Journey To the Heavens Starting From the Night

Vol 2 Chapter 495: The battle between Duobao and Tianma (2)

On the top of the Marble Mountains!

Standing under the Duobao Pagoda, Duobao looked at Chaos, the demon king who had been shaken thousands of miles away, and said disapprovingly, "Chaos benefactor, enlightenment is early, but when the ancient gods ruled the world, the existence of Xiantian Lingbao seems to be out of control." After arriving at the chaotic benefactor, the ancient **** died a little, and the chaotic benefactor was also beaten into a deep sleep, and he had no chance to come out to find the innate spirit treasure.

So there are not many other things in this seat, that is, there are many treasures on hand, the heavens and worlds are developing, and the Daluo Xianjia is also making progress. "

have to admit.

Even after making a lot of preparations, he still underestimated the Heavenly Demon King Chaos, who has stood in the realm of Da Luo Jinxian since the ancient gods ruled the world. You must know that if the ancient gods ruled the world in the Nage era, the Heavenly Demon King Chaos , Even if he was eaten, it would not be a big deal, the Heavenly Demon King Chaos was a demon **** at any rate.

In an instant, the figure of Chaos, the Heavenly Demon King, returned to the Five Elements Mountain once again.

Chaos, the Demon King of Heaven, shook his head and said, "It's interesting! It's really interesting! I don't know how to manage those wastes back then, but they still managed to lose them. You only deserve to stand aside and listen to the training!"

In a moment of carelessness, the Heavenly Demon King Chaos, who miscalculated the strength of Duobao Tathagata, is now extremely annoyed, not only because the ancient gods of the past lost the prehistoric world, but also because he lost himself in front of the juniors.

If it really counts, even though he has always surrendered to that Demon Ancestor Luohu, if it wasn't for restoring the glory of the ancient gods, why would he be so humble.

Although when he became enlightened, the ancient gods ruled the world already in a situation where the fire was cooking oil and the situation turned sharply downwards, but also because there were too many related households queuing in front, His Majesty the God Emperor did not bestow him with the innate spirit treasure.

But after countless tribulations, he who was humbled in front of many Da Luo gods back then is now the most tyrannical existence of the ancient gods.

So, how could the strongest of the ancient gods lose to a brat?


Duobao Rulai laughed and said: "The little demon king is really ridiculous. Now is the era of Xuanmen ruling the world. The era of your ancient gods ruling the world has long been annihilated in the heavens and myriad worlds. This is the era when my sect governs the world, and as the master of the eight hundred sects, I shall suppress all enemies!"

Before Duobao Tathagata's voice fell, he saw an unknown number of precious lights of innate spiritual treasures gushing out from the Duobao Pagoda, covering the sky demon king Chaos.

The best way to deal with a practitioner in the realm of Daluo Jinxian is the innate spirit treasure, a large number of innate spirit treasures.

After all, practitioners in the realm of Daluo Jinxian have achieved immortality in the true sense, and they can prove it forever.

But they will still be labeled as innate spirit treasures, and the amount of innate spirit treasures in hand also becomes a symbol of strength.

In an instant.

Dozens of avenues shrouded Chaos, the demon king.

for a while.

Even Chaos, the Heavenly Demon King with a wide range of knowledge, was a little at a loss. After all, he had only touched the innate spirit treasure back then, let alone owned an innate spirit treasure.

Besides, when the ancient gods ruled the world, apart from that **** emperor, no one else could have so many innate spirit treasures.


"Master Demon Ancestor, save me!"

Desperately resisting the attack of dozens of ways, Chaos, the demon king of the sky, directly turned on the shaker mode.

In the Heavenly Demon Realm, the Demon Ancestor Luohu, who was waiting to shake people, was also the first to stand in front of the Heavenly Demon King Chaos with the Great Millstone in hand.

The world-destroying millstone began to rotate slowly.

All the heavens and worlds, from ancient times to the present, countless worlds have been wiped out at this moment, and just now dozens of innate spiritual treasures of Duobao Tathagata were beaten back.

Demon Ancestor Luohu, looking at the chaos behind him, is also very helpless, this guy doesn't see the situation clearly, this Duobao Rulai is clearly a security disc, and he still managed to achieve the secret disc in the seat of the boss opposite, that is, today's demon king Chaos, will go up to fight this Duobao Tathagata with a real knife and a real gun, and turn into other demon kings. I am afraid that after a false fight, they should each disperse.

Duobao Tathagata looked at the innate spirit treasures that had returned to the Duobao Pagoda, clapped his hands and applauded: "I didn't expect that even the senior Demon Ancestor, who had been silent for thousands of years, began to move his muscles and bones, but Senior Demon Ancestor really Do you want to start a war with the eight hundred sects of the Western Sect for a monkey?"

He knew very well that Luohu, the Demon Ancestor who dared to fight against the ancestor of Hongjun in the past, had lost his fighting spirit since the battle that year, and he had to compromise in addition to the edict of the Xuanmen Zixiao Palace.

Hearing the threat from the junior in front of him, Demon Ancestor Luohu said indifferently: "Hmph, a small Da Luo Da Luo Golden Immortal practitioner dares to question me. I really think that you have such a thing in your hands. Can dozens of innate spirit treasures be able to do whatever they want?

Back then, even when I was the poorest, I still had hundreds of innate spirit treasures. "

Immediately afterwards The Great Mill of Destroying the World directly spanned an unknown number of worlds and landed directly on top of Duobao Tathagata.

At this moment, Duobao Tathagata finally knew what the cultivation base of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian Realm was. He only felt that his own cultivation realm was about to be crushed by the Great Millstone. Obliterated the general.

Demon Ancestor Luohu calmly looked at Duobao Tathagata who was struggling under the Great Millstone of Exterminating the World, and said: "When the ancient gods ruled the world, I and Hongjun were still comrades-in-arms. Is the nose on the face?"

His former comrade-in-arms, Patriarch Hongjun, might be able to push his nose to the face, as could other Taoist Hunyuan saints, but among these people, they would definitely not include Duobao Tathagata in the realm of Da Lao Jin Xian.

at this time!

Luo Hui saw a sword with the word Qingping engraved on the simple and unsophisticated body of the sword. Luo Hui looked into the distance and said, "Qingping sword! It turns out that Tongtian, you have been looking at this treasure. Now that Qingping sword has come So, will the Four Swords of Jade Immortal be far behind?"

next moment!

The Demon Ancestor Luohu, together with the Heavenly Demon King Chaos, rushed directly into the long river of time and space, and returned to the anchor point previously set in the Heavenly Demon Realm.

"It's good to do it yourself!"

Obviously knowing that his apprentice has other Tongtian sect masters, he said helplessly across countless worlds.

The next moment, Duobao recovered his Taoist body.

Duobao bowed in the direction of Jiejiao Biyou Palace and said, "Disciple Duobao, thank you teacher for saving me."

If possible, he would rather not go to the west to teach eight hundred sects, but since he has already embarked on this path, there is no time to turn back.



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