Journey to the Heavens from the Evernight

Thirty-three layers of heaven, outside the Nantian Gate.

In the Chang-Eared Dingguang Immortal's sound of offering sacrifices to the treasures, there were more than a thousand people from the immortals of the two sects, including hundreds of casual cultivators, offering sacrifices to spiritual treasures and congenital spirit treasures. precious.

Dozens of innate spirit treasures that were sacrificed in advance directly smashed the Nantian Gate, causing the entire Thirty-Third Heaven Realm to shake violently in the collision just now.

The thousands of spirit treasures that were sacrificed afterwards, although not as mysterious as the innate spirit treasures, are also the spirit treasures that these immortal families travel all over the world and rely on for survival.

Under the blow of anger, a huge crack appeared in Nantianmen.

Inside Lingxiao Palace.

The inspector spirit officer rushed over, and there were many immortals and gods in the hall. The inspector spirit officer bowed and saluted and said, "Your Majesty, there are thousands of interpreters and sects outside the Nantianmen, as well as scattered cultivators. Now they are offering sacrifices to treasures." , Attack the Nantianmen."

too scary!

Could it be that the Immortal Family of the Three Religions really can't bear to look down on their own Majesty, are they planning to make a move today to clear the King's side?

Although the inspecting spirit officer is only a small god, he can still see certain things with the help of the cloud mirror array left by the demon clan's heavenly court, so he is very familiar with the things that happen all the time in the heavens and worlds.

On the throne.

The Heavenly Emperor looked at the many immortal gods in the hall, who looked at their mouths and noses, and said indifferently: "I don't know which Qing family is willing to go outside the Nantian Gate to prevent this battle?"

The Nantianmen is here, and the majesty of the heaven is there.

If the Nantian Gate is destroyed, the majesty of the Heavenly Court will disappear.

However, most of the gods present are from the immortal family who interpreted the two religions, and even the gods who came from casual cultivators mostly inherited the love of the three religions.

When encountering this kind of situation, it is natural that it has nothing to do with oneself and has an attitude of being high-spirited.

As time went by, the cracks on the Nantian Gate became bigger and bigger, and the offensives of the Chanjiao and Jiejiao Xianjia became more and more fierce, and they meant to directly attack the Lingxiao Palace if there was a disagreement.

Just when the Heavenly Emperor was about to get angry, Lei Zhenzi, who nominally controlled most of the military power in the Heavenly Court, led the subordinates of Gouchen Palace into the Hall of Lingxiao.

"Brother, I am willing to share the worries of the emperor!"

Lei Zhenzi looked at His Majesty the Heavenly Emperor sitting on the throne, and said righteously.

His Majesty the Heavenly Emperor was a little startled by this upright statement, probably no one else said it except for Gou Chen's elder brother, Boyi Kao.

It's a pity that this heaven belongs to Taoism after all, so how can it be an existence that Xiqi can touch.

The Emperor of Heaven said calmly: "Since the emperor is willing to go, how many immortal families will the emperor plan to bring?"

Lei Zhenzi replied coldly: "It doesn't take many people to deal with some rebellion. I just need to lead the immortal family from Gouchen Palace to go."

Today, I just use those immortals outside the Nantian Gate to set up the majesty of God Gouchen, so that the heavens and worlds will know that among the thirty-three heavenly realms, besides the Emperor of Heaven, there is God Gochen The presence.

"Okay, the emperor's brother is worthy of being a young hero, all you gentlemen, follow the emperor to watch the battle."

He would like to see how this Da Luo Jinxian, who was accomplished by relying on the list of gods, would fight against the long-eared Dingguang Immortal, who is the direct disciple of Biyou Palace on Golden Turtle Island in the East China Sea, and who is the leader of Tongtian Cult and attends the Seven Immortals.

"Your Majesty is holy!"

There was a roar of mountains and tsunami in Lingxiao Hall, and all the gods present had practiced for an unknown number of years. Since they are all in the Heavenly Court, it is natural for His Majesty to show some respect.

It doesn't matter if you shout a word of Your Majesty's sage, and you won't lose your cultivation base of tens of thousands of years.

At this time, the immortal family who explained the two religions, although they didn't like His Majesty the Emperor of Heaven, they didn't like Lei Zhenzi who was a villain.

Most of the gods in Lingxiao Temple are Lei Zhenzi's uncles and uncles, but Lei Zhenzi chose to ignore them.


Lei Zhenzi snorted coldly at the many flattering gods, and then led the gods from Gochen Palace towards Nantianmen.

The Heavenly Emperor and the immortal gods in the Lingxiao Palace followed after a while, after all, they were just going to the theater.



With a loud noise, the Nantian Gate opened, and the first person to come out was Lei Zhenzi, the Gochen God wearing the emperor's crown.

Lei Zhenzi looked at the thousands of immortal families who were making trouble in front of him, and snorted coldly: "Since you have received the seal seal of the gods, why do you have to raise troops to rebel? If you dare to tell half a lie, the emperor will definitely arrest you Go up Zhanxiantai for a while, and then you will be skinned and cramped, and you will be sent to the eighteenth level of **** in the underworld."

The cultivation realm of a Daluo Jinxian is displayed outside the Nantian Gate, but thousands of immortal families including the two sects and casual cultivators are not afraid at all.

After all, in addition to Chang-eared Dingguang Immortal, there are also a few practitioners in the realm of Daluo Jinxian, but they are not as high as Chang-eared Dingguang Immortal in terms of seniority.

The long-eared Dingguangxian looked at Lei Zhenzi in front of him, and said disdainfully: "Lei Zhenzi, I heard that teachings pay more attention to rules. Among the immortals present, which one is not your elder, how dare you talk in front of the elders of the three religions? Knowing that even if your teacher Yun Zhongzi arrives, he will still be polite to me, do you think that if you become the God of Gouchen, you can play awe-inspiring in front of us?"

"Today, my fellow will let you, a yellow-haired kid who can only discharge electricity, see what a real Da Luo Jinxian realm practitioner is."

"Sun and Moon"

Before Chang Er Ding Guangxian finished speaking, dozens of innate spiritual treasures shot up into the sky and enveloped Lei Zhenzi.

Lei Zhenzi, who was still showing his might just now, has a distorted face at this moment, and the rules of the avenue that surround him have been rewritten one after another. Dozens of real practitioners in the realm of Daluo Jinxian are dealing with a person who is pretending to be practicing in the realm of Daluojinxian. The Taiyi Golden Immortal is naturally within reach.

"Changer Dingguang Immortal, are you going to kill the emperor? Don't forget that this emperor is the Gouchen God appointed by Patriarch Hongjun. If you kill me, can you bear the consequences of Patriarch Hongjun?"

Lei Zhenzi, who knew he was invincible, tried to threaten Chang Er Ding Guangxian.

But in exchange, Chang-eared Dingguang Immortal and all the immortals let go of their lives and laughed.

Chang-er Ding Guangxian sneered and said: "I am the grandson of Patriarch Hongjun, how about you, nephew Lei Zhenzi?

Which one of the Xian family present is not a direct descendant of the Taoist ancestor, you are threatening us with such words, it is really self-destruction! "

They came here today to make a fuss, but they didn't expect Lei Zhenzi, the Gou Chen God, to be so ignorant and wanted to label them rebellious.

As Taoist orthodox sects, how could they be rebellious?

And when the two sides were at a stalemate, the Emperor of Heaven led his ministers to the Nantian Gate, and almost all the immortals saw the scene where Lei Zhenzi was helpless.

As a result, there was inevitably a burst of sighs inside and outside the Nantian Gate.


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