Journey To the Heavens Starting From the Night

Chapter 72: Chatting on the road

On the official road of Qinghe County!

Qi Nian, who was shrouded in the formation, kept using the Buddhist sect's Tianqing big handprint to collide with the large formation jointly set up by Su Xuan and Mo Shanshan. The collision is actually a confrontation, and the ground veins extending up and down in all directions extend several miles away.

It is an extremely stupid thing to use human power to compete with the power of heaven and earth. There may be people in the world who can overcome the power of heaven and earth, but it is absolutely impossible for Qi Nian.

Qi Nian, who is walking around the world in an unknowable place of the Buddhist sect, looked at Su Xuan and Mo Shanshan who had already stepped into the bullock cart, and countless anger surged in his heart. At this moment, Qi Nian seemed to be full of anger. The furnace seemed to be about to explode in the next moment.

Before coming to Qinghe County in the Tang Dynasty, Qi Nian thought about many kinds of results, there might be a hard fight, maybe Ye Su, who walks the world of Zhishouguan in the unknown place of Daomen, would appear, but Qi Nian never thought that facing that person Su Xuan, a disciple of the Taoist sect who knows Shouguan, will lose so cleanly.

The closed-mouth meditation he has practiced for fifteen years now looks more like a sad joke. While feeling angry, Qi Nian felt a deep sense of powerlessness. It's a pity that under the cover of the formation, Su Xuan who was outside the formation couldn't hear him at all. Knowing that Qi Nian couldn't break out of the formation immediately, he could only sit silently on the road.

Qingniu pulled the heavy carriage, ready to bypass the big formation, and continued towards the direction of Chang'an. When approaching the left side of the formation, Su Xuan on the bullock cart looked at Qi Nian who was sitting cross-legged on the road, and said He said, "Master Qi Nian, see you in Chang'an!"

Su Xuan's words resounded in Qi Nian's ears like a nine-day thunderstorm. Looking at the ox cart leaving leisurely, Qi Nian wanted to say something, but after a moment of silence, she closed her mouth.

Because it is really good not to die, Qi Nian thought that he had already understood life and death, but he did not expect that in the end, he was still afraid of death, but who would choose to die when facing life?

In the compartment!

Mo Shanshan wrote lines on the rice paper that belonged exclusively to Taoism. For practitioners of Taoism, these criss-crossing lines are the principles of the world.

She had just displayed the block array in front of the gate of Mozong Mountain in the way of talisman, and she had seen the road to the realm of knowing fate. She put down the pen in her hand and said: "I have seen the principle of the realm of knowing fate, the time to break the mirror , probably in the next few days.”

Su Xuan, who was flipping through some obscure Taoist book, said with a smile: "We will arrive in Chang'an in a few days. I think it is a blessing that you are in Chang'an. If you only talk about the realm of cultivation, you are not in Yemen." Under the red fish."

Among the three idiots in the world, the Dao idiot has entered the realm of knowing fate early, and the book idiot is about to break the mirror in Chang'an, and only the book idiot is still lingering in the realm of Dongxuan. It has something to do with practice, but **** prefers those flowers and plants, which is really useless to practice.

After hearing this, Mo Shanshan showed a slight smile between his brows, and she said: "Tao Chi is really good at fighting, even the practitioners of the older generation who know the realm of fate, can't defeat Dao Chi in the life-and-death fight." Immediately afterwards, Mo Shan Shan changed his tone and asked, "But Mr. Su, can we really enter Chang'an City this time?"

Along the way, even if she had a pure mind, she probably guessed what Su Xuan wanted to do. Su Xuan's plan was not very scheming, but it was an upright plan. Almost by himself, he made a famous practitioner in the world. Gather in Chang'an.

Perhaps in the eyes of Tang Guo, this Mr. Su, who was friendly to her, has already become a thorn in his flesh, and he wished to get rid of it as soon as possible.

Su Xuan put down the obscure Daoist scriptures in his hand, and explained: "Don't worry too much, of course we can enter Chang'an, Master is not an idiot, why would you let the gentleman from the back mountain of the academy stop us? Yan Se Uncle Master may not come back to stop me, as for the other practitioners in the Tang Kingdom, they can do nothing to me!"

On the bank of the hot sea, he discussed with his master about the coming of Hades. The master went to many places and there was no Hades, but there is no evidence that Hades does not exist, and Hades may exist, so this is why Master let him go. The reason for entering Chang'an City was that he was more worried about how to get out of the city than how to enter Chang'an City.

When Ning Que and Xiahou fought on the shore of Yanming Lake, Ning Que couldn't block Xiahou's bright spear, and Sang Sang would naturally help him with the Haotian Divine Radiance. A lantern was lit in the darkness, and when the light faded away, under the cover of black crows, the underworld girl officially came to the world.

Mo Shanshan was still a little worried, she said: "Master agrees that we enter Chang'an, but this does not mean that the secular customs of the Tang Kingdom will allow us to enter Chang'an. Don't forget the temperament of Mr. Thirteen."

She thought of the thirteenth gentleman of the academy that she saw in the wasteland. The academy is the most desirable holy place for practice in the world, but there are many talented people who come out of the academy to govern the country, so Mo Shanshan is ~ These people will obstruct Su Xuan from entering Chang'an City.

Whether it was on the wasteland or in the Demon Sect, the relationship between Su Xuan and the thirteenth gentleman of the academy, Ning Que, was not harmonious. It would not be an exaggeration to say that fire and water are incompatible.

Inside the carriage, sandalwood is curling up, and wisps of clear smoke rise from time to time, and then dissipate.

With Su Xuan's index finger, Mosuo touched the Taoist book on the table.

A wise man is sure to lose something if he thinks a lot; a fool is sure to gain something if he thinks a lot. This is a very superficial truth, but it is a truth that no one can escape.

He really didn't think about the obstruction of the worldly people, after all, how could the goshawks in the sky care about the ants on the ground, but if these people really found some dirty way to stop him, it would be really troublesome.

There are almost no practitioners in the world who will care about people in the world. Those who can practice have already transcended the world in a certain sense. In addition, there is Xiling, who claims to be righteous, and practitioners on the bright side seldom make a move. To deal with the worldly people.

Su Xuan frowned slightly, and he said calmly: "It's okay, the sages once said that it is a joy to have friends coming from afar. It is not said in the ancient etiquette to keep guests away. I can't afford to lose this face."

After Mo Shanshan nodded slightly, he said, "I hope so!"

A murderous intent flashed in Su Xuan's eyes, and he said, "It's better to be like this!"

Because it can only be the best. In this panic world, no one dares to assert that he can predict all the things in the world. Besides, he seldom makes a move, which doesn't mean he won't make a move.

It's just that as a practitioner of the peak realm of knowing fate, he has indeed lost his status, lost a little dignity, and affected his reputation by attacking some ordinary soldiers.



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