Journey To the Heavens Starting From the Night

Vol 2 Chapter 384: The giant que hangs in front of the Star Picking Tower

In the Human Emperor's Palace, there is the Zhaixing Building, which is more than seven thousand feet high. It is a pavilion built by the Human Emperor himself after the concubine Su entered the palace.

The sages of the human race even used the word gazing at the stars, but His Majesty the Emperor used the word catching the stars.

Just from the word Zhaixing, it cannot be seen that this human emperor Xin wants to stand shoulder to shoulder with the sages of the human race.

But even though it took a lot of manpower and material resources, the things that can be done in the Zhaxing Tower are still far behind the Observation Tower.

Therefore, this Star Picking Tower became the residence of Concubine Su Daji. Apart from the emperor, there were only the maids that Concubine Su brought from home on weekdays.

Outside the courtyard of the Zhaixing Tower, after arriving here, the old grand master Wen Zhong and others all stopped, and Yun Zhongzi also stopped after thinking twice.

In the courtyard, above the eaves of the Star Observation Building, a bronze bell is hung, ringing in the gentle breeze.

The dragon ball on the top of the Star Observation Tower, about four feet in radius, exudes immeasurable brilliance, and sprinkles from the roof to the entire palace.

Wen Zhong looked at the Uncle Yun Zhongzi who was not far ahead, and said with a smile: "I think you, Mr. Uncle, must have read it wrong! There shouldn't be evildoers hiding in this man's palace. If there is that star Under the Dragon Balls, there is bound to be nothing to hide."

This dragon bead was the one given by the dragon clan when Da Shang's ancestor set the tripod. Over the years, Da Shang has also discovered many evildoers.

Therefore, under the Dragon Ball, if no evildoers appear, then basically it can be concluded that there are no evildoers in the Human Palace.

Yun Zhongzi shook his head and smiled, and said: "Nephew Wen Zhong's words are wrong. If there is no evil person, then naturally he will not be afraid of this giant sword."

Then, with the acquiescence of Emperor Xin, the giant sword hung high above the roof of the Star Picking Tower at lightning speed.

The giant que sword cut from the peach wood that has grown for tens of thousands of years on Zhongnan Mountain is naturally extraordinary.

I saw sword qi hanging down from the top of the Star Picking Tower, but although there were sword qi hanging down like billowing willows, there was no evil spirit appearing.

It's been like this for a long time.

Except for the sword energy visible to the naked eye, there is nothing else.

Yun Zhongzi, who has always been confident, lost his sense of proportion at this moment, and saw Yun Zhongzi frantically deducing the cause and effect.

After a quarter of an hour passed, Yun Zhongzi's face became paler and paler, because at this moment Yun Zhongzi already understood that the Hunyuan Xian family is still the Hunyuan Xian family after all, even if he is so careful, even if he has the catastrophe of conferred gods. With the interference of calamity, his uncle Nuwa still beat him ruthlessly at the Dao level.

Then Yun Zhongzi looked at Di Xin who was about to go to the courtyard of the Star Picking Tower, and said: "Your Majesty, the evildoer may have used some magic weapon to temporarily block the giant sword below, but as long as His Majesty can make it Now that the Ju Que sword hangs high on the roof of the Star Picking Tower, then the evildoer will naturally be killed by the Ju Que."

He can no longer use his supernatural powers in the human palace, but he believes that as long as the human emperor Xin doesn't take his giant sword from the roof of the Star Picking Tower, then the white fox will definitely die. remove.

The catastrophe of conferring gods will also be weakened to the extreme. At that time, the big catastrophe will turn into a small catastrophe, and the small catastrophe will turn into a small catastrophe. In the end, no matter it is the catastrophe of conferring gods, no matter how tyrannical it was in the previous life, it will only be invisible at that time.

Human Emperor Xin looked at the Zhaixing Tower and said, "Then according to what Immortal Yun Zhongzi said, but the Human Imperial Palace is the emperor's bedroom, so Immortal Yun Zhongzi will not be allowed to eat here."

Emperor Xin, who is a human emperor, is very clear about Yun Zhongzi's actions, but he still would not agree with Yun Zhongzi's ideas. If his Concubine Su hadn't been too noisy recently, he would have made a fuss as early as in the Jiujian Hall. Yun Zhongzi was kicked out, how could Yun Zhongzi hang the Juque sword high?

Yun Zhongzi smiled calmly and said, "Leave me poorly, His Majesty the Emperor will take care of himself."

Then a rainbow light soared into the sky and went straight to the blue sky.

Seeing this, Wen Zhong shouted: "Master Uncle Yun Zhongzi, it's a little too much to walk in the palace with a rainbow light!"

A ray of divine light emanated from Wen Zhong's eyes on his forehead, and swept towards the blue sky. Unfortunately, even if the eyes on Wen Zhong's forehead came from Biyou Palace on Jiejiao Jinbie Island, they still haven't been found. Traces of the child.

"Report to Your Majesty, the old minister's incompetence caused His Majesty to be humiliated like this, and the minister deserves death."

After closing his forehead and eyes, Wen Zhong pleaded guilty.

The human emperor Xin helped him up, pleaded guilty to the old grand master Wen Zhong who hadn't got up for a long time, and said: "This matter of the old grand master is to explain the arrogance of Yun Zhongzi, the immortal family, so what has it to do with the old grand master?

The old grand master is now ready to move in Xiqi, how about asking the old grand master to sit on the front line of Xiqi? "

Although Xibo Hou Jichang was imprisoned in Yuli, Xibo Hou Jichang's son, his cousin, was not necessarily a law-abiding person. Besides, Jiang Ziya, the immortal family, wanted to throw him off the throne of emperor.

The only one in the imperial court who can confront Chanjiao head-on is Wen Zhongle, the old grand master who was born as a three-generation direct disciple of Jiejiao.

Furthermore, his marriage with the Qingqiu Fox Clan has been hidden from this old grand master after all! No one knows if the old grand master who is holding a golden whip will give his leg a discount if he finds out about this.

And although Wen Zhong didn't understand His Majesty Renhuang, he insisted on transferring him to the front line of Xiqi, but now Xiqi, even his two apprentices Ji Li and Yu Qing, can watch Xiqi to death .

But even so, Wen Zhong never doubted Emperor Xin's command. After Wen Zhong got up, he said, "Your Majesty, although Xiqi is broken now, he is still rebellious. Since Your Majesty asked the old minister to sit in the town, the old minister Xiqi must be broken and Jiang Ziya brought to Chaoge for trial."

On the other hand, Bigan wanted to stop him, but after looking at the emperor Xin, he swallowed the remonstrance he wanted to say.

As the uncle of Emperor Xin, he couldn't see through this nephew even if he had a delicate heart.

"The old grand master can lead an army of 500,000 troops to the front line of Xiqi. As for the food and grass, I will leave it to Mr. Shang."

At this time, the voice of the human emperor Xin came from the Star Picking Building.

Then the scarlet courtyard door was closed quietly.

Bigan and his party, as foreign ministers, naturally couldn't stay longer in the imperial palace. Not long after, there were servants who led them out of the imperial palace.

Under the night, except for the giant sword hanging high on the top of the Star Picking Tower, the entire palace was silent.

And above the blue sky, very close to the Thirty-Third Heaven, Yun Zhongzi was staring at the gigantic Que Sword hanging high on the top of the Star Picking Building in the Human Palace.

He knew very well that doing so was against the decree of his teacher Yuanshi Tianzun, but for some reason, he still chose to do so.

It seems that he did this a long time ago.



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