Journey To the Heavens Starting From the Night

Vol 2 Chapter 497: Monks by the Quicksand River


Eight hundred miles of quicksand, three thousand weak water depths.

Reeds can't afford it, crane feathers can't float, and immortals can't cross.

There was originally a river **** in the Liusha River that was canonized by the Queen Mother of the West in West Kunlun, but since the thirty-three heavens, a certain **** will be relegated to this place.

The God of the Liusha River and the disciples of the Liusha Realm fled away.

So over time, the Quicksand River naturally became a taboo among practitioners, but none of the practitioners who went to the eight hundred miles to ferry the Quicksand River could get rid of it alive.

On this day, the golden crow hangs high.

At noon, a monk came to this place with his luggage on his back. The monk looked at the deep quicksand river and said with a tired expression: "The quicksand world cannot be circumvented for eight hundred miles. It seems that the only way is to cross the river."

Eight hundred miles is just an imaginary number. The reason Liushahe is so strange is not just because of the general above the thirty-third heaven.

After all, even if a general of the Taiyi Jinxian realm tried his best, he might not be able to control the eight hundred li quicksand realm.

As a family of ancient gods, the land where a certain ancient **** fell, is filled with the laws left by that ancient **** until the time when the monster clan ruled the world.

With the help of Hetu Luoshu, the several emperor-level existences of the Yaozu sorted out the eight hundred li quicksand realm just now.

So what is really scary is not the existence of demons and ghosts in the quicksand river, but the quicksand river itself.

However, it is an indisputable fact that since Liusha River God left, there have been frequent riots in Liusha River.

Not much to say, when the monk stepped into the river, the turbulent quicksand water suddenly stagnated, and there was a vague feeling that he wanted to make way for the monk.

With the cultivation level of Jinxian, it is not bad to be able to achieve such a level, but as we all know, when the ancient gods ruled the world, the ancient **** who fell here was the one who hated the Western religion the most.

So the monks have not yet reached the middle of the Liusha River, the curtain-rolling generals from the thirty-three layers of heaven in the past, and now the Liusha River Demon, have already come across the waves.

The quicksand river demon with several skulls stared viciously at the monk standing on the river bed in the distance, and sneered: "It's you monk again, you have been buried here so many times in the past few decades, why do you think about it again?" died."

Since he was demoted to the Liusha River, he has become what he is now, and then obeyed His Majesty's will to kill practitioners and monks who wanted to cross the river.

Then turn around and be right!

It really is hypocrisy.


"Benefactor, there is no limit to the sea of ​​suffering, turn your back and be right!

Put down the butcher knife and become a Buddha immediately. "

After the monk proclaimed the Buddha's name, he looked at the ferocious Quicksand River Demon in the distance and said sincerely.

If they can cross it to the west, then countless people will be able to survive when crossing this quicksand river.

Liushahe Demon said frantically: "What a hypocritical Western religion, I don't know how many people I killed, even your previous lives were killed by me, why did no one stand up and say something more when I was on the Zhanxiantai? But now I am asked to become a Buddha right away, if I know that the Western religion is so easy to become a Buddha, I will set up a river of quicksand and flood this land with a radius of ten thousand miles."

During the speech, the wind was surging.

The entire Liusha River was violent, but a few miles away, there was a building passing through the Liusha River.

In Class A of Building Ship.

Su Xuan used the Liuding divine fire in the Eight Views Palace Lantern to cook the 100,000-year-old spirit fish caught from the depths of the Eastern Sea. This pot of soup had been boiled for less than half a month.

Su Xuan scooped up a bowl of soup, tasted it carefully, and said, "This fish soup is indeed very delicious, but the scenery is not very good. How can you drink this bowl of fish soup if you go on like this?"

Afterwards, Su Xuan waved his sleeves, and the Quicksand River, which was still choppy just now, immediately calmed down.

For ordinary immortals, the eight-hundred-mile quicksand world is indeed a taboo place, but for Su Xuan, a practitioner of the Da Luo Jinxian realm, the place where a Da Luo **** fell is also What counts?

Mo Shanshan also looked at the rolling curtain that was facing the monk in the distance, and said, "Your Majesty is really willing to put a confidant in this 800-mile quicksand world, and he is not afraid of being beheaded." .”

There are many factions in the Thirty and Thirty Layers of Heaven, and His Majesty the Heavenly Emperor who has just returned after going through countless calamities does not have many confidantes, so it is not impossible for someone to think that His Majesty the Heavenly Emperor will become a lonely family.

Su Xuan put down the jade bowl in his hand, and said with a smile: "The Emperor of Heaven didn't know whether he was afraid or not. This is the former Rolling Curtain God General. Suddenly, he was killed by a sword one day by a certain opponent, but now this Your Majesty may not be afraid."

Mo Shanshan looked at her family Su Xuan, thought for a while, and said, "Understood, put down the butcher knife and become a Buddha immediately."

Su Xuan nodded and smiled: "That's right, that's it! If the big snake doesn't hit seven inches, it's like you haven't hit; The goal is to let the curtain enter the Western Pure Land."

have to say!

There is no way to resist such an upright conspiracy, or even if it is blocked, it will be useless. As long as the two masters of the eight hundred sects of the Western Church still want to revive the West, they must follow the rhythm of the Majesty in the sky. Walk.

With righteousness and fame in their bodies and interests spreading, most of the immortal families are still willing to wave their flags and shout out.


In the distance, waves rose again.

The Quicksand River Monster Rolling Curtain once again used the ancient **** buried at the bottom of the Quicksand River to launch a killing array, directly trapping the monk at the bottom of the Quicksand River.


"Jiang Liu'er, you will never be able to cross this quicksand river forever."

"go to hell!"

The killing array was activated suddenly, and time and space changed in an instant.

The entire Liusha River disappeared into the heavens and worlds, and it is unknown where it went.

But for practitioners under Da Luo, Liusha River is still and has never been moved.

Jiang Liu'er looked at his body, which dissipated like starlight, and said with a smile, "Namo Amitabha!"

He wants to cross the river, not only to cross himself, but also to cross all sentient beings. Since this quicksand river demon, he is not allowed to cross.

Then in the next life, he decided to change the method, let the quicksand river demon know the name of the west, and also had the wrath of the Buddha.

And the hidden Da Luo Jinxians also showed satisfied smiles after seeing Jiang Liuer's halberd sinking into the sand again.

But when they saw the tall boat that was as stable as Mount Tai in the quicksand river, and when they saw Su Xuan who was drinking fish soup on that tall boat, the expressions of these hidden Daluo Jinxians became more and more dignified.

From the moment that Su Zhenren entered the game, it meant that the teaching, explaining the teaching, and intercepting the teaching had all entered the game, and even the Pingxin empress in the nether world had to intervene.



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