Journey To the Heavens Starting From the Night

Vol 2 Chapter 369: Guanghan 1 Dancing God's Wrath

Half an hour later, there was a Taoist temple outside, on the stone table of the abbot Xu Fangyuan, the inside of the Qiankun Cauldron was steaming.

The heavenly delicacies sent by the Heavenly Court were thrown into the Qiankun Cauldron in a short while, and the Qiankun Cauldron could be used to make a pot. Apart from the Youjian Dao Temple at this time, only the Wa Palace had such a luxury.

Long Ji ate the food without saying a word. As a child, she would not participate in the affairs between adults. She dared not talk nonsense about her father's little thoughts. Maybe the Haotian mirror was already aimed at Fei There is a Taoist temple on the mountain.

Long Ji turned his body sideways. When Long Ji saw her teacher, after her teacher's eyes were trembling like knives, he immediately sat upright and carefully wiped out the ingredients in front of him.

Mo Shanshan let go of his family Su Xuan after pinching his family for a long time. She looked at her family Su Xuan and whispered, "Su Xuan, is that Fairy Guanghan good-looking?"

Su Xuan was sitting upright, looking at the Qiankun cauldron on the table without squinting. Although the delicacies of the heavens are good, but no matter how delicious the delicacies are, at this time he tastes dull, it is really hard to swallow, he also He said in a low voice, "It's not as beautiful as my mountain."

As far as he is concerned, his mountain is of course the most beautiful. As for the Fairy Guanghan, good-looking is beautiful, but he knows exactly what the existence of a big Luo Jinxian means.

Besides, he was a married man.

Nu Wa listened to the whispers between the two, she looked at the Lunar Star above her head that had already shone brightly on the entire Feilai Mountain, and said to Fairy Guanghan, "Changxi, it's your turn.

The palace has already removed the formation, and now any Da Luo Xian family can deduce and watch the scene here. "

All the immortals know about her junior brother in the sky, and many immortals are also very aware of Changxi's movements. As long as Changxi dances a song on Feilai Mountain outside the Youjian Taoist Temple, then that majesty in the sky, It was probably time for the thunder to be furious again, but it was just the starlight falling from the sky.

As well as the heavenly officials, the delicacies that will be delivered every few days will no longer be there, but for Youjian Taoist temple, it is not impossible to get it, it just takes some time.

After getting up, Changxi thanked Emperor Wa first, then got up from the chair, walked up to Su Xuan, and said, "Earlier, I heard that Guanzhu Su was the grand sacrificial wine maker in Chaoge. At that time, I often used the cloud mirror to watch the singing and dancing in Guanghan Palace, today the little girl came here to dance a song for Guanzhu Su, and it also helped Guanzhu Su's heart."

Changxi stared at Su Xuan intently, she was a little afraid to look at Mo Shanshan next to Su Xuan, after all she offended Fairy Mo this time.


Suddenly, Su Xuan was pinched again by his family, Su Xuan's face darkened, and after he looked at the peerless woman in front of him, he asked helplessly: "How can Su, He De, be able to win Guanghan?" Fairies like to give Su a dance."

To put it bluntly, this Fairy Guanghan is not a fuel-efficient lamp. According to the rumors, because of this Fairy Guanghan, I don't know how many times the battle between life and death has been triggered.

Changxi smiled slightly, and said: "Guanzhu Su is a direct disciple of the sage of Taiqing, he has the name of a little moral master, and he also serves as the master of this Youjian Taoist temple, so it is naturally worthy of my dance."

After Su Xuan drank half a jar of fairy wine, he said, "Fairy Guanghan, why don't we dance this dance?"

Changxi smiled and said, "No."


"Really not."

Then, after Su Xuan drank several jars of immortal wine, Su Xuan looked at his family Shan Shan drunkenly, and said: "Shan Shan, I'm drunk, you have to take a good look at Fairy Guanghan's dance for me."

Then Su Xuan fell headfirst on the table and fell unconscious. Even though Nuwa asked Zhao Gongming to shout, she fell asleep without hearing it.

He is very clear about the little thoughts of His Majesty in the sky, and there is no way he can't watch the dance of Fairy Guanghan when he is drunk!

Changxi sighed, and said silently in his heart: "Oh, this Guanzhu Su is also a wonderful person, but you still don't know that His Majesty the Heavenly Emperor very well."

Then Changxi, the Fairy of Guanghan, who is the Taiyin Star King, fought against Yunxiu and danced on the flying mountain.

For a while, Qingniu was so dazed, he really couldn't appreciate this dance.

As for Nezha, he is still just playing with the wind and fire wheel in his hand, he really doesn't like dancing, but if he is fishing for dragons and making soup, he really likes it!

However, Zhao Gongming was a little crazy for a while, but under the piercing gaze of Fairy Yunxiao, he woke up in an instant.

Flying here to the mountain, no one has lost his mind because of Changxi Yiwu, the Fairy of Guanghan.

He could spy on the many fairy families flying to the mountain with the method of cloud mirror, but his Taoism was confused for a while, and he went down the mountain with an unknown fire, and went to Fengshen Shajie.

They didn't dare to kill that person, but they were angry for no reason, and there had to be a place to vent it.


Thirty-three layers of heaven.

In Lingxiao Palace.

The Emperor of Heaven looked at Changxi, the Fairy of Guanghan, who was dancing on Feilai Mountain in the cloud mirror, and the glass cup in his hand was smashed down heavily by the Emperor of Heaven.

"Su Xuan, the descendant of the human religion, and Nuwa Senior Do you really believe that this emperor is a womanizer?" The Heavenly Emperor looked at the rolling curtain standing in the distance with his head bowed and saying nothing. The general said: "The emperor's decree passed on from the rolling curtain, from now on you are not allowed to cast starlight on Youjian Taoist temple, and the immortal officials of the heavenly court do not need to send food to Youjian Taoist temple."

Since everyone regards him as a womanizer, then he should be treated as a womanizer, so that the immortals from all heavens and myriad worlds can take a good look.

Rolling shutter didn't dare to speak, so he nodded and carefully retreated from Lingxiao Palace.

Not long after, as the decree of the Emperor of Heaven was spread throughout the thirty-three heavens, Zhou Tian Xingjun dispersed the starlight that fell on Feilai Mountain.

After hearing the order of the Queen Mother, the fairy official who planned to go down to Feilai Mountain to deliver food was also stopped by the heavenly soldiers and generals.


Inside Biyou Palace on Golden Turtle Island.

Master Tongtian, who was preaching, and many disciples enjoyed the dance of Guanghan Fairy Feilai on the mountain, and the appearance of His Majesty the Heavenly Emperor in the sky.

Master Tongtian laughed loudly and said: "Disciples, this is your uncle who became the emperor of heaven! I was thinking of Fairy Guanghan in my heart, but because of my junior sister Yaochi, I didn't dare to bring it up. You must never Learn from him."

This time, his Martial Nephew Su really gave him a bad breath, thinking that he has tens of thousands of disciples in Biyou Palace, who are free every day, but because of the boy's crying, he just went to work in the sky for nothing.

According to the worlds of the heavens, some worlds that evolve too fast, what Tonger did was exploiting his disciples!

996 is already a blessing, so what should 007 be?

All the disciples of Biyou Palace yelled in unison: "I wait for the disciples of Biyou Palace, and I will definitely not learn from the uncle of the Emperor of Heaven, who goes around here and there, thinking about the bowl and looking at the pot."

Then a loud laugh spread in Biyou Palace.



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