Journey To the Heavens Starting From the Night

Vol 2 Chapter 661: Unexpected existence!

The latest website: In that space-time segment, the river of time and space traverses the entire space-time, facing the all-out strangulation of many practitioners in the realm of Daluo Jinxian.

The black hand hiding behind Martial Dao also rushed out from the long river of time and space in a frenzy.

It's just that what many Daluo Jinxian realm practitioners expected wrongly is that the black hand behind the martial arts does not come from the future, but from the past.

I saw a figure with the head of a beast, wearing a crown, walking out from the end of the long river of time and space, and came to this space-time fragment in an instant.

Master Styx looked at this figure, and snorted coldly: "I think who is planning behind this martial art? It turned out to be the defeated general in the past. You escaped your life by chance when you were rebellious. Could it be that you are going to come here today and die?" ?"

God Rebellion, who became enlightened during the time when the ancient gods ruled the world. After the ancient gods ruled the world and became lonely, he commanded many gods and beasts, intending to establish the so-called gods and beasts to rule the world.

It's a pity that Shen Ni's heart is higher than the sky, and his life is a little thinner than paper. It only took a hundred years of effort for Xuanmen to wipe out Shen Ni.

It's just that what he didn't expect was that the things that they swept into the trash dump in the past, now they dare to say that they are now in front of them.

Shen Ni looked at the many avenues and long rivers rising in the distance, and said with a sneer: "Minghe, you are too brazen, if it weren't for your Taoism to disrupt the situation, this seat has already reached the realm of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian. After spending so much time talking, why plan martial arts?

I just didn't expect that His Majesty the Emperor of Heaven would actually have such a big idea, and wanted to swallow up the Dao of this seat. It's a pity that this seat has planned several times to rule the world. How could it be His Majesty the Emperor of Heaven? It can be shaken by a short ten thousand years of planning. "

Although that is what he said, the current situation is not very good for him. Although he is only a thin line away from the realm of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

But that line of separation lay in front of him like an insurmountable ravine. If the Heavenly Emperor hadn't disrupted the situation, he would be the one who would become the ancestor and mess with the fate of time and space when the next Pangu Era arrived.

The demon master Kunpeng looked at the majestic Shenni, and taunted: "Shenni, who doesn't know about the **** things you did back then, go back to the time and space segment you are in, otherwise, I will send you back to the ruins!"

Compared with Luo Hu, Shen Ni is a lunatic, and he is still called a lunatic by Luo Hu. Facing a lunatic like Shen Ni, he must be shot to death with a congenital Lingbao, otherwise he will not die when he hits a snake, but will be bitten by a snake instead .

It was too late to say that at that time, many great Luo Jinxians shot together, and dozens of innate spiritual treasures also smashed at the **** who wanted to break free from the long river of time and space.

But time and space, time and space, is it such a simple existence?

The long river of time and space rolled away, and even though Shen Ni exhausted all means, he could not break free from the long river of time and space.

At this time, Shen Ni found out strangely that not only could he not break free from the long river of time and space, but he was also unable to use the characteristics of the long river of time and space to leave.

Just now, the overbearing **** rebellious shouted filial piety in the long river of time and space: "Who, dare to disturb the long river of time and space?"

"It's been a long time, **** rebel!"

Bai Ze, who was dressed in a blue celestial robe and had a goatee, appeared at some unknown time, beyond the long river of time and space.

Bai Ze scooped up a handful of water from the Changhe River of Time and Space, looked carefully, and then threw it back. Bai Ze said indifferently: "God rebellious, you slaughtered the Bai Ze clan back then, and today I will send you into the palace together." Returning to the ruins, don’t worry that your innate immortal spirit will be sent directly to the scene where Pan Gu created the world.”

In the past, the Baize clan also lost an important presence among the ancient gods. It's just that at the end of the ancient gods' reign, the **** emperor fell, and all kinds of ghosts and snakes jumped out, and Shenni was naturally the happiest one among them.

The Bai Ze family was also destroyed by the hands of the gods.

Dozens of bright rays of light directly entered the long river of time and space, and strangled the God Rebel anchored by Bai Ze with his great supernatural power!

Really strangling!

Not only to kill Shenni, but also to obliterate his innate indestructible true spirit, and to erase the existence of Shenni.

The demon master Kunpeng looked at Bai Ze and said, "Thank you, Prime Minister,

Well, if there is no prime minister to help, I am afraid that I will not have the chance to kill this rebel this time. "

An old guy next to Hunyuan Daluo, even if they were defeated by them back then, it was really hard to kill.

After all, for an existence like God's Rebellion, although the realm of cultivation is not very high, it can be said to be top-notch in terms of escape.

If it wasn't for his good escaping skills, this godly rebel would have died in the strangulation in previous years.

Bai Ze smiled flatly and said, "It's okay, after all, do I have selfish intentions? But I still should thank our Heavenly Emperor, if it weren't for that Majesty, who wanted to take away the long river of martial arts, this God Rebel would not be so weak. "

Although Shen Ni had a deep blood feud with him, but on the road, Shen Ni's path was much firmer than that of His Majesty the Emperor of Heaven. There was no fancy show, just going all the way to the dark.

And His Majesty the Heavenly Emperor who nominally commands the Nine Layers of Heaven is really a bit indecisive.

The demon master Kunpeng said: "That His Majesty the Heavenly Emperor is indeed a bit indecisive, but since it is the choice of the Dao, it is naturally not something we can question, but the rebellion is completely gone now. If you want to come to that Heavenly Emperor, it is also true. Taking the long river of the Martial Arts Dao, after all, it is still troublesome!"

No one knows when the next Pan Gu Dao era will come, but what they can do is to kick as much as possible other practitioners who do not belong to the Da Luo Jin Immortal Realm who do not belong to Taoism before the next Pan Gu Dao era comes. go out.

Bai Ze said calmly: " Your Majesty, even if he seizes the long river of Martial Dao Dao, it is still water without roots. , the martial arts that can be deduced are still a bit worse after all, maybe there will still be black hands after God's Rebellion."

As the former Prime Minister of the Yaozu, he instinctively felt that this matter was not that simple, everything went too smoothly, and it seemed that there was no problem.

But since the Yaozu ruled the world, he has never experienced such a smooth thing, too smooth is the biggest problem.

The demon master Kunpeng said: "No matter what, there is absolutely no hope of God's rebellion now. After all, I have the upper hand this time. Next, let's see, His Majesty the Heavenly Emperor, how to continue this big show! "

The world is like chess, who can see it too thoroughly?

In the past when the ancient gods ruled the world, there were so many talents, but now, among the many ancient gods, there is only the not-so-intelligent Lord Taishan who lives in the world!



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