human beings are the most elusive existence, besides, it was Xiahou's elder brother Xiahou who came to Chang'an with Xia Tian, ​​Liansheng was still too confident, so Liansheng's plan was just a bamboo basket to fetch water in vain.

Knowing the inside story, Xu Chongshan didn't dare to wait any longer. After handing over the porcelain vase in his hand to Li Zhongyi, he frantically rushed back, fearing that he would die if he stayed too long.

Li Zhongyi took the peach blossom wine in Su Xuan's hand and drank it all. Feeling the subsidence of his illness, he said: "It really is worthy of being the famous peach blossom wine in Chang'an. In the past, it was only famous and never met, but it was too expensive. It’s not something ordinary people can drink.”

The wine was really good, but it was so expensive that His Majesty Tang felt a little unbearable.

Su Xuan said: "Your Majesty is rich in rich land and rich in the world, this wine is not expensive to Your Majesty."

This is also one of the purposes of his trip. When he was in Taoshan, he made a lot of wine, but he didn't expect that he was born unable to sell wine. After such a long time, only a few people came to buy wine .

It is different now, if even the emperor of the Tang Kingdom relies on this wine to heal his illness, then the thousand bottles of peach blossom wine that he has backlogged will surely be snapped up. People flock to it?

Li Zhongyi said in a deep voice, "The money is the taxes of the Tang country, and it is the blood and sweat of the people of the Tang country. I feel uneasy about using such money to buy wine."

He's not one to enjoy himself,

^0^Remember in one second【】

Even if this peach blossom wine could cure his unmentionable illness, he would not use the hard-earned money of the people of the Tang Kingdom to buy a bottle of peach blossom wine worth a thousand taels of silver.

Su Xuan looked at the wind and snow that was gradually subsiding, and said: "It is indeed a bit expensive, so how about it! Your Majesty approved a piece of land next to Yanming Lake, and His Majesty gave away the peach blossom wine for treating dark diseases for Zhongyi Said: "Alright, there is a garden of mine by the Yanming Lake, if Mr. Su wants to build anything, just go ahead and build it. "

After all, Li Zhongyi returned to the palace under the guard of Xu Chongshan, and Su Xuan and Mo Shanshan boarded the bullock cart and left the moat.

After watching a play today, he also caught more than a dozen carp and earned a piece of land. Su Xuan was indeed in a good mood.


On the flat boat on the page of the South China Sea!

Suddenly seeing the scene in Chang'an City, Chen yelled: "Rebel!"

But there was nothing he could do, because a wooden stick was right behind him.




Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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