Journey To the Heavens Starting From the Night

Vol 2 Chapter 546: The bear child set fire to the monkey

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Several years passed.

Tang Sanzang and his group stumbled to the vast open space outside the Huoyun Cave Mansion. At this moment, the group also began to look at the Huoyun Cave Mansion.

Among the towering mountains tens of thousands of feet high, Huoyun Cave Mansion with a height of hundreds of feet stands quietly in the middle of the mountain, and green striped stones tens of feet square are inserted on the side of Huoyun Cave Mansion.

On it was written in demon script, "Seventy thousand miles of fire cloud realm, burn everything in the world."

Sun Wukong looked at the Huoyun Cave Mansion, and thought to himself that the demon king is really brave. The name of this Huoyun Cave is also a small demon king, who can use it as he wants?

What happened to those cultivators in Huoyun Cave, the ancestral land of the human race, why did they not send this demon king who falsely used the name of Huoyun Cave to the Demon Slaying Platform.

However, Tianpeng, who is a direct disciple of Master Xuandu, has seen some clues at this moment. The King Huoyun is clearly the son of Kui Niu. Practitioners, dare to use the name of Huoyun Cave?

Don't say that if you use it, you will be killed and exorcised, even if you think about it, you can't even think about it.

Tang Sanzang looked at the Huoyun Cave Mansion, and said to Sun Wukong who was beside him: "Wukong, the Huoyun Cave Mansion has arrived, you can go and ask, who is this Demon King, and can you accommodate me?"

"What is the deal?"

Monkey King said nonchalantly: "Let my old grandson see who is so bold to occupy the center of this formation."

When he was in the Xingyue Sanxing Cave of Fangcun Mountain in Lingtai, although he was not very eager to learn, his senior brothers were eager to learn!

Under the influence of his eyes and ears, he also knew a lot of secrets. For example, the Chi Dao system of the Great Shang Dynasty should belong to the human race, not to the demon king who came from nowhere.

After walking outside the main gate of Huoyun Cave Mansion in three or two steps, Monkey King held the Ruyi golden cudgel and shouted: "Listen, demons in Huoyun Cave Mansion, your grandpa grandson has already arrived outside the door, hurry up and greet him, otherwise Your grandpa grandpa will definitely let your little Huoyun Cave Mansion be left alone."

Although he is a practitioner of the Taoist method, he is also very clear about the rules of the Yaozu. If he talks well with the Yaoxian, the Yaoxian may not be able to listen.

But once they show their strength, the Yaoxian will only be obedient, and the survival of the monster race is the law of the jungle.

far away.

Sha Wujing said with some concern: "Master, Brother Sun's shouting at the door like this may anger the demons in the Huoyun Cave Mansion! The Huoyun Cave Mansion, which can occupy 70,000 miles of mountains and rivers, can make thirty-three layers of heaven King Huoyun, who is retreating, is easy to provoke?"

The 70,000-mile mountains and rivers are not the 70,000-mile mountains and rivers of the human world, but the 70,000-mile mountains and rivers of the fairy family. If you really count them, the 70,000-mile fairy family mountains and rivers under the command of the Huoyun Cave Mansion are among the many surviving demon kings today. Not too small.

Seeing this, Tianpeng retorted: "Lao Sha, you underestimate that monkey too much. You must know that monkey made a lot of troubles in the Heavenly Palace many times back then. No matter how many heavenly soldiers and generals there are, they can't do anything about that monkey. the Demon King."

He doesn't know whether that kid, Red Boy, can win Sun Wukong. What he knows is that no one will go to death with that ancestor Styx for Sun Wukong, but Patriarch Styx will fight anyone for his grandson. The fairy family never dies.

So no matter whether the monkey wins or loses, it's not a good thing. He still hopes that the monkey loses is better. After all, losing to this red boy is at best a shameful thing. Error-free update @

If this provoked Patriarch Styx, it would be really bad. Their little arms and legs couldn't bear Patriarch Styx's anger!

Tang Sanzang also said helplessly at this moment: "Let's see first, then talk!"

That's the only way to do it, after all, he didn't expect Monkey King to be so reckless.

After a while, the door of Huoyun Cave Mansion was still tightly closed, and Monkey King never stopped shouting at the door, but Sha Wujing could feel that Monkey King's anger was rising steadily, and he didn't know when it would be ignited.

Sha Wujing didn't dare to think, once the monkey's anger was ignited, would his relatives deny him such a stick.

So Tang Sanzang, Tianpeng, and Sha Wujing retreated thousands of feet in a tacit understanding, for fear that they would be affected by a fight.

Within Huoyun Cave Mansion.

The red boy is transparent.

Guo Yunjing also saw the irritable appearance of his father's sworn brother. He thought that this dry relative must be a reckless person, but he never thought that it would be so reckless.

It's just that Taiyi Golden Immortal's cultivation level in the early stage made Honghai a little confused. After all, he didn't know that his relatives once made a big disturbance in the heavenly palace and disturbed the peace of the Thirty-Third Heaven Realm a few years ago.

How come now that his dry relative's cultivation has not improved at all, on the contrary, he can't retreat a lot.

"My lord, we must never dare to open the door and go out! This Bi Mawen is probably going crazy now."

As one of the six generals under Honghaier, he was so anxious that after seeing Monkey King's ferocious appearance, he instinctively didn't want to open the door and go out.

No matter how arrogant he is in this 70,000 li fire cloud realm, no matter how arrogant he is, it can't change the fact that he is just an earth immortal.

Even if Sun Wukong's cultivation has regressed a lot, he still can't survive if he wants to breathe a sigh of relief.

"Yes! Your Majesty, please don't open the door!"

"We should set fire to the monkeys."

"That's right, brother, you're right, under our king's magic fire, this monkey will definitely be burnt to death."

The red boy at the side heard the discussions of his subordinates, and also made up his mind, and said with a sneer, "Since Bi Mawen wants to find fault here, of course we can't let this monkey get his wish.

Little ones, open the formation and set off the magic fire. "

He wants to see how long this Bi Mawen can last under this divine fire, isn't he a practitioner of the Taiyi Jinxian realm? It's not like he didn't burn with divine fire. @重量\\/书阁*First release update~~

That is to say, it lasted for an hour.

So now the red boy really wants to see how long the so-called Monkey King can survive under the fire of the seventy million miles of mountains and rivers in the Huoyun Cave from ancient times to the present.

With the departure of each of the six generals of the red The large formation left over from the 70,000-mile mountains and rivers of the Huoyun Cave Mansion was launched again, and countless people rushed out of the Huoyun Cave Mansion from the past to the present. Dao Shenhuo.

The divine fire swept across the sky, except for the Huoyun Cave Mansion, all the 70,000-mile mountains and rivers in the Huoyun Cave Mansion were blazing with divine fire.

The Chi Dao system left by the Great Merchant was turned into ashes in an instant, but at this moment, a great road emerged from the sky full of divine flames.

this moment.

Many practitioners of Daluo Jinxian Realm moved after hearing the news, and no longer cared about the prohibition set by the ancestor Styx, and wanted to directly break into the realm of the 70,000-mile Huoyun Cave Mansion.

But these practitioners in the Daluo Jinxian realm were stopped by Yuantu and Abi before they stepped into the 70,000-mile Huoyun Cave Mansion realm.

For a while, the situation fell into a stalemate.


 … .

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