Journey To the Heavens Starting From the Night

Vol 2 Chapter 372: Shen Gongbao: I really don’t have a congenital treasure

A yellow flag hung over the city of Xiqi.

The flag is painted with complicated cloud patterns, and golden lotus flowers emerge from around the Yuxu Xinghuang flag.

Blossoming golden lotus flowers swayed from the head of Xiqi City and floated outwards. It didn't take long for the four walls of the outer city of Xiqi City to be covered with golden lotus flowers.

In the army of the Great Merchants Conquest, the real fire of Samadhi released by the immortals, just approached the blossoming golden lotus, and the real fire of Samadhi, which was able to burn mountains and seas just now, turned into a fire of ordinary people in an instant.

The blossoming lotus flowers derived from the Yuxu Xinghuang Banner, but the brilliance has weakened a little bit, and hundreds of true fires of Samadhi have been extinguished at a position less than a hundred feet above the head of Xiqi City.

Seeing with their own eyes that the celestial family who participated in this war after the samadhi true fire was turned into useless work by their own family, all of them sighed.

"As the direct heir of Yuxu Palace, this Jiang Ziya really doesn't talk about immortal virtues. He actually uses the innate spiritual treasure, and it is also the famous Yuxu Xinghuang Banner of Yuxu Palace."

"What Wang Daoyou said is true. If Jiang Ziya can slow down a bit, we can speed up a bit. Now Xiqi City has turned into a sea of ​​flames."

"Now it's up to Master Guoshi to use the Xiantian Lingbao."


A group of immortal families were discussing under the city of Xiqi, and the sharp-eyed immortal family had already recognized the congenital spirit treasure used by Jiang Ziya.

Most of the conquest army were immortals, and they didn't doubt that Jiang Ziya carried the innate spirit treasure on him, but they never thought that Jiang Ziya, a practitioner in the realm of the primordial spirit, could actually use the innate spirit treasure.

But even though this is the case, the immortals in the army are never tired of using the real fire of samadhi to attack Xiqi City.

As long as a practitioner does not reach the realm of the Golden Immortal, he will still be tired after all, not to mention Jiang Ziya's cultivation base in the realm of the Yuanshen, to use a Yuxu Xinghuang Banner that even a Golden Immortal can hardly fully grasp.

It's just that the true fire of Samadhi will still go out when facing the lotus flowers derived from the Yuxu Xinghuang Banner, but the golden lotus flowers that protect the entire Xiqi City have also begun to gradually dissipate.

far away.

Veteran Lu Xiong also found Shen Gongbao who was watching the battle, Lu Xiong felt the continuous heat wave, and asked: "Master of the State Teacher, it's time for you to use the Xiantian Lingbao, and only you, the State Teacher, can hold the Xiantian Lingbao. Those golden lotuses that can destroy that old man Jiang Shang."

He has been watching the battle with Yin Xun for more than an hour. Although Dashang conquered the immortals in the army and used Samadhi real fire to attack Xiqi with fire, it was very effective, but after Jiang Ziya used the Yuxu Xinghuang Banner, the fire attack The momentum will decrease again and again.

Shen Gongbao looked at Lu Xiong who was chattering in front of him, and said helplessly: "Old General Lu! It's not that Pindao didn't want to use the Xiantian Lingbao to take down Jiang Ziya, but Pindao really doesn't have Xiantian Lingbao!"

Then Shen Gongbao said angrily: "It's really my eccentric teacher Yuan Shi Tianzun who is too eccentric to Jiang Ziya. Before going down the mountain, my eccentric teacher said that he handed over the Yuxu Xinghuang Banner to Jiang Ziya, and the pindao got nothing! "

What Shen Gongbao said can be said to be chilling for those who listen, and tears for those who hear it!

As Yuxu's direct descendant, he didn't even get a single innate spiritual treasure. How bad his luck is that he couldn't get anything!

Lu Xiong turned his head to look at the Da Shang Xian family who was still burning golden lotus flowers with the real fire of samadhi, and said: "National teacher, which brother Su, didn't you give me a treasure? Why don't you use it now! "

"Old General Lu is right."

Yin Xun, who came in a hurry, also persuaded: "My lord, now as long as the Yuxu apricot-yellow flag is broken, the rebellious minister Xi Qi will perish in an instant."

His second uncle died, and he had to avenge his second uncle, as long as he could break Xiqi City, he would do whatever he wanted.

Shen Gongbao looked at Lu Xiong and Yin Xun, and said: "Hey, my Senior Brother Su has already said that we should use it well, so naturally we have to wait until it's time to use it. You don't really think that as long as Xiqi is broken That's the end of the city! That eccentric teacher of Pindao won't let Xiqi be destroyed so easily."

"Old General Lu, Pindao has to go to Feilai Mountain. The battle in Xiqi depends entirely on the old general. At that time, Senior Brother Su of Pindao made a rule not to use Xiantian Lingbao. Now is the time to see it." Let's see if that Senior Brother Su from Pindao doesn't count for words."

His senior brother Su is a direct disciple of the people's teaching, he doesn't believe that such a person would do such a meaningless thing, I'm afraid his senior brother Su is just waiting for him to invite him?

People teach doing nothing and doing everything, who knows what his uncle, who has closed the mountain gate, wants to do?

Lu Xiong said: "It turned out that I was going to invite the great sacrificial wine. Please rest assured, the national teacher. As long as there is a veteran, Jiang Shang will not be able to get out of Xiqi City."

Hundreds of thousands of troops have already besieged Xiqi City, and the practitioners in the conquest army, such as Xianjia, are attacking Xiqi City day and night. Under such a situation, if Jiang Ziya can still escape, then he Just wipe your neck under the city of Xiqi and forget The two poor people go one step ahead! "

Shen Gongbao turned over and stepped onto the white-fronted tiger, and the white-fronted tiger raised clouds and mist from its four hooves, carrying Shen Gongbao to the blue sky.

After finding out the direction of Feilai Mountain, Shen Gongbao slapped the white-fronted tiger on the forehead, and the white-fronted tiger galloped in the direction of Feilai Mountain.


The head of Xiqi City.

Yang Jian's eyes were shining brightly. When he saw Shen Gongbao riding a white-fronted tiger away, Yang Jian looked at Jiang Ziya who was struggling to maintain the Yuxu Xinghuang Banner, and said, "Master Jiang, Shen Gongbao has gone to Feilai Mountain. It should be Invite Master Su."

Although his Uncle Su had a good original intention to limit the war to the Xiantian Lingbao, it's a pity that in a battle of immortals, how could it be possible not to use the Xiantian Lingbao?

Jiang Ziya said calmly: "Soldiers come to block, water comes to cover. Even my senior brother Su has to be reasonable. As a disciple of the Renjiao, my senior brother Su will not help the evildoers in the future."

His Senior Brother Su looks like he's helping others, but he can't say it bluntly. If a practitioner of the Golden Immortal Realm really makes his position clear, he is definitely not an existence that Xiqi can stop now. .

What's more, the cultivator of the Golden Immortal Realm is also a direct disciple of the Renjiao, Su Xuan, who is known as the Little Moral Master.

Yang Jian didn't bother with this topic anymore, he asked: "Uncle, we can't be passively beaten all the time, we should take the initiative to attack, those immortal families of Dashang have consumed a lot of mana now, it's time to go out and fight for a while .”

In his opinion, now is the best time, if you miss it, you don't know when you will have to wait.

Jiang Ziya said: "Okay, this prime minister will cheer for Nephew Yang by beating the drums."



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