Journey To the Heavens Starting From the Night

Vol 2 Chapter 499: Journey to the West in the Great Red Sky

Thirty-three layers of heaven.

Within the great red sky.

In the past, there was a lot of people, and there was a constant stream of people coming and going to and from the fairy house, but because of the disaster of Journey to the West this time, it became deserted.

I don't know how many disciples of the Renjiao, as well as the sects of practitioners affiliated to the Renjiao, are doing their best for this catastrophe.

Even the two boys, Jinjiao and Yinjiao, went to the mortal world early and began to set up checkpoints for Journey to the West.

Every catastrophe is not as simple as it is written in Bai Ze's storybook. The arrival of every catastrophe means the fall of countless immortal families and practitioners.

Tushi outside the palace.

The Bagua Furnace stands quietly on the square outside the Tushita Palace.

Lao Tzu was sitting alone beside the Eight Diagrams Stove, the palm-leaf fan in his hand was shaking slightly, with the shaking of the cat-leaf fan in Lao Tzu's hand, the fire of Liuding Divine Fire in the Eight Diagrams Stove also rose accordingly.

"Coming." Lao Tzu asked.

"Disciple Su Xuan, I have met the teacher."

Su Xuan, who had just arrived in front of Tushita Palace, bowed and saluted Lao Tzu who was fanning the fire beside the Eight Diagrams Stove.

Lao Tzu looked at Su Xuan and smiled: "Come on, fan the fire for the teacher."


After Su Xuan nodded, he directly picked up the innate cattail fan, placed it on the futon next to him, and started to fan the fire slowly, but no matter how hard Su Xuan tried, the Liuding Divine Fire in the Bagua furnace was indeed Can't get up either.

Lao Tzu looked at his apprentice Su Xuan and asked, "Apprentice, do you know why there are catastrophes in the heavens and worlds?"

Su Xuan, who was fanning the fire, replied: "Because of cause and effect, the cause and effect of the heavens and myriad worlds, the cause and effect of all living beings, the cause and effect of practitioners, the cause and effect of practitioners in the Daluo Jinxian realm, so many causes and effects come together, naturally There will be disaster."

Catastrophe, catastrophe.

No matter how catastrophic it is, the word cause and effect cannot be separated.

Lao Tzu shook his head and smiled: "Yes or no, yes or no, although karma is the main cause of the catastrophe, in fact it is only because there are too many practitioners.

Husband does not fight, so there is no one in the world who can fight. The existence of catastrophe has never been to clean up redundant practitioners, but to fight.

No fault

Let the heavens and the worlds fight! "

Where there is competition, there must be change, and only with change will the heavens and myriad worlds not become a pool of stagnant water.

Hearing this, Su Xuan also said helplessly: "However, the catastrophe of Journey to the West this time, the catastrophe is obviously beyond my expectations, not only the Majesty of the Thirty-Third Heaven, but also those two from the Western School, The Pingxin Empress of the Underworld, and even the Wa Palace are already invincible, I am afraid that the local catastrophe will turn into a big battle in the entire heavens and worlds."

Practitioners fighting under Daluo, whether it is a practitioner of Taiyi Golden Immortal or a practitioner of the realm of Golden Immortal, cannot cause the heavens and worlds to collapse.

But practitioners in the Da Luo Jinxian realm are enough to destroy the entire heavens and worlds. The entire Dao law of the heavens and myriad realms may change under the mutual struggle of many Da Luo Jinxian realm practitioners. It was chaotic.

You must know that most of the practitioners under the Great Luo will be influenced by the practitioners in the Golden Immortal Realm of the Great Luo.

Lao Tzu laughed and said, "So what, it's nothing more than resetting the earth, fire, water, and wind, apprentice!

You think about too many things, and these things are still too far away from you. You should follow your family and take a good walk in the world of mortals, instead of going with the older generation of practitioners in the realm of Daluo Jinxian Mixed with the catastrophe of conferred gods. "

Chunyang has already left, and went to the heavens and worlds, maybe even returned to his hometown, and the same is true in Xuandu, only Su Xuan has been staying in the realm of conferred gods, and then thinking about it.

Blind thinking is of no benefit to practice.

"The disciple understands."

Su Xuan naturally didn't dare to refute anything, so he could only answer like this.

"That's not too soon."

Lao Tzu took out another cattail fan and fanned Su Xuan directly into the Chang'an City in the world.

At this time.

Xuandu, who had been hiding for a long time, came out, and he said: "Teacher, is it not good for you to do this, after all, my junior brother is also a practitioner in the realm of Daluo Jinxian."

Back then, he was often slapped back and forth by his teacher with that cattail fan, but since he entered the realm of Da Luo Jinxian, he has never received that kind of treatment again.

Of course, his juniors inevitably received such treatment.

Lao Tzu looked at his big apprentice and said: "It's okay, Su Xuan thinks too much. If he thinks too much, then there is no way to step into the realm of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian's cultivation. After all, Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian's cultivation Realm, if you want to enter now, it all depends on luck, if you think too much, you will worry too much, so luck will not be too good."

After the catastrophe of Journey to the West, perhaps the entire heavens and myriad worlds will usher in an unimaginable change. The cultivation level of the Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal may not be the difficulty that lies in front of the practitioners of the Daluo Jinxian realm.

"Teacher, in fact, I came back this time and found a very interesting thing." Xuandu turned to Lao Tzu and explained: "Master Pingxin from the Netherworld has indeed made a move, and once he makes a move, it is enough to shake the West. The plan of those two in the church."

He thought that under the circumstance that many practitioners in Da Luo Jinxian Realm attacked one after another, Ping Xin, who had stayed in the Netherworld for countless tens of thousands of years, would inevitably be involved in this disaster of Journey to the West, but he still did not expect that Ping Xin Master Uncle is so generous, you must know that it is the true blood of Zuwu, which is enough to make a practitioner of ordinary realm grow into a practitioner of Taiyi Jinxian realm in a short period of time.

Lao Tzu smiled calmly and said: "Zu Wu's true blood is really a big deal. From this point of view, the Rolling Curtain God General in the Eight Hundred Miles of Quicksand Realm should also be cleaned up. If the old man guessed correctly, it should be the common The true blood of the ancestral witch."

If you want to take advantage of the Liusha, you must suppress it. The Liusha River Demon who controls the Liusha River Water Mansion, as long as you suppress it, the Liusha River Demon is nothing.

"The teacher's guess is correct. The true blood of the ancestral witch that Uncle Pingxin gave to Jiang Liu'er is indeed the true blood of the ancestral witch Gonggong."

With such a large sum of money, now, except for Empress Pingxin who can show it, no one else can give away Zuwu's true blood without blinking an eye.

Lao Tzu smiled calmly and said: "But there is one thing, your junior brother is right, there are indeed too many practitioners in the Daluo Jinxian realm who are difficult to get involved in Journey to the West, you go and watch it, don't do it again War of the Lich."

Xuandu smiled lightly and said, "I'll go right away."

Then Xuandu turned into a rainbow light and went to the world, and Lao Tzu sat next to the Eight Diagrams Stove again, fanning the Liuding Divine Fire in the Eight Diagrams Stove.



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