Journey To the Heavens Starting From the Night

Vol 2 Chapter 394: Tu Xingsun was captured for fear of staying in the golden array

At this time, Lei Zhenzi, who was hung high on the flagpole outside Wen Taishi's gate, also fully proved Jiang Ziya's judgment.

It also let the generals of Xiqi know the ferocity of the Shijue formation, so far no one dared to speak out of the city to fight.

It also made deserters appear for the first time in the panic-stricken Xiqi army. Although the deserters had been beheaded on the spot, the beheading of Xiqi had already broken three points of the army's morale and then two points.

But if compassion doesn't command soldiers, what should we do, what can we do?

Fortunately, in Xiqi City, there is a lot of food and grass, and there is no worry about food shortage. If it weren't for this, Jiang Ziya would have wiped his neck and gone to the Netherworld.

Just when Jiang Ziya was worrying about gains and losses, he heard his apprentice report that Master Sun, who was afraid to stay in Feiyun Cave in Jialong Mountain, had arrived.

Jiang Ziya, who heard the good news, hurried out of the tower, looking at the immortal grandson not far away, Jiang Ziya was overjoyed.

Jiang Ziya stepped forward, laughed heartily and said, "Senior Brother Afraid Liusun, I have hoped for you, Brother, now the Ten Jue Formation that intercepts and teaches the ten heavenly monarchs is just outside the city, I don't know if Brother Afraid Liusun is there grasp?"

Although the ten Heavenly Monarchs of Jiejiao are only in the realm of the Golden Immortal Dao, Jiang Ziya is still a little worried about his senior brother who is afraid of staying behind, for fear that this senior brother who has already proved the Daluo Golden Immortal Dao will capsize in the gutter and be broken in the Ten Jue Formation middle.

Fearing Liusun looked at the Ten Jue Formation, which had been linked together for a long time, and the group of formations that were still expanding, and said: "The Ten Jue Formation really deserves its reputation. Junior brother Ziya Pindao Sui is not sure about breaking through the formation, but he still wants to enter the formation first to see."

Jiang Ziya said: "Brother, be careful, brother Yun Zhongzi's disciple has already been folded in the golden light formation!"

"Ha ha!"

Fearing Liusun smiled and said: "Junior Brother Ziya, don't worry, the poor Taoist has the cultivation level of Daluo Jinxiandao, how can he be afraid of the small golden light formation!"

Then Fear Liusun ordered Tu Xingsun behind him, "Go and save Lei Zhenzi for your Uncle Jiang!"

Tu Xingsun, who had been hiding behind Fear Liusun, showed his figure after he left in the form of a rainbow.

Tu Xingsun looked at Jiang Ziya, who was only in the Yuanshen realm, and was already very contemptuous in his heart, but seeing the face of Yuxu's family rules, he still said honestly: "Uncle Jiang, nephew, I will take a step first."

Then Tu Xingsun turned into a burst of dust and dispersed under Jiang Ziya's gaze. This is the technique of Tu Xing, as long as there are rules of Tu Xing, he can escape everywhere.

It's a pity that Tu Xingsun's cultivation base is not very good yet, Jiang Ziya was made into a disgraced face, after shaking his sleeves and shaking the dust in front of him.

Jiang Ziya looked at Lei Zhenzi who was still hanging on Wen Zhongyuan's gate, and said, "Lei Zhenzi! Lei Zhenzi, you must hold on, the uncle will definitely rescue you."

And Nangong Shi and other Xiqi's many generals and practitioners are no strangers to the fact that the Xianjia Xianjia Qing went to the Ten Jue Formation.

Those who have never heard of the name of fearing to leave their grandchildren, they only feel regretful about it, and they can only die in vain after entering the Ten Jue Formation.


Ten unique formations, within the golden light formation.

The Holy Mother of Golden Light, who was bored looking at some interesting picture books, suddenly stood up from the futon. She looked at the empty formation in the distance and said, "I don't know which fellow Taoist is here in person, please show up and have a look." See."

Although the Holy Mother of Golden Light does not know which one of the Twelve Golden Immortals who came to explain and teach this time, the Holy Mother of Golden Light knows that this time there may be a life-and-death battle.

Twenty-one precious mirrors reappeared, and the golden light can rush to the bullfight.

"Pindao is Yuxu Palace in East Kunlun, a direct disciple of Yuanshi Tianzun's sect, and the master of Feiyun Cave in Jialong Mountain. He is afraid of leaving his grandson behind."

Fearing that his grandson's figure would appear, he looked at the Holy Mother of Jinguang, who was only in the realm of the Golden Immortal, and said, "Junior Sister Jinguang is in the midst of the Great Tribulation of Conferring Gods. Instead of quietly reciting and talking about Huangting on the Golden Turtle Island in the East China Sea, you will put it down instead. With such an evil formation, today the poor Taoist came to watch the formation, you can stop a practitioner of the Daluo Jinxian realm."

Before the words fell, the Holy Mother of the Golden Light felt an overwhelming pressure and went straight to the real spirit. If it weren't for the golden light formation, she might have been captured by the grandson of fear.

The Golden Light Formation was attacked by Fearful Sun, and the remaining nine large formations also launched together to assist the Holy Mother of Golden Light in resisting Fearful Sun's attack.

The scene where the ten great formations are fully launched can be described as shaking the earth and shaking the sun and the moon.

However, practitioners in the Daluo Golden Immortal Realm have already seen the end of their Tao practice, and they are much stronger than the Golden Immortal Realm practitioners who are walking slowly on the road.

The ten kings of Golden Turtle Island in the Ten Absolute Formation used their formations to block and trap Fearing Sun, but they couldn't stop Fearing Sun who wanted to escape.

In front of the Great Master Wen Zhongyuan Gate, Wen Zhong held a steel whip and lashed at Tu Xingsun who had just been captured.

While beating, Wen Zhong shouted: "Brother Daoist, I'm afraid to leave you, your apprentice's supernatural powers have not been cultivated to the fullest, if you don't come out, I'm afraid your apprentice's life will not be long!"

The steel whip bestowed by the Master of Tongtian came into intimate contact with Tu Xingsun's spine one after another.

Tu Xingsun's miserable cry resounded outside the gate of the merchant camp.

"Wen Zhong, you old man, when my teacher breaks your golden light formation, I will definitely peel your skin, constrict your tendons, drink your blood, and refine your soul."

"Hey! Old master, take it easy!"

Not to mention Wen Zhong was greatly shocked by this change of Tu Xingsun, even Jiang Ziya, who was on the head of Xiqi City, showed shame and indignation on his face.

Is this really the third generation of direct disciples of Yuxu Palace?

In the golden light formation, Filiusun, who was contending with the Ten Jue formation, was also the three corpse gods. Fearusun looked outside the golden light formation, and Tu Xingsun, who was howling like ghosts and wolves, cursed: "Tu Xingsun, you traitor~www It depends on how I deal with you in the future."

Seeing this interesting incident, the Holy Mother of Golden Light taunted: "Brother Daoist who is afraid of Liusun, your good apprentice Tu Xingsun will surrender to Brother Wen Dao soon, why not be afraid of Daoist Liusun, you surrender too!"

Brother Wen Zhongdao's steel whip was a steel whip made by her teacher, Master Tongtian, although it was not as good as the Lingbao made in the Eight Diagrams Furnace by the master.

But it is more than enough to beat a Tu Xingsun who is only in the realm of a fairy.

Fearing Sun looked at the Ten Heavenly Lord of Jinbie Island who had already arrived, and said with a livid face: "Since all fellow Taoists have arrived, let's stop here today!"

Today is just watching the formation, since the formation has been observed, then naturally there is a way to break the formation, so he is leaving now.

I saw Fear Liusun turned into a rainbow and went straight out of the formation, but at this moment, a beautiful figure walked out from the depths of the formation, and casually threw out the beads she was playing with, she said: "Since Junior Brother Fear Liusun is here , then why go?"



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