Journey To the Heavens Starting From the Night

Chapter 66: Chess players who disrupt the game are the scariest

Outside the cave under the night, Su Xuan concentrated on watching the rotten game on the chessboard. The white chess piece in his hand could not be put down for a long time. Regarding chess, he knew nine out of ten. Don't know anything.

The chessboard left by the Buddha interfered with his deduction all the time, so Su Xuan didn't make any moves for a while.

Master Qishan, who was sitting opposite Su Xuan, looked at Su Xuan who was hesitant, and sincerely persuaded him: "Mr. Su, if you can't figure out how to play, then you can go to the meditation room in the temple and have a good rest for a night, why waste time in the second time?" What? Lanke’s mess has existed for many years, and no one can break it, so naturally there is a reason for him not to be broken."

Watching the endgame of Lanke laid out on the chessboard left by the Buddha, at most it will consume a little mind, and it will be fine after a few days of rest, but the person who breaks the game is wasting time, that is, his own life, the so-called playing chess without a day Moon, it has been like this for a hundred years outside the cave.

It's just that this bad situation is not like those stories in the world. It's a great opportunity. If you get into the game too deeply, it will hinder your Taoism, and I'm afraid it will be ruined. That's why he wanted to let this person know Su Xuan, a disciple of the Shouguan Mountain Gate, left the chess game as soon as possible.

The evening wind came slowly, and the leaves on the pear tree kept falling, and the falling leaves fell leisurely on the chessboard. It was only a blink of an eye, and the leaves that were green just now were already rotten.

Seeing this situation, Su Xuan said: "This looks like the rule of time, but it is actually the Buddha Kingdom in the palm of the Buddha. The Buddha has not transcended this world, so how can he control the rule of time?"

Then Su Xuan said sadly: "This is the Buddha's nirvana mood. If it wasn't for a coincidence that I read a Taoist book copied by a senior, I might really be deceived."

Maybe the Buddha understood some laws of time back then, but how much time can be left on this chessboard?

20% or 10%?

There was silence outside the cave reed, and the white chess piece that Su Xuan was holding wanted to be placed on the nineteen staggered points on the chessboard, but an invisible barrier was formed on the chessboard, preventing Su Xuan from making any moves.

Looking at Su Xuan who was unable to conceive, Master Qishan raised his head to look at the majestic Buddha statue, and said in a somewhat desolate manner: "Mr. Su, why should you be persistent, if you cannot conceive, you are not destined. Please forgive the old monk for not lending the Yulan bell."

At this time, Su Xuan put the white chess piece into the box, and he said calmly: "Master Qishan's rotten game is indeed extremely difficult to break. I’m not very proficient, but I still want to break the game.”

Master Qishan asked: "Since this is the case, how should Mr. Su break it?"

This rotten endgame has never been broken since its appearance. Even those who are proficient in the way of chess are mostly like the Mr. Su in front of him, who have no chance to make moves on the chessboard.

Su Xuan took out the scroll of falling characters from his bosom, and said, "Master Qishan, do you know what kind of chess player is the most terrifying in this world?"

Master Qishan shook his head and replied: "I don't know, please ask Mr. Su to clarify."

Su Xuan patted Mo Shanshan beside him, and said, "Shanshan, you take a few steps back, I'm going to break the mess."

Since it is impossible to break it with the way of chess, then he will break it with strength. The Buddha's chessboard is indeed very good. Maybe the Luozi Juan Tianshu cannot destroy the chessboard left by the Buddha back then, but the rotten game on the chessboard must no longer exist. What are the similarities and differences between the existing chess game and whether it is broken or not?

Mo Shanshan, who was traumatized, nodded with a pale face, stood up from the stone bench, and retreated under the pear tree.

Master Qishan, who noticed Su Xuan's movements, also smiled slightly, and retreated into the cave reed, dragging his tired and sick body.

Seeing this situation, Su Xuan rolled up the Luozi scroll and smashed it heavily on the chessboard left by the Buddha. As soon as the invisible barrier that blocked Su Xuan's Luozi appeared, he was crushed by the rules on the Luozi scroll. smash.

How can the methods left by the Buddha on the chessboard compare with the Luozi Juan Tianshu? If it can be compared, I am afraid that it is not the Xiling Temple, but the Xuankong Temple that is the leader of the righteous way.

The chessboard left by the Buddha, under the pressure of the scroll of heaven and earth, the Buddha's light made Zen sounds, and the towering Buddha statue was shrouded in a faint Buddha's light.

Su Xuan smashed down the scroll of heaven and earth again, using the magical power of Tianxia Xishen, he said: "There are many people who play chess in the world, but those who can't play chess are the most terrifying, because they can't play chess, they will only disturb the world." In the chess game, the chess player who disrupts the game is the scariest."

Not long after, the nineteen criss-crossing lines disappeared on the chessboard left by the Buddha. A total of a hundred black and white chess pieces turned into smoke and dispersed with the wind. The Buddha's light gradually faded away. means of breaking the game.


Master Qishan coughed a few times, walked out of Donglu, looked at the chessboard whose lines were smoothed, and said: "The chess player who disturbed the game is indeed terrible. If someone else is next, he might renege on his debt, but I am Qishan, and I am going Crossroads, since Mr. Su has broken the chess game, I will naturally keep my promise and let Guan Hai go to Xuankong to borrow Yulan to go to Chang'an."

Su Xuan said sincerely: "Thank you, Master Qishan, for your success. I hereby assure you that Guanhai's trip to Chang'an will be safe and sound."

Then Master Qishan went to the pear tree, picked a green pear, handed it to Mo Shanshan who was under the tree, and said: "Master Mo Shan, although this game is for Mr. Su, it involves you. It is a very spiritual thing, only this green pear can be used as compensation."

Mo Shanshan didn't take the green pear, but respectfully said: "Master Qishan, how can this be done?"

Although she didn't know what kind of spiritual thing this green pear was, she could perceive that this green pear was extraordinary, and a green pear that came from outside the cave of Master Qishan would be an ordinary thing, so she couldn't accept it.

Su Xuan looked at Mo Shanshan who hadn't received the green pear, and said, "Elder Shanshan's gift is undeniable, you'd better eat it quickly!"

After hesitating for a moment, Mo Shanshan took the green pear and ate it in small mouthfuls. She found that the taste of the green pear was not like a pear, and she could feel the vitality contained in the green pear.

Su Xuan looked at the last green pear on the pear tree, and asked, "Master Qishan, a green pear prolongs life, but why don't you eat it?"

Master Qishan was silent for a long time before he opened his mouth and said: "Haha, I have already run out of energy, and now I am only relying on my past cultivation to support me. Even if I eat this green pear, I will only live a few more years at most. For me It is no longer important to live a few more years and live a few years less."

Hearing that green pears are precious, Mo Shanshan instinctively wanted to hand the green pears to Su Xuan, but was stopped by Su Xuan, and he said: "Shan Shan, with my cultivation level, green pears are already useless. It is a stepping stone to enter the realm of fate.”

He can surpass the fifth realm at any time, green pears are naturally useless to him, but his sixth realm, so what should it be? Is there no distance, no limit, or a demon?



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