Journey To the Heavens Starting From the Night

Vol 2 Chapter 454: Qin Huang was furious, and the royal family conquered the disobedient ministers


"It's all a bunch of idiots!"

"The rebels have all reached the vicinity of Xianyang, and this emperor, the Great Qin Emperor, doesn't even know about it. Prime Minister Li Si, do you know the crime?"

The Great Qin Emperor, dressed in a black dragon robe, stared coldly at the officials kneeling in the hall.

Even though there are thousands of anger in my heart, it is not easy to vent here.

For a good casting of the Great Wall, there are only 30 years left to complete the casting of the Great Wall. At that time, whether it is to fight in the heavens, or compete with the Queen Mother of the West for the position of the Lord of the Thirty-Third Heavens.

But now?

The former master of Youjian Dao Temple in Feilai Mountain, Su Xuan, a little moral mage, intervened in this chess game, and even used extremely lame reasons.

It is estimated that except for the little moral mage Su Xuan who believes in himself, there is probably no other immortal family who is willing to believe in such a lame reason.

"Report to Your Majesty, this humble minister is convicted."

The Great Qin Prime Minister Li Si knelt in the hall without daring to breathe.

The civil and military officials of Daqin also fell to their knees.

He said: "Report to Your Majesty, the ministers are guilty."

The sinful voice like a tsunami echoed in the hall and could not be calmed down for a long time.

Li Si's head was even lower, if possible, Li Si even wanted to bury his head into the ground.

The emperor's mind is unpredictable, especially the Great Qin Emperor after Zhou Tianzi. Let alone guessing, even saying a few more words can scare people half to death.

In the huge territory of Great Qin, who can understand their majesty's thoughts?

Naturally, no one understands.

The Great Qin Emperor looked towards the direction beyond Xianyang without anger and prestige, and he said: "Order Wu'an Lord Bai Qi to conquer the general, and go outside Hangu first to conquer the non-officials.

Prime Minister Li Si immediately recruited corvees and continued to build the Great Wall. Within seven years, the emperor would set foot on the Great Wall and conquer the heavens. "

Time is waiting!

If it drags on, I'm afraid that the boy who was the gatekeeper of Zixiao Palace in the past will appear. How can billions of plans be wiped out overnight.

Lord Wu An has not yet arrived at the court, so this edict was sent to Lord Wu An's camp by the servant using the method of flying sword to pass the letter.

After the dispersal.

The huge city of Xianyang began to be closed. The inspector captain led the soldiers to inspect the city of Xianyang. Anyone who was on the street was thrown into prison.

Anyone who has a practitioner on the street, no matter whether he has a Daqin household registration or not, must first seal the Yuanshen and wear the pipa bone.

If a practitioner without Daqin household registration appears on the street, he can be killed on the spot.

The Great Qin Immortal Dynasty, which was established only three thousand years ago, showed its ferocious minions when the rebel army approached Hangu Pass, the last pass outside Xianyang City.

Lord Wu An Bai Qi even stopped killing by killing. I don't know how many heads of Guizhou and practitioners died in the army under Lord Wu An.

After receiving the full support of Daqin, Lord Wu An set up outside the Hangu Pass and killed tens of thousands of practitioners. If a fairy family hadn't exploded his spiritual treasure, all the practitioners who escaped from the Great Wall would have been wiped out .

That is, the spirit treasure of the fairy family has some innate attributes, which made the magic weapon of the netherworld useless just now, otherwise it would be a big fat fish on the chopping board.


Thirty-three layers of heaven.

Outside the Nantian Gate.

Pairs of celestial soldiers wearing celestial-style spirit armor lined up on both sides of the Nantianmen, stretching for hundreds of miles before giving up.

Shunfenger and Clairvoyance are looking for news at the junction of Tianmen and Fengshen Realm.

Received the money!

It's better to move, after all, they are all colleagues, and they still can't leave the heavenly colleagues at will. If they were other gods, they would have gone shopping by themselves.

Today is different from the past, now Her Majesty the Queen Mother of the West is the Lord of the Thirty-Third Heaven Realms, and she is just going to eat a meal in the human world!

It's nothing important.

Thousands of miles away, watching the battle outside the Hangu Pass in the human world, is also heart-wrenching. Now is not the era of the human emperor Xin. How come there are such powerful soldiers in the Great Qin Dynasty.

"Shunfenger, why do I feel that something is wrong? It is said in the heavens that the Wu Clan is standing in line with the Great Qin Immortal Dynasty, but look at these armies, where there are no Wu Clan practitioners, but they are somewhat similar to the soldiers of the great merchants in the past."

Shunfeng'er's face darkened, and he said: "I can't see from such a distance, except I can hear some movement, I can't see anything."

With their meager cultivation, it is simply a fantasy to see things in the human world clearly from the thirty-third layer of heaven. If they hadn't had a little chance back then, the two brothers probably wouldn't even be able to get a seat for this meager little god.

"By the way, these cultivators are really miserable. Even the primordial spirit was swallowed up by the Great Qin army. This is much more ruthless than the evil way back then."

Back then, the devil way was more particular, but now Wu An Jun Bai Qi is not particular at all, if he kills 30,000 yuan practitioners in the realm of gods, how many ghost cultivators will be created?

No one knows whether among these practitioners in the realm of primordial spirits, there are any exceptionally talented and independent existences who use the technique of distraction.


Suddenly, Shunfeng let out a strange cry from the pain in his ears, and then saw Qian Liyan rolling on the ground covering his eyes.

The heavenly soldiers on duty around hurried over to help the two of them up. Don't look at Clairvoyance and Shunfeng Er as small gods, but they are big soldiers.

"My What's the matter?"

A heavenly soldier asked.

Clairvoyance couldn't care about the eyes that couldn't be opened, and said: "Hurry up, hurry up, help me to Leifu, I have something urgent to discuss with Grand Master Wen."

At this time, Clairvoyance thought of Grand Master Wen, after all, the two brothers also served under Grand Master Wen in the past, so it is better to inform Grand Master Wen of such news first.

But don't publicize it, the benefits are not reaped, but it will cause a disaster.

Seeing his brother being supported to go to Leifu, Shunfeng Er who stayed here immediately shouted: "Take me, I am the same, go to Leifu."


The guard on duty waved one hand, and then helped Shunfenger, and walked towards Leifu

After entering the Nantian Gate, a group of people stepped into the teleportation circle and directly arrived at the teleportation circle closest to Leifu.

In just a short while, Shunfeng and Clairvoyant were sent to Leifu, and they told the former great merchant Wen Zhong the secret news they saw.

"I see. I didn't expect the Great Qin Emperor to be so bold."

Wen Zhong, who knew the approximate location, leisurely opened a divine light on his forehead, and came out from the thirty-third layer of heaven, seeing clearly what was hidden by the emperor of Daqin.

Wen Zhong got up and said: "You two have made great contributions this time, and I will definitely pay tribute to you two."

"Thank you, old lady."

"Thank you, old lady."

Wen Zhong looked at the two people who were seriously injured, and ordered: "Come here, please hurry up and ask someone to come and treat them."

Then Wen Zhong put on his armor and led many generals from the Thunder Department to Lingxiao Palace.



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