Journey To the Heavens Starting From the Night

Vol 2 Chapter 745: When there are no accidents, there must be an accident!

Journey to the Heavens from Jiang Ye Chapter 745 When there are no accidents, there must be an accident!

months later.

The army of the Lingxiao Heaven Realm, which had been purged for many days, finally rushed to the front line to encircle and suppress His Majesty the God Emperor under the leadership of many Jiejiao disciples.

It's just that the Heavenly Emperor, who was pushed around by Tuantuan, always felt that something was wrong.

It seems that he has already become the Lingxiao Heaven Realm, and Jiejiao is the same in the Nine Heavens Realm.

From top to bottom, inside and out, you can see the figure of the disciple of Jiejiao. Is he, the emperor of heaven, still the emperor of heaven?

On the flying boat.

The emperor of heaven is divided into two columns.

Many of the Celestial Clans who are directly descended from the Celestial Emperor have depressing expressions on their faces. They have already heard about the dangers on the front line. Most of them are created by chance, but they don't have any congenital treasures left outside.

Going to the Lingxiao Heaven Realm to work for the Emperor of Heaven is also because it is easy to enjoy the shade under the big tree. You must know that although His Majesty the Emperor of Heaven is very obedient in front of many Hunyuan sects.

But anyway, it is the orthodox command of the heavens and the world, and those small Dharma sects still have to be convinced.

But who would have thought that since he was working as a errand for His Majesty the Emperor of Heaven, his life has become worse day by day.

From the initial catastrophe of conferring gods, to the subsequent catastrophe of Journey to the West, the catastrophe of demons, and then to the son of destiny in the next ancient era, plus the current **** emperor who encircled and suppressed the ancient gods, I really don't know when such a day will be head!

The Emperor of Heaven sat on the throne, looked at the many civil and martial immortals below, and said solemnly: "Everyone, whether I, the Lingxiao Heaven Realm, can truly control the heavens and the world depends on today. Today, the Emperor will personally lead all of you. , to encircle and suppress that false God Emperor, in order to rectify my prestige in the Heavenly Realm."

When the war is coming, always say something to cheer you up!

He didn't think there would be any twists and turns in this battle. His teacher was playing chess behind him. In terms of the importance of the finale, who could beat his teacher?

But at the bottom of the martial arts family, it is true that they still watch their mouths, their noses, and their eyes!

Seeing this situation, Taibai Jinxing quickly stood up and said, "Your Majesty is wise!"

With Taibai Jinxing taking the lead, the scene on the flying boat was not so embarrassing.

But on the throne, the face of His Majesty the Emperor of Heaven became more and more embarrassing. No one knew what His Majesty the Emperor of Heaven was thinking in his heart right now.

The flying boat that covers the sky and the sun lies in the void.

All the big Luo Jinxians shot together, and just now many flying boats were able to hide from certain sects in a short period of time and directly reach the front line of encircling and suppressing that false god.

However, the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit, who opened the way at the front, discovered some abnormalities!

On the flying boat at the forefront, the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit looked at the chaotic void that was flickering in the distance, and immediately shouted: "Wen Zhong, the monster race is coming, send the news to the Emperor of Heaven, and His Majesty the Emperor of Heaven is here to meet the enemy."

Logically speaking, their whereabouts were covered up by many Da Luo Jinxian realm practitioners, so they should not be noticed by the monster race.

But since they have noticed, it means that there must be something wrong in their group.

When there should not be an accident, such an accident happened, what a troubled time!

Wen Zhong naturally didn't dare to delay, and directly sent dozens of bursts, flying swords to pass the letter to the central army where the Emperor of Heaven was.

However, when His Majesty the Heavenly Emperor got the news and came here, the monster army had already stopped.

It seems that the Yaozu had already predicted that they would go this way.

On the flying boat!

The Emperor of Heaven looked at the two Yaozu fairy families who appeared above the cloud mirror, his expression became solemn, he looked at the Golden Light Virgin in the distance, and said: "The Yaozu used to be the demon **** Yingzhao and Fei Lian who stopped in front, but The Yaozu have never made small troubles, the real troubles lie behind."

If Lingxiao Heavenly Realm, which governs all heavens and ten thousand realms, could not succeed in encircling and suppressing that false **** emperor, the demon clan would have taken the opportunity instead.

Then there will inevitably be rises in the future, how can some Lingxiao Heaven Realm, which cannot encircle and suppress the false **** emperor, rule the heavens and all realms!

That's when the real big trouble will come. Yaozu Dijun really deserves to be called the former Yaozu emperor, and he was caught off guard with one move.

The Holy Mother of Golden Light said calmly: "Your Majesty, I will cover up our whereabouts together with many Daluo immortal families. I am very curious about how our whereabouts were leaked."

This is not the most important problem, but it is the most important problem to be solved. You must know that he has heard that even her master Hongjun Patriarch is covering up the secrets for this siege.

"There must be a dark disc of the Yaozu among us!"

A certain Heavenly Emperor's direct descendant of the Immortal Family stood up at the right time and shouted loudly.

The gaze of the Celestial Family, who is directly descended from the Heavenly Emperor, even glanced back and forth at the many disciples of the Jiejiao.

Although I didn't say much, all the words are already without words.

Taibai is naturally keenly aware of this. He looked at the immortal family who had always been cautious, and snorted coldly: "If you can't speak, don't say it. Talk nonsense. A big battle is imminent. If you want to disturb the morale of the army, don't you, Mr. Xing?" If you mind, I will send you to reincarnation."

Some things you can know, but you can know, and you can think, but you just can't say it.

Especially at the moment, saying it in front of the Jiejiao disciples, even if there really is a Jiejiao fairy family, who disclosed the news.

I can only pretend to understand, this matter of the heavens and the world!

It's never been about fighting and killing, it's the way of the world.

The Holy Mother of the Golden Light snorted softly: "Fellow Daoist, you are serious. It is better for His Majesty the Emperor of Heaven to make a decision on this matter."

The Holy Mother of Golden Light revealed the matter with a word, but the disciples of the Jiejiao below glared at the immortal family of His Majesty the Heavenly Emperor.

After thinking about it, the life of this fairy family will inevitably be quite bleak and miserable.

Sometimes there are some things that Da Luo's family doesn't need to do at all, as long as they reveal some meaning of unknown origin, there will be countless fairy families rushing to do it.

The Emperor of Heaven looked at his own lineage and said: "I will discuss whether there are any hidden monsters among them. The most important thing now is to take down the demon gods who stopped us."

This time he is not worried, these interception disciples will work hard, after all, if the Yaozu Heavenly Court comes to power again, then the most unlucky one is not necessarily him, but the most unlucky ones should be his senior brothers and sisters The sect is.

The Holy Mother of Golden Light calmly looked at the two demon gods who had already been killed above the cloud mirror, and said, "Your Majesty, I will stop and teach you to solve the demon gods this time, but your majesty, if Dijun comes, you still need to come." Your Majesty will go in person."

During the period when they were walking in the heavens and worlds, the demon clan's heaven had already ended, and they had been swept into the garbage dump by many fairy families.

Now I want to come out and make trouble, have you asked them to stop teaching?

The Emperor of Heaven nodded slightly and said: "If I can fight with Di Jun, I will be honored!"

After all, the Holy Mother of the Golden Light is still too young. According to Di Jun's temperament, she may not come in person. After all, in the eyes of the monster emperor, he, the emperor of heaven, cannot be tolerated.

After a while.

The Holy Mother of the Golden Light led Lu Yue and Luo Xuan to greet her directly.

Although these two Da Luo demon gods were not simple figures in the past, countless thousands of years have passed in the immortal family.

The era of the Da Luo demon **** has long passed.

Three avenues and long rivers lay across, blocking the menacing Yingzhao and Feisi.

Yingzhao looked at Taotao's long road and river, and said with a sneer, "The method of intercepting and teaching disciples is really unique, but today the road is blocked, and of course you don't want to leave."

Their task is not to have a decisive battle with the so-called His Majesty the Heavenly Emperor in this chaotic void.

Such a decisive battle, other than wasting time, has no other meaning. Without decisive combat power to join in, it may not be able to finish after tens of thousands of years.

They just need to hold back, the army of His Majesty the Emperor of Heaven.

The Holy Mother of the Golden Light standing on the long avenue said calmly: "Yingzhao, Feilian, do you know what you are doing? I am afraid that even your Majesty Dijun will not be able to delay my teacher's affairs. If you can’t bear it, if you know how to do it, get out of the way.”

Although she didn't know why her teacher insisted on asking His Majesty the Heavenly Emperor to encircle and suppress that false **** emperor, but since her teacher had a decree, they, as disciples, naturally had to obey it.

Fei Lian snorted coldly and said: "I heard that among the human race, there is an old saying that is good, those who gain the way will be helped more than those who have lost the way, you should stay here honestly and wait for my majesty to kill you." After the head of the false **** emperor, I invite you all to attend the celebration banquet of my monster clan, and then we will be safe and sound, wouldn’t it be great?"

I have to say that those old sayings of the human race sounded so reasonable.

You must know that the reason why they were able to know that the army of the Lingxiao Heavenly Realm would leave here is all due to the immortal family of His Majesty the Heavenly Emperor!

It's not that those immortal families are too loyal to His Majesty the Heavenly Emperor, it's just that the bargaining chip for betrayal is not big enough. It just so happens that the monster clan can increase this chip enough.

Of course, I also want to thank those Taoist elders who sat by and watched their Yaozu mobilize their manpower.

Just like back then, the calm and watchful attitude during the battle between the Liches remained unchanged.

The Holy Mother of Golden Light sneered and said: "The two demon gods are really not afraid of the wind flashing their tongues. My teacher is in the position of Taoist leader. Since the two demon gods are stubbornly resisting, then don't blame me and clean up the sect!"

"Lu Yue, Luo Xuan!"



"Go let the two demon gods who don't know how high the sky is and how thick the earth are, know how high the sky is and how thick the earth is!"

Standing behind Jin Guang, Luoxuan, the Immortal of Flame, and Lu Yue, Immortal of Plague, went directly to Yingzhao and Feishen.

Seeing this, Yingzhao and Feijian also tried to counteract with them by holding the innate spirit treasure in their hands.

It didn't take long for the collision of the avenue and the long river to break the surrounding chaos and void into nothingness.

A piece of gray, in which there seems to be a great horror born.

For a while, the situation was stalemate, and the Holy Mother of Golden Light was watching the battle, guarding against the entry of other demon gods.

As for those Yaozu fairy families in the realm of Taiyi Golden Immortal and Golden Immortal, it is all for their disciples to practice their skills.

But those immortal families who watched the battle behind were terrified. After all, immortal families who can reach the realm of Daluo Jinxian rarely turn to His Majesty the Emperor of Heaven.

Therefore, many immortal families of the direct descendants of the Heavenly Emperor in the Taiyi Golden Immortal Realm were unavoidably a little frightened when they saw the collision of practitioners in the Daluo Golden Immortal Realm.

Looking at the deadlocked situation, Taibai Jinxing already had some guesses in his mind. Taibai Jinxing, who had worked under the Yaozu emperor in the past, knew very well that the Yaozu emperor would never use such a simple method. .

The real murderous intent is often hidden behind the scenes. The goal of their Lingxiao Tianjie is to encircle and suppress the false **** emperor. If the monster clan wants to compete with them, then Di Jun and Donghuang Taiyi must go there. I don't think anyone can stop it temporarily, that sage who reaches the sky.

Taibai Jinxing said: "Your Majesty, the Holy Mother of Golden Light should be resolved as soon as possible. I am afraid that the monster clan will have a backup."

Assassin King Kill!

For some reason, Taibai Jinxing thought of a method often used by ordinary people during the change of mortal dynasties.

For ordinary people, such a method is nothing, but for the immortal family, it is definitely a good idea.

But he couldn't say these words.

The Emperor of Heaven said calmly: "Taibai, you are worrying too much. We are waiting for many immortal families to gather here. Who would dare to come here without opening their eyes?"

Although he is not as good as his senior brothers and sisters, he doesn't pay attention to the idle Da Luo Jinxian.

But at this moment!

A bell suddenly rang through the chaotic void. Whether it was the two parties who were fighting each other, or the old Taibai who wanted to persuade His Majesty the Heavenly, they all stared dumbfounded. The Donghuang Bell stopped.

Holding the Donghuang Bell, you can time and space, time and space stop, the avenue stops, everything comes to a standstill.

The Emperor of Heaven said with a ferocious expression: "Eastern Emperor Bell!"

But since the Donghuang Bell has come, why is there no Donghuang Taiyi?

A moment later, the Eastern Emperor Bell disappeared, just as His Majesty the Heavenly Emperor was planning to take a breather.

The Yuejing Wheel came quietly and cut the flying boat into eight sections.

The Emperor of Heaven shouted angrily: "Taiyin Changxi, you are so brave, you dare to make a move at this moment."

It seems that he is too tolerant towards those older generation fairy families.

In a moment.

The magnificent Changxi, holding the Moon Essence Wheel, stood in the void of chaos, looked at His Majesty the Emperor of Heaven, and said calmly, "It's been a long time since His Majesty the Emperor of Heaven, I wonder if this Eastern Emperor Bell has made His Majesty the Emperor of Heaven happy."

She shouldn't have come, after all, there are a lot of gossip in the heavens and the world, and it is easy to involve others.

But she still came, after all, she had to get out of that bad breath.

At the Pantao Festival, let her lead those Chang'e to dance, right?

Let her dance again now!

Holding the Heavenly Emperor Sword, the Emperor of Heaven sneered and said, "What a Taiyin Changxi, since you are here today, you should stay here! Today, the Emperor will let you take a good look at the fate of rebellious people!"

According to the rumors, this Changxi and Su Xuan had some gossip, but as the Emperor of Heaven, would he still be afraid of these things?

A junior, don't think that you can do whatever you want by accepting the deity's daughter as your apprentice.

Changxi sneered and said, "What a Heavenly Emperor, even a clone dares to speak out here, and you still have some problems with this clone!"



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