Journey To the Heavens Starting From the Night

Vol 2 Chapter 377: In the name of morality, stop fighting!

The magic sword flew across the sky.

Jiang Ziya tried his best to twist his body, but it was in vain.

The Celestial Realm is still the Celestial Realm after all, and the Primordial Spirit Realm is still the Primordial Spirit Realm after all.

The dharma sword had reached Jiang Ziya's body with murderous intent, and with just one swipe on Jiang Ziya's neck, the prime minister of Xiqi would lose his soul to the sky, and his soul would sink into the sea of ​​bitterness.

Jiang Ziya's eyes showed all kinds of sentimentality, as if he was recalling the past, and it seemed that he was expressing his true feelings when he was about to die.


There was a sound of gold and iron colliding, and Shen Gongbao's dharma sword had been knocked into the air by a simple dao sword, and it was stabbed obliquely on the ground outside Xiqi City, trembling.

"how can that be?"

Shen Gongbao looked at the dharma sword that was out of his control in surprise, and the ancient moral sword that stood in front of Jiang Ziya, and he couldn't calm down for a long time.

Isn't this Senior Brother Su, who has a Taoist temple in Feilai Mountain, on their side? Why do you want to stop him from killing Jiang Ziya instead?

With many doubts, Shen Gongbao walked towards Su Xuan who had floated down to a height of only a few tens of feet from Xiqi City.

Shen Gongbao asked suspiciously: "Su Jijiu, why is this? Why do you want to stop the poor and kill the ministers?"

Su Xuan looked at the ancient moral sword that flew back upside down and hung three feet in front of him, and said calmly: "I gave one, and you probably don't want fairness, now that this war is over, Come and stop the fight, stop the fight between Dashang and Xiqi, if you continue to fight the Xibohou lineage, you will die without a place to die."

He thought about it a lot, but later on, he stopped thinking about it, and now he was just doing what he wanted again.

This may not be what his teacher Taiqing Daode Tianzun wants him to do, but this is what he wants to do.

Because Yu Ruyi has already arrived, even if he wants to watch Jiang Ziya die, his second master uncle Yuanshi Tianzun who protects the calf to the extreme will not let Jiang Ziya, the hero of the catastrophe who came out of the catastrophe of the Conferred God People died under Shen Gongbao's magic sword.

Su Xuan wanted to limit the scale of the Conferred God Calamity, so naturally he couldn't give his Second Senior Uncle a reason to act.

Shen Gongbao is so shrewd, just for a moment, the tower machine didn't understand the meaning of his senior brother Su, Xiqi would be killed and injured if he continued to fight, but his eccentric teacher could really watch Xiqi Is Qi dead?

When he thought of his eccentric teacher daring to violate the prohibition of the patriarch, Shen Gongbao ran away for no reason.

"Senior Brother Su, even so, Xibo Hou Jichang will go to Xiqi with us. After all, he is a sinner. He committed such a crime by causing chaos. He should go to Chaoge and plead guilty to His Majesty the Emperor."

This battle has been fought till now, the veteran Lu Xiong died in battle, the senior doctor Fei Zhong died in battle, and hundreds of practitioners in the Yuanshen realm died in battle. There are nearly a thousand practitioners in the Yuanshen realm.

Therefore, Xibohou must be escorted to Chaoge, otherwise the cultivator in the Yuanshen realm who came out this time is still a fairy family, and there will be no good fruit to eat, even he will have to eat melons.

Facing Shen Gongbao's proposal, Jiang Ziya, who had just escaped from Shen Gongbao's magic sword, refused righteously: "Mr. Now you are still thinking about letting my lord go to Chaoge to be tortured, Junior Brother Shen, you are helping the evildoers."

Naturally, it is impossible for Xibohou to be escorted to Chaoge by Shen Gongbao. He knows very well that once Xibohou goes to Chaoge, then waiting for Xibohou must be a dead end.

Shen Gongbao snorted coldly, and said, "Brother Ziya, it doesn't matter if you help the Zhou Dynasty or help the Zhou Dynasty, but do you still have a choice now? Do the hundreds of millions of people in Xiqi have a choice?"

Although he already knew that the Jade Ruyi of his eccentric teacher was hanging high in the blue sky, but as a great merchant national teacher, he had received the support of the great merchant, so he should naturally do something.

For example, old man Ji Chang, wouldn't it be good to just stay in Xiqi honestly? You have to do divination to figure out your personal emperor's foundation. Doesn't this old man not know that the only ones who can judge the heavens and worlds are the immortals?

The scene was at a stalemate for a while, and no Xiqi official could afford the consequences of sending his lord away.

Xibo Hou Jichang has as many as a hundred sons, but none of them can bear the reputation of being unfilial.

Just when Su Xuan thought that the stalemate would continue, the gate of Xiqi City was slowly pushed open, and Xibo Hou Jichang walked out of the city surrounded by guards.

Ji Chang looked at the troubled Jiang Ziya, and said, "Prime Minister Jiang, there is no need to make things difficult. What's the harm in going to Chaoge with the Master of the State Teacher?"

Xiqi wants to overthrow Wudao Renhuang, so he must go to Chaoge, and at the same time he must die in Chaoge, under the butcher knife of Wudaoren Emperor Xin.

Borrowing Dashang's sword to kill him, the Xibohou, so that Xiqi can become famous as a teacher.

"My lord, absolutely not!"

"My lord, Emperor Xin is brutal. How can you survive if you My lord, why don't you let the old minister go there on your behalf."


Xibo Hou Jichang looked at his own military and civil servants, and said: "Everyone, after I leave, Xiqi will be handed over to my son Boyi for examination, and I also ask you to assist Zuo Boyi to restore the people's livelihood in Xiqi."

As he spoke, Ji Chang saluted Xiqi Wenwu who was present.

After a ceremony.

Shen Gongbao looked at Ji Chang in front of him, and said: "Don't worry, Lord Hou. You will never die before you arrive at Chaoge City. As for after you arrive at Chaoge City, it depends on how His Majesty the Emperor will deal with you. You have killed a lot of practitioners of Dashang, including the limited immortal family. These practitioners in the primordial spirit realm, as well as the immortal family, are an important force for the human race to resist the monster race in the frontier."

However, judging from the way the human emperor Xin treated Xibo Hou Jichang in the past, Xibo Hou Jichang would definitely die this time!

But I'm afraid that those in the middle of the court who are in the way will intercede for him, saying that the crime of treason is being bewitched by a traitor.


"Then Mr. Lao Guoshi will take care of you along the way."

Then Xibo Hou Jichang was tied into a prison cart by the soldiers of Emperor Xin's conquest army, and slowly withdrew from Xiqi City and turned around the camp.

At this moment, Yu Ruyi is under the blue sky. He also returned to Yuxu Palace in East Kunlun.


On the flying boat.

Su Xuan looked at the gradually subdued world, and said: "This time, Empress Houtu, she should be busy again. I don't know if there are any practitioners who rely on the background and want to run away early."

Cihang smiled and said: "One person in Hades, there is nowhere to return, naturally no one can escape."

No one can escape, that is to say, the Xian family can escape naturally.

Once you enter the underworld, is there really nowhere to return to?



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