Journey To the Heavens Starting From the Night

Chapter 86: Climbing a mountain by crane

At the foot of the mountain!

After listening to Chen Pippi's explanation, Su Xuan also understood the cause and effect of the incident. The son of the enemy came to take revenge and was killed by his divine will of the Tianxia River. Day for an ambiguous opportunity.

The news that he was going to the back mountain of the academy should have only passed through the hands of a few people, who are capable of informing the remnants in such a short period of time, and those who ambushed in the academy to assassinate him probably would not have used such extremely stupid means Means, so the cause of the matter must be not much different from what he thought.

Su Xuan looked at the large formation shrouded in clouds and mist in front of him, and said: "The formation of clouds and mist, since the guests have already arrived, why don't you see the way up the mountain?"

The mountain is a good mountain, and the formation is also a good formation, but the clouds and mists are in front, and the master is also on the mountain, how could he break the formation rudely?

Ye Hongyu let out a cold snort and walked towards the cloud formation, Chen Pipi wanted to catch up and stop Ye Hongyu, but was stopped by Su Xuan.

Chen Pipi's face immediately collapsed, and he said: "Senior Brother Su, Ye Hongyu can't break through the cloud and mist formation at all, but it will destroy a lot of formation foundations. I managed to fix this with great difficulty."

Ever since Chen Pipi went up the mountain, he has personally repaired the foundations of the cloud formation on the mountain behind the academy. Although Ye Hongyu was unable to break the formation formation, the formation foundation he repaired so hard will be repaired by Ye Hongyu. After quitting, how much is left?

"Also ask Mr. Su to break the formation!"

At this time, a woman's voice came from the cloud-shrouded mountain. Hearing this voice, Chen Pipi fell into an ice cellar.

Su Xuan took a step forward and protected Mo Shanshan behind him. After saluting slightly towards the mountain, he said: "Mr. Will you refuse?"

You don't need to think about it to know that this is a show of authority. If a bad guest comes to the door without a show of authority, is it a surprise?

Su Xuan took a look, and the large array of clouds and mist surged, took out the scroll of heavenly characters in his arms, tore off a page and threw it into the sky.

In an instant, above the blue sky, the sea of ​​clouds was boiling and rolling, and the clear and clear cry of a white crane could be heard faintly. Not long after, the page of the book turned into a huge white crane and flew to the ground.

Chen Pipi stared dumbfounded at the white crane that flew down from the blue sky, squeezed his chubby face, and said, "White crane? Go up the mountain by crane?"

Although he didn't quite agree with Su Xuan in his heart that he would use such a method to climb the back mountain, but the moment the white crane landed, Chen Pipi had to believe that if he really wanted to climb the mountain on foot, then how would the white crane explain it.

Mountain climbing, mountain climbing by crane!

Su Xuan looked at Mo Shanshan behind him, and said, "Master, let's go! Don't keep Master waiting."

Mo Shanshan looked at the huge white crane and said, "Isn't it too high-profile for us to go up the mountain like this? Wouldn't Master and the old man blame him?"

The mountain behind the Academy is a sacred place for practitioners in the world, and it should be climbed on foot to show respect for the mountain behind the Academy, but how can you respect it when you can climb the mountain by crane.

Su Xuan looked at Mo Shanshan, and said sincerely: "It's okay, if you want to come to Master, an old man, he won't care about these little things, and besides, climbing a mountain by a crane, isn't it a ritual?"

After finishing speaking, Su Xuan took Mo Shanshan's little hand, Mo Shanshan's face turned red slightly, but he still let Su Xuan take it, and then the two of them stepped on the back of the white crane, and the white crane transformed from the celestial scroll screamed and spread its wings Flying high, flew into the misty mountains.

In the clouds and mist, the white cranes can't stop singing. Tourists far away from the city of Chang'an can also faintly hear the white cranes singing a few times, and can even faintly see that there are great practitioners climbing the mountain.

It's just that most of the people who saw this situation didn't know the state of such a great cultivator until they died, but seeing this situation is not a white trip.

Chen Pippi looked at the white crane flying into the clouds, and shouted: "Senior Sister Seven, quickly remove the formation, Pippi doesn't want to repair the foundation of the formation every day in the future."

However, Chen Pipi's voice did not fall, Su Xuan, who was standing on the back of the white crane, waved his sleeves, and immediately the clouds and mist cleared, and the blue sky reappeared in the world.

On the ancient mountain road, Ye Hongyu swung a lot of swords, looked up at the white crane under the sky, and let out a heavy cold snort.

The mountain road is very long, and hiking will be very tiring, and the scenery at the height should be better!

Between the cliffs!

Muyou, who was embroidering, looked at the broken cloud formation and the undamaged formation foundation, and asked, "What is this method? The cloud formation was broken, but the formation foundation was not damaged at all."

Most of the daily maintenance of the Cloud and Mist Formation has gone through her hands. Mu You also knows about the Cloud and Mist Formation very well, but the current situation has already exceeded his expectations.

Li Manman, who was cooking for his master, looked at the white crane flying towards the cliff, and explained: "Su Xuan didn't break the cloud and mist formation. This suppression came from the laws of heaven and earth. Use, and the book of heaven is also the use of the rules of heaven and using a page of the book of heaven and scroll as a white crane, it naturally suppresses the formation of clouds and mist."

The master lying on the chair said: "Muyou! It's true to say slowly, the cloud and mist formation is fine, it's just suppressed by the rules of the heavenly book. If the cloud and mist formation is really broken by Su Xuan, there is nothing wrong with it." You have to let him fix it before you can go down the mountain."

It's just the teacher's explanation, which makes Muyou very disappointed. Isn't it much worse than the news that the cloud and mist formation is suppressed?

Approaching the cliff, the white crane blew again.

Jun Mo, who was sitting in front of the cliff cave, snorted coldly, lifted the thick iron sword on the table, and walked towards the edge of the cliff.

The academy talks about etiquette, and the Daoist sect knows that it is very rude for the disciples of the Guanshanmen to ride a crane to climb a mountain, and for those who are rude, Jun Mo will generally teach them how to be polite.

Li said slowly: "Teacher, do you really want Jun Mo to test it out?"

Jun Mo is good at fighting, but Su Xuan is a practitioner who has entered the sixth realm after all. He is very worried that his proud junior will not be able to maintain his pride in front of these juniors and sisters.

The master smiled slightly, and said, "Let Jun Mo try it out, so as not to save that Taoist idiot from wasting time by challenging Jun Mo after climbing the cliff."

Dao Chi is indeed good, but compared with his second disciple, he is still far behind.

After a few breaths, the white crane landed on the ground and turned into a page again, which was returned to Su Xuan's hand, but Su Xuan did not put the page of the book back into the scroll.

With **** of Su Xuan's right hand, he held the page of Tianzi Scroll, Jun Mo, who seemed to be walking step by step, said: "Jun Mo, the second gentleman of the academy, it is really better to meet you than to be famous. I have seen your portrait, you are worse than me!" You are much prouder in the portrait."



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